350 research outputs found

    Rhythm-Flexible Voice Conversion without Parallel Data Using Cycle-GAN over Phoneme Posteriorgram Sequences

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    Speaking rate refers to the average number of phonemes within some unit time, while the rhythmic patterns refer to duration distributions for realizations of different phonemes within different phonetic structures. Both are key components of prosody in speech, which is different for different speakers. Models like cycle-consistent adversarial network (Cycle-GAN) and variational auto-encoder (VAE) have been successfully applied to voice conversion tasks without parallel data. However, due to the neural network architectures and feature vectors chosen for these approaches, the length of the predicted utterance has to be fixed to that of the input utterance, which limits the flexibility in mimicking the speaking rates and rhythmic patterns for the target speaker. On the other hand, sequence-to-sequence learning model was used to remove the above length constraint, but parallel training data are needed. In this paper, we propose an approach utilizing sequence-to-sequence model trained with unsupervised Cycle-GAN to perform the transformation between the phoneme posteriorgram sequences for different speakers. In this way, the length constraint mentioned above is removed to offer rhythm-flexible voice conversion without requiring parallel data. Preliminary evaluation on two datasets showed very encouraging results.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to SLT 201

    Young women's perceptions of replaceable upper shoes before and after the upper interchange

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    This study tries to investigate the visual perception of casual and formal leather shoe uppers, by conducting semantic differential evaluations. Twelve upper design renderings were generated based on six ideations with casual uppers converted into formal leather uppers. Based on a seven-point Likert scale, twelve renderings were evaluated using fifteen Kansei adjective pairs and young women's willingness to purchase. Factor analyses were performed to analyze the differences and factors between casual and formal leather uppers. In the factor analysis of upper styles, five factors were identified for casual uppers: evaluation, attention, fashion, protection, and temperament; and five factors for formal leather uppers: attention, formality, fashion, weight, and protection. Whether a young woman is looking for formal leather uppers or casual shoe uppers, fashion plays a crucial role in her decision to purchase shoes

    Sorafenib for hepatocellular carcinoma patients beyond Milan criteria after orthotopic liver transplantation: a case control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is one of the most effective treatments for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within the Milan criteria. However, for patients beyond these criteria, the recurrence rate is higher and the prognosis is worse. Sorafenib is the only drug showing survival benefits in advanced HCC patients; however, its role in patients beyond the Milan criteria after OLT remains unclear and requires further investigation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>As a case-control study, we retrospectively analyzed 17 Chinese patients beyond Milan criteria undergoing OLT for HCC. These patients were stratified into adjuvant (n = 5), palliative (n = 6), and control groups (n = 6).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine of 11 patients who received sorafenib after OLT needed dose reduction due to more than grade 2 side effects. The disease-free survival rates for patients with or without adjuvant sorafenib were 100% versus 37.5% (p = 0.034) at 6 months, 66.7% versus 9.4% (p = 0.026) at 12 months, and 66.7% versus 0.0% (p = 0.011) at 18 months, respectively. The overall survival rates for patients in palliative and control groups were 66.7% versus 40.0% (p = 0.248) at 6 months, 66.7% versus 40.0% (p = 0.248) at 12 months, and 50.0% versus 20.0% (p = 0.17) at 18 months, respectively. Patients in the adjuvant group had better overall survival rates than those in the palliative and control groups (p = 0.031) at 24-month follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Adjuvant sorafenib could possibly extend both disease-free and overall survival for HCC patients beyond Milan criteria after OLT.</p

    Dynamic PET image reconstruction utilizing intrinsic data-driven HYPR4D denoising kernel

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    Purpose: Reconstructed PET images are typically noisy, especially in dynamic imaging where the acquired data are divided into several short temporal frames. High noise in the reconstructed images translates to poor precision/reproducibility of image features. One important role of “denoising” is therefore to improve the precision of image features. However, typical denoising methods achieve noise reduction at the expense of accuracy. In this work, we present a novel four-dimensional (4D) denoised image reconstruction framework, which we validate using 4D simulations, experimental phantom, and clinical patient data, to achieve 4D noise reduction while preserving spatiotemporal patterns/minimizing error introduced by denoising. Methods: Our proposed 4D denoising operator/kernel is based on HighlY constrained backPRojection (HYPR), which is applied either after each update of OSEM reconstruction of dynamic 4D PET data or within the recently proposed kernelized reconstruction framework inspired by kernel methods in machine learning. Our HYPR4D kernel makes use of the spatiotemporal high frequency features extracted from a 4D composite, generated within the reconstruction, to preserve the spatiotemporal patterns and constrain the 4D noise increment of the image estimate. Results: Results from simulations, experimental phantom, and patient data showed that the HYPR4D kernel with our proposed 4D composite outperformed other denoising methods, such as the standard OSEM with spatial filter, OSEM with 4D filter, and HYPR kernel method with the conventional 3D composite in conjunction with recently proposed High Temporal Resolution kernel (HYPRC3D-HTR), in terms of 4D noise reduction while preserving the spatiotemporal patterns or 4D resolution within the 4D image estimate. Consequently, the error in outcome measures obtained from the HYPR4D method was less dependent on the region size, contrast, and uniformity/functional patterns within the target structures compared to the other methods. For outcome measures that depend on spatiotemporal tracer uptake patterns such as the nondisplaceable Binding Potential (BPND), the root mean squared error in regional mean of voxel BPND values was reduced from ~8% (OSEM with spatial or 4D filter) to ~3% using HYPRC3D-HTR and was further reduced to ~2% using our proposed HYPR4D method for relatively small target structures (~10 mm in diameter). At the voxel level, HYPR4D produced two to four times lower mean absolute error in BPND relative to HYPRC3D-HTR. Conclusion: As compared to conventional methods, our proposed HYPR4D method can produce more robust and accurate image features without requiring any prior information

    Eddy-Kuroshio interaction processes revealed by mooring observations off Taiwan and Luzon

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 42 (2015): 8098–8105, doi:10.1002/2015GL065814.The influence and fate of westward propagating eddies that impinge on the Kuroshio were observed with pressure sensor-equipped inverted echo sounders (PIESs) deployed east of Taiwan and northeast of Luzon. Zero lag correlations between PIES-measured acoustic travel times and satellite-measured sea surface height anomalies (SSHa), which are normally negative, have lower magnitude toward the west, suggesting the eddy-influence is weakened across the Kuroshio. The observational data reveal that impinging eddies lead to seesaw-like SSHa and pycnocline depth changes across the Kuroshio east of Taiwan, whereas analogous responses are not found in the Kuroshio northeast of Luzon. Anticyclones intensify sea surface and pycnocline slopes across the Kuroshio, while cyclones weaken these slopes, particularly east of Taiwan. During the 6 month period of overlap between the two PIES arrays, only one anticyclone affected the pycnocline depth first at the array northeast of Luzon and 21 days later in the downstream Kuroshio east of Taiwan.Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan Grant Number: NSC-101-2611-M-002-018-MY3; US Office of Naval Research (ONR) Grant Number: N00014-12-1-0445; MA Grant Number: N00014-15-1-2593; ONR Grant Numbers: N00014-10-1-0397, N00014-10-1-0308, N00014-10-1-04682016-03-0

    Intraprostatic injection of botulinum toxin type- A relieves bladder outlet obstruction in human and induces prostate apoptosis in dogs

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    BACKGROUND: With the increasing interest with botulinum toxin – A (BTX-A) application in the lower urinary tract, we investigated the BTX-A effects on the canine prostate and also in men with bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). METHODS: Transperineal injection into the prostate using transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) was performed throughout the study. Saline with or without 100 U of BTX-A was injected into mongrel dogs prostate. One or 3 months later, the prostate was harvested for morphologic and apoptotic study. In addition, eight BPH patients refractory to α-blockers were treated with ultrasound guided intraprostatic injection of 200 U of BTX-A. RESULTS: In the BTX-A treated dogs, atrophy and diffuse apoptosis was observed with H&E stain and TUNEL stain at 1 and 3 months. Clinically, the mean prostate volume, symptom score, and quality of life index were significantly reduced by 18.8%, 73.1%, and 61.5% respectively. Maximal flow rate significantly increased by 72.0%. CONCLUSION: Intraprostatic BTX-A injection induces prostate apotosis in dogs and relieves BOO in humans. It is therefore a promising alternative treatment for refractory BOO due to BPH

    Assembling a cellulase cocktail and a cellodextrin transporter into a yeast host for CBP ethanol production

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    Background: Many microorganisms possess enzymes that can efficiently degrade lignocellulosic materials, but donot have the capability to produce a large amount of ethanol. Thus, attempts have been made to transform suchenzymes into fermentative microbes to serve as hosts for ethanol production. However, an efficient host for aconsolidated bioprocess (CBP) remains to be found. For this purpose, a synthetic biology technique that cantransform multiple genes into a genome is instrumental. Moreover, a strategy to select cellulases that interactsynergistically is needed.Results: To engineer a yeast for CBP bio-ethanol production, a synthetic biology technique, called “promoter-basedgene assembly and simultaneous overexpression” (PGASO), that can simultaneously transform and express multiplegenes in a kefir yeast, Kluyveromyces marxianus KY3, was recently developed. To formulate an efficient cellulasecocktail, a filter-paper-activity assay for selecting heterologous cellulolytic enzymes was established in this study andused to select five cellulase genes, including two cellobiohydrolases, two endo-β-1,4-glucanases and onebeta-glucosidase genes from different fungi. In addition, a fungal cellodextrin transporter gene was chosen totransport cellodextrin into the cytoplasm. These six genes plus a selection marker gene were one-step assembledinto the KY3 genome using PGASO. Our experimental data showed that the recombinant strain KR7 could expressthe five heterologous cellulase genes and that KR7 could convert crystalline cellulose into ethanol.Conclusion: Seven heterologous genes, including five cellulases, a cellodextrin transporter and a selection marker,were simultaneously transformed into the KY3 genome to derive a new strain, KR7, which could directly convertcellulose to ethanol. The present study demonstrates the potential of our strategy of combining a cocktailformulation protocol and a synthetic biology technique to develop a designer yeast host

    Potassium {4-[(3S,6S,9S)-3,6-dibenzyl-9-isopropyl-4,7,10-trioxo-11–oxa-2,5,8-triazadodecyl]phenyl}trifluoroborate

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    [[abstract]]The reported compound 4 was synthesized and fully characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 11B NMR, 19F NMR, and high resolution mass spectrometry.[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]CH