274 research outputs found

    Orders of Nikshych's Hopf algebra

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    Let pp be an odd prime number and KK a number field having a primitive pp-th root of unity ζ.\zeta. We prove that Nikshych's non-group theoretical Hopf algebra HpH_p, which is defined over Q(ζ)\mathbb{Q}(\zeta), admits a Hopf order over the ring of integers OK\mathcal{O}_K if and only if there is an ideal II of OK\mathcal{O}_K such that I2(p−1)=(p)I^{2(p-1)} = (p). This condition does not hold in a cyclotomic field. Hence this gives an example of a semisimple Hopf algebra over a number field not admitting a Hopf order over any cyclotomic ring of integers. Moreover, we show that, when a Hopf order over OK\mathcal{O}_K exists, it is unique and we describe it explicitly.Comment: 33 pages. Major changes in the presentatio

    On two finiteness conditions for Hopf algebras with nonzero integral

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    A Hopf algebra is co-Frobenius when it has a nonzero integral. It is proved that the composition length of the indecomposable injective comodules over a co-Frobenius Hopf algebra is bounded. As a consequence, the coradical filtration of a co-Frobenius Hopf algebra is finite; this confirms a conjecture by Sorin D\u{a}sc\u{a}lescu and the first author. The proof is of categorical nature and the same result is obtained for Frobenius tensor categories of subexponential growth. A family of co-Frobenius Hopf algebras that are not of finite type over their Hopf socles is constructed, answering so in the negative another question by the same authors.Comment: Minor changes. Final version, to appear in Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5); 33 page

    Semisimple Hopf actions on Weyl algebras

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    We study actions of semisimple Hopf algebras H on Weyl algebras A over a field of characteristic zero. We show that the action of H on A must factor through a group algebra; in other words, if H acts inner faithfully on A, then H is cocommutative. The techniques used include reduction modulo a prime number and the study of semisimple cosemisimple Hopf actions on division algebras.Comment: v2: 9 pages. To appear in Adv. Mat

    On the Hopf-Schur group of a field

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    Let k be any field. We consider the Hopf-Schur group of k, defined as the subgroup of the Brauer group of k consisting of classes that may be represented by homomorphic images of Hopf algebras over k. We show here that twisted group algebras and abelian extensions of k are quotients of cocommutative and commutative Hopf algebras over k, respectively. As a consequence we prove that any tensor product of cyclic algebras over k is a quotient of a Hopf algebra over k, revealing so that the Hopf-Schur group can be much larger than the Schur group of k.Comment: 12 pages, latex fil

    Extending lazy 2-cocycles on Hopf algebras and lifting projective representations afforded by them

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    AbstractWe study some problems related to lazy 2-cocycles, such as: extension of (lazy) 2-cocycles to a Drinfeld double and to a Radford biproduct, Yetter–Drinfeld data obtained from lazy 2-cocycles, lifting of projective representations afforded by lazy 2-cocycles
