26 research outputs found

    Результаты изучения зеленных культур семейства Apiaceae как генетических ресурсов для вертикального овощеводства с использованием природных иммуномодуляторов

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    Relevance. New technologies Plenty-type in greenhouse vegetable production is wide spread in some countries of Europe, America, South-East Asia and support with main investors of these countries. Project “Vertical farming” was started in FSBSI “Federal Scientific Vegetable Center” at 2010. The goal of our study is the results of the testing plants Apiaceae family at multy circle hydroponic installation using the natural regulators from glycosides class.Materials and methods. Objects of study: plants Apiaceae family – Coriandrum sativum L. (variety Jubilar), Anethum graveolens L. (variety Rusich), Apium graveolens L. (variety Aeliksir); flavonoid glycoside linarozid from plants Linaria vulgaris Mill. L., steroid glycoside moldstim from seeds Capsicum annuum L.. Methods of study: seed treatment with 0,001% water solutions of glycosides, cultivation of plants Apiaceae family at the multi circle hydroponic construction.Results. First experiment by cultivation of plants Apiaceae family at multi circle hydroponic construction was successful and show, that plants Apiaceae family can cultivate at vertical installations Plenty-type. Reaction on the seed treatment with water solutions of glycosides is depended on the species of plants. Seed treatment with glycosides increased height of plants and weight of leaves of Coriandrum sativum L. Anethum graveolens L. increased germination of seeds after seed treatment with water solution of linarozide. Apium graveolens L. increased germination of seeds, height of plants and weight of leaves after seed treatment with water solutions of glycosides. But water solution of moldstim was more effective in 2020, and water solution of linarozide was more effective in 2021.Актуальность. Новые технологии в тепличном овощеводстве Plenty (вертикальное овощеводство) получили широкое распространение и материальную поддержку ведущих инвесторов в странах Европы, Америки и Юго-Восточной Азии. В Российской Федерации программа по вертикальному овощеводству стартовала в ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства» в 2010 году.Цель исследований: испытание зеленных культур семейства Apiaceae на многоярусной гидропонной установке с использованием природных иммуномодуляторов.Материалы и методы. Объекты исследований: растения семейства Apiaceae – Coriandrum sativum L. (сорт Юбиляр), Anethum graveolens L. (сорт Русич), Apium graveolens L. (сорт Эликсир); флавоноидный гликозид линарозид из растений Linaria vulgaris Mill. L., стероидный гликозид молдстим из семян Capsicum annuum L..Методы исследований: обработка семян водными растворами гликозидов, культивирование растений семейства Apiaceae на пятиярусной гидропонной конструкции, биометрия и статистический анализ результатов исследований по Б.А. Доспехову (1985).Результаты исследований. Растения семейства Apiaceae могут культивироваться на многоярусных вертикальных гидропонных конструкциях типа Plenty. Реакция на обработку семян природными иммуномодуляторами зависит от вида растения. Кориандр посевной реагировал существенным повышением высоты растений и зелёной массы, укроп пахучий – существенным повышением всхожести семян, сельдерей листовой – существенным повышением всхожести, высоты растений и массы надземной части. Но водный раствор молдстима был более эффективным в 2020 году, а водный раствор линарозида был более эффективным в 2021 году


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    Chicory is widely cultivated in many countries of the world due to high nutritional and pharmacological value. The possibility of chicory forcing in winter provides quick production of salad heads, which biochemical characteristics are not fully described. Concentration of sugars, water soluble compounds and antioxidants in roots, leaves and stumps of salad C.intybus Konus cv are studied. Element composition of roots and leaves is obtained using ICP-MS method. The highest amount of water soluble compounds and ascorbic acid was indicated in stumps, while the highest polyphenol concentration was demonstrated in leaves. Antioxidant activity of alcoholic extracts reached maximum in leaves and did not differ between roots and stumps. The ability of Konus variety to hyperaccumulate selenium was revealed for the first time: selenium concentration reached 2800 mcg/kg d.w. in roots and 3800 mcg/kg d.w. in leaves. Konus cv was characterized also by high accumulation of chromium, manganese, molybdenum and iron. Uneven distribution of elements between roots and leaves are demonstrated for all elements except Al, As and Si. Intensive root-leaves transport was revealed for Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Se and Zn and decreased rootleaves flow for B, Cd, Co, Li, Sn, Sr, V and especially Na. One hundred g of fresh leaves provides 22% of the daily adequate consumption levels for Se, 91%- for Cr, 15%- for Mo, 14%- for Fe and 12 % for Mn. The results suppose high prospects of C.intybus Konus cv as a functional food, capable to optimize the human Se and Cr status.Цикорий широко распространен во многих странах мира благодаря высокой пищевой и фармакологической ценности. Возможность выгонки цикория зимой обеспечивает быстрое получение салатных кочанчиков, пищевая ценность которых оценена недостаточно. Изучено содержание сахаров, водорастворимых соединений и антиоксидантов в корнеплодах, листьях и кочерыге цикория салатного сорт Конус, а также впервые проведен полный элементный анализ листьев и корнеплодов c использованием метода ИСП-МС. Установлено, что наибольшее количество водорастворимых веществ и аскорбиновой кислоты накапливается в кочерыге, а полифенолов – в листьях. Антиоксидантная активность спиртовых экстрактов была максимальной в листьях и не различалась между корнеплодом и кочерыгой. Впервые показана гипераккумулирующая способность сорта Конус в отношении селена, благодаря чему концентрации микроэлемента в корнеплодах достигают 2800 мкг/кг с.м., а в листьях – 3800 мкг/кг с.м. Выявлено, что исследуемый сорт отличается также значительным накоплением хрома, марганца, молибдена и железа. Показано неравномерное распределение элементов между корнеплодами и листьями, за исключением Al, As и Si. Установлено существование интенсивного транспорта Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Se и Zn из корнеплодов к листьям и замедленный отток к листьям: B, Cd, Co, Li, Sn, Sr, V и особенно Na. Потребление 100 г свежих листьев салатного цикория обеспечивает поступление в организм человека 22% суточной потребности в селене, 91% – в хроме, 15% – в молибдене, 14% – в железе и 12% – в марганце. Результаты предполагают перспективность производства салатного цикория сорт Конус в качестве функционального продукта, способного оптимизировать потребление человеком селена и хрома


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    High nutritional value of parsley determines constant interest to this agricultural crop as a source of natural antioxidants to humans. Biochemical characteristics of 6 parsley varieties (Federal scientific center selection) are investigated. Dry matter content was in the range 20.56-25.92%. Monosaccharides concentrations varied from 1.29 to 2.14%. High correlation between dry matter and monosaccharides content in leaves was revealed (r=0.97). The highest concentration of ascorbic acid was demonstrated in leaves of two varieties: Nezhnost and Breeze. The highest antioxidant activity and polyphenol content were typical for leaves of root-parsley and curly variety Krasotka (45.1 mg-eq GA/g d.w., 16.6 mg-eq GA/g d.w. and 55.55 mg-eq GA/g d.w., 15.8 mg-eq GA/g d.w. accordingly). Antioxidant activity level was found to be strictly connected with the content of ascorbic acid and a strong correlation was demonstrated between these parameters (r=0.92, P<0.01). The highest concentration of photosynthetic pigments was typical for Nezhnost variety. A quadratic relationship between dry matter content/monosaccharides and AOA/ascorbic acid happened to be peculiar for parsley. Significant intervarietal differences of macroelements accumulation in parsley leaves are revealed. Thus the highest levels of manganese accumulated Nezhnost cultivar, zinc and copper – Krasotka variety, iron – Krasotka, Moscvichka cvs and root parsley.Высокая пищевая ценность петрушки определяет постоянный интерес к этой культуре, как пищевому источнику природных антиоксидантов для человека. Изучен биохимический состав 6 сортов петрушки селекции ФНЦО. Содержание сухого вещества находилось в интервале концентраций от 20.56 до 25.92%, уровень моносахаров варьировал от 1.29 до 2.14%. Показана высокая корреляционная взаимосвязь (r=0.97) между показателями сухого вещества и моносахаров в надземной массе. Выявлено, что максимальный уровень аскорбиновой кислоты характерен для двух сортов Бриз и Нежность. Наибольшая величина антиоксидантной активности и содержания полифенолов установлена для листьев корневого сортообразца и кудрявой петрушки сорта Красотка (45.1 мг-экв ГК/г с.м., 16.6 мг-экв ГК, г.с.м. и 55.5, 15.8 мг-экв ГК/г с.м. соответственно). Установлено, что уровень антиоксидантной активности в значительной степени определяется содержанием аскорбиновой кислоты, причем между этими показателями отмечена высокая корреляция (коэффициент корреляции 0.92, P<0.01). Максимальный уровень фотосинтетических пигментов был характерен для сорта Нежность. Отличительной особнностью петрушки от других листовых культур было проявление квадратичной зависимости между содержанием сухого вещества и уровнем сахаров и АОА и аскорбиновой кислоты. Установлены значительные межсортовые различия в аккумулировании макроэлементов. Так, сорт Нежность накапливал наибольшее количество марганца, сорт Красотка – цинка и меди, сорта Красотка, Москвичка и петрушка корневая – железа

    Comparative Metaproteomic Analysis on Consecutively Rehmannia glutinosa-Monocultured Rhizosphere Soil

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    National Natural Science Foundation of China [30772729, 30671220, 31070403]; Natural Science Foundation of Fujian province, China [2008J0051]Background: The consecutive monoculture for most of medicinal plants, such as Rehmannia glutinosa, results in a significant reduction in the yield and quality. There is an urgent need to study for the sustainable development of Chinese herbaceous medicine. Methodology/Principal Findings: Comparative metaproteomics of rhizosphere soil was developed and used to analyze the underlying mechanism of the consecutive monoculture problems of R. glutinosa. The 2D-gel patterns of protein spots for the soil samples showed a strong matrix dependency. Among the spots, 103 spots with high resolution and repeatability were randomly selected and successfully identified by MALDI TOF-TOF MS for a rhizosphere soil metaproteomic profile analysis. These proteins originating from plants and microorganisms play important roles in nutrient cycles and energy flow in rhizospheric soil ecosystem. They function in protein, nucleotide and secondary metabolisms, signal transduction and resistance. Comparative metaproteomics analysis revealed 33 differentially expressed protein spots in rhizosphere soil in response to increasing years of monoculture. Among them, plant proteins related to carbon and nitrogen metabolism and stress response, were mostly up-regulated except a down-regulated protein (glutathione S-transferase) involving detoxification. The phenylalanine ammonia-lyase was believed to participate in the phenylpropanoid metabolism as shown with a considerable increase in total phenolic acid content with increasing years of monoculture. Microbial proteins related to protein metabolism and cell wall biosynthesis, were up-regulated except a down-regulated protein (geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase) functioning in diterpenoid synthesis. The results suggest that the consecutive monoculture of R. glutinosa changes the soil microbial ecology due to the exudates accumulation, as a result, the nutrient cycles are affected, leading to the retardation of plant growth and development. Conclusions/Significance: Our results demonstrated the interactions among plant, soil and microflora in the proteomic level are crucial for the productivity and quality of R. glutinosa in consecutive monoculture system


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    Aim. To assess the changes in hemocoagulation parameters according to the grade of renal dysfunction in elderly patients with cardiorenal syndrome types II and IV.Material and methods. In 56 patients of the elderly age group (mean age 78±10 y.o.), with coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure, the parameters of blood clotting were assessed and the relations with kidney dysfunction grade measured by the level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Patients were selected to 3 groups. In 47 (83,9%) there was decline of GFR <60 mL/min/1,73 m2, of those in 8 (17,3%) <30 mL/min/1,73 m2; in 9 GFR >60 mL/min/1,73 m2, with no signs of proteinuria (16,1%). All patients underwent coagulological assessment of the blood with measurement of the activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time and prothrombin time, international normalized ratio and fibrinogen concentration, as the complete blood count with platelet number, mean platelet volume, thrombocyte distribution width, and thrombocrit.Results. The number of platelets did differ significantly in groups 1 and 3 (p=0,040), as 2 and 3 (p=0,007). Thrombocrit values did differ significantly only in 2 and 3 (p=0,029). In the group 3 the rate of the mentioned values was below the respective reference values. Fibrinogen levels did differ significantly in groups 1 and 3 (p=0,042), and 2 and 3 (p=0,037). In the group 3 the parameter was higher than upper limit of reference range. Correlation found for GFR and fibrinogen level (r=-0,425; p=0,004), for GFR and platelet number (r=0,271; p=0,049). The platelet number correlated with creatinine level (ρ=-0,392; p=0,004). Creatinine level also correlated with fibrinogen level (ρ=0,375; p=0,012).Conclusion. In the elderly, with the decline of GFR there is decline of thrombocyte number and increase of fibrinogen concentration together with an increase of the severity of kidney dysfunction. The pathological changes that were found might probably serve as additional factor influencing the risk of adverse events related to disorder of blood clotting. The importance of the revealed relations, as the aimfulness for clinical application, should be evaluated in controlled studies

    BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PARSLEY VARIETIES (<i>Petroselinum crispum</i> [Mill.] Nym. ex A.W. Hill.)

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    High nutritional value of parsley determines constant interest to this agricultural crop as a source of natural antioxidants to humans. Biochemical characteristics of 6 parsley varieties (Federal scientific center selection) are investigated. Dry matter content was in the range 20.56-25.92%. Monosaccharides concentrations varied from 1.29 to 2.14%. High correlation between dry matter and monosaccharides content in leaves was revealed (r=0.97). The highest concentration of ascorbic acid was demonstrated in leaves of two varieties: Nezhnost and Breeze. The highest antioxidant activity and polyphenol content were typical for leaves of root-parsley and curly variety Krasotka (45.1 mg-eq GA/g d.w., 16.6 mg-eq GA/g d.w. and 55.55 mg-eq GA/g d.w., 15.8 mg-eq GA/g d.w. accordingly). Antioxidant activity level was found to be strictly connected with the content of ascorbic acid and a strong correlation was demonstrated between these parameters (r=0.92, P&lt;0.01). The highest concentration of photosynthetic pigments was typical for Nezhnost variety. A quadratic relationship between dry matter content/monosaccharides and AOA/ascorbic acid happened to be peculiar for parsley. Significant intervarietal differences of macroelements accumulation in parsley leaves are revealed. Thus the highest levels of manganese accumulated Nezhnost cultivar, zinc and copper – Krasotka variety, iron – Krasotka, Moscvichka cvs and root parsley


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    Chicory is widely cultivated in many countries of the world due to high nutritional and pharmacological value. The possibility of chicory forcing in winter provides quick production of salad heads, which biochemical characteristics are not fully described. Concentration of sugars, water soluble compounds and antioxidants in roots, leaves and stumps of salad C.intybus Konus cv are studied. Element composition of roots and leaves is obtained using ICP-MS method. The highest amount of water soluble compounds and ascorbic acid was indicated in stumps, while the highest polyphenol concentration was demonstrated in leaves. Antioxidant activity of alcoholic extracts reached maximum in leaves and did not differ between roots and stumps. The ability of Konus variety to hyperaccumulate selenium was revealed for the first time: selenium concentration reached 2800 mcg/kg d.w. in roots and 3800 mcg/kg d.w. in leaves. Konus cv was characterized also by high accumulation of chromium, manganese, molybdenum and iron. Uneven distribution of elements between roots and leaves are demonstrated for all elements except Al, As and Si. Intensive root-leaves transport was revealed for Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Se and Zn and decreased rootleaves flow for B, Cd, Co, Li, Sn, Sr, V and especially Na. One hundred g of fresh leaves provides 22% of the daily adequate consumption levels for Se, 91%- for Cr, 15%- for Mo, 14%- for Fe and 12 % for Mn. The results suppose high prospects of C.intybus Konus cv as a functional food, capable to optimize the human Se and Cr status

    The mathematical modelling of the process of burden dissolving in superpower ark steel-making furnace

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    There is developed and solved the mathematical model of dissolving process of burden in three-dimensional production, allowing for the peculiarities of modem technologies of steel melting in arc steel-making furnaces