13 research outputs found

    Spring barley breeding for malting quality

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    The aim of this contribution is to illustrate the results of spring barley breeding for malting quality and point out an important position of variety in production of  qualitative  raw material for maltinq and beer  industry as well as the system of evaluation the qualitative parameters of breeding materials and adaptation of barley breeding programms to the  new requirements of  malting and beer industry. As an example of the results obtained most recently description is made of the Ezer, Levan, Donaris, Sladar spring barley varieties with very good malting quality and effective resistance to  powdery mildew.  Cultivation of these varieties  and malting barley production with  reduced use  of pesticidies is environmentally friedly alternative

    Growth of Potato Shoot Cultures on Media with Antibiotics for Elimination of Bacterial Contamination

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    The aim of our work was to evaluate the effect of selected antibiotics on the growth of potato shoot cultures in the Gene Bank of the Slovak Republic collection and to determine the type and dose that may be used to treat potato cultures endangered by endophytic bacteria. Antibiotics Chloramphenicol at doses 20, 50 and 100 mg/L, Gentamycin and Rifampicin in doses 20, 50, 100, 200 mg/L and the combination of Gentamycin and Rifampicin with 100 mg/L of each were used. Growth parameters – the shoot length and the number of nodal segments per shoot and rooting of ten cultivars of Solanum tuberosum L. of different origin were evaluated. Chloramphenicol already at the lowest dose had the strong inhibitory effect on regeneration, growth, and rooting of shoots. Gentamycin inhibited the growth of shoots gradually with increasing dose of it, rooting of shoots was negatively affected using the dose 50 mg/L or higher. Rifampicin up to 100 mg/L had the minimal effect on the shoots growth, rooting of shoots was not affected, but shoots were characterised by smaller or stunted leaves. Although the growth of shoots was affected, all ten genotypes used in the experiments were able to regenerate and grow at the highest dose of Rifampicin and Gentamycin. According to the results, it is highly probable that these antibiotics up to 100 mg/L or their combination would be suitable for culture preservation of the most genotypes in the gene-bank collection. On the other hand, Chloramphenicol cannot be recommended due to its strong detrimental effect on potato shoot cultures

    Biomass Production of Gigantic Grasses Arundo donax and Miscanthus × Giganteus in the Dependence on Plant Multiplication Method

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    The effect of plant propagation method on growth parameters and the yield of above-ground biomass in two species of gigantic grasses were measured during three growing seasons. Plants were multiplied in explant culture and through traditional methods – by rhizome segments (Miscanthus × giganteus) or by stem cuttings (Arundo donax). In the case of M. × giganteus, in vitro-multiplied plants produced more shoots with significantly lower diameter, but the differences in the number of shoots, plant height and the yield of dry biomass were not statistically significant. Different results were observed for A. donax, where in vitro-multiplied plants showed significantly weaker results in all parameters, with the exception of the number of shoots in the first measured season. In both the species, there was observed the strong effect of the year. While in M. × giganteus the yield of dry biomass gradually decreased during the measured years, it increased in the case of giant reed

    Rhizosphere Bacterial Communities of Arundo Donax Grown in Soil Fertilised with Sewage Sludge and Agricultural by-Products

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    Application of sewage sludge to soil is a potentially inexpensive source of nutrition for plants, but may contain undesirable and toxic substances, e.g. heavy metals. Alterations in microbial communities can serve as an environmental indicator of possible soil contamination. We used two molecular fingerprinting methods (Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis, ARISA and Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism, T-RFLP) to study changes in the genetic diversity of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of Arundo donax L. cultivated in the soil fertilised with additive based on sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plant and agricultural by-products represented by crushed corn hobs and wastes from grain mill industry. The metagenomic DNA extracted from rhizosphere samples were collected in August and November 2014. The amount of mgDNA was statistically higher in samples with additive than in control samples without it in both dates. The Venn diagrams showed that operational taxonomic units which were common to all samples were represented in 32.8% in ARISA and 43.4% in T-RFLP. However, based on Principal component analysis and subsequent PERMANOVA statistical tests did not confirm significant differences in the rhizosphere of control plants and plants grown in the soil supplemented with sewage sludge in dose 5 and 15 t/ha present in the additive

    Monitoring of Rhizosphere Bacterial Communities in Soil with Sewage Sludge Addition Using Two Molecular Fingerprinting Methods: Do These Methods Give Similar Results?

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    In this study, bacterial genetic diversity from the rhizosphere of barley and wheat were studied. The plants were sown in pots with aliquot amount of 15 t/ha concentration of soil additive derived from sewage sludge and agricultural by-products represented by wastes from grain mill industry and crushed corn cobs. The plants sown in pots without the addition of soil additive represented control samples. The rhizosphere samples were collected on two dates (plant flowering and maturity) and the composition of bacterial communities were detected using two molecular fingerprinting methods – automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). Microbial biomass expressed as the amount of metagenomics DNA was higher in soils with addition of soil additive, except during maturity stage in barley rhizosphere. Nevertheless, statistically significant differences between control and sludge samples were not detected in any case. Similarly, no changes were detected in the composition of bacterial community between control and sludge samples in barley and wheat rhizosphere by using cluster analysis. Only minor temporal changes in the composition of bacterial community between flowering and maturity periods were observed. These changes were related to the samples collected in the plant maturity stage. In this stage, plants were completely mature and their impact on the rhizosphere bacterial communities in the form of root exudates was limited. Statistically significant differences between ARISA and T-RFLP methods were detected in all measured values of diversity indices. Despite these differences, both methods gave results leading to similar conclusions

    Лізиметр - унікальний інструмент для контролю взаємодії між компонентами середовища

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    Modern lysimeter facilities in connection with meteorological stations allow monitoring and evaluation of mutual basic components of the environment, such as water, air, soil and vegetation. Water is the most important component of the ecosystem and the component which connects all the other components. Therefore, we need to know the basic distribution and water balance in the different components of the environment to be able to interpret some processes in nature. Rainfall, which is the primary source of vital processes in the soil, is formed in the air. The amount of precipitation that gets into the soil and into the groundwater is affected by weather conditions. Primary distribution of rainwater is divided between infiltration, surface runoff, transpiration and evapotranspiration. The amount of water infiltrated into the soil and then evaporated by solar activity or activities of plants can be identified primarily by monitoring changes in weight. For this monitoring we use weighable lysimeter. This equipment with the monolith size of surface area 1 m2 and the depth of 1.5 m is able to follow online updates of weight of the 2 ton body with an accuracy of 100 g. When we add to quantification of leakages through the bottom layer, we obtain a comprehensive record of rainfall at the time in the natural environment of the individual components. The obtained data can be further interpreted in terms of the needs of hydrology, agriculture, and environmental studies, and according to the purpose and objectives for which we want to use them.Современные лизиметрические объекты в комплексе с метеорологическими станциями позволяют осуществлять контроль и оценку основных компонентов окружающей среды, таких как вода, воздух, почва и растительность. Вода является наиболее важным элементом экосистемы и элементом, который соединяет все другие компоненты. Поэтому, мы должны знать основное распределение и водный баланс в различных компонентах окружающей среды, чтобы уметь интерпретировать любой процесс в природе. Количество осадков, которое является основным источником жизненно важных процессов в почве, формируется в воздухе. Количество осадков, которое попадает в почву и грунтовые воды, зависит от погодных условий. Первичное распределение дождевой воды делится между инфильтрацией, поверхностным стоком, транспирацией и эвапотранспирацией. Количество воды, проникающее в почву, а потом испаряющее за счет солнечной активности или деятельности растений можно определить, в первую очередь, путем мониторинга изменений в весе. Для этого мониторинга мы используем весомый лизиметр. Это оборудование размером с монолит, площадь поверхности которого 1 м2 и глубина 1,5 м, способно следить в онлайн режиме за обновлением массы весом  в 2 тонны с точностью до 100 г. Когда мы добавляем к количественной оценке фильтрат нижнего слоя, мы получаем полноценный учет осадков в то же время в среде с отдельными компонентами. Полученные данные можно интерпретировать в терминах с точки зрения потребностей гидрологии, сельского хозяйства, окружающей среды и в соответствии с целями и задачами, для которых мы хотим их использовать.Сучасні лізиметричні об'єкти у зв'язку з метеорологічними станціями дозволяють здійснювати контроль та оцінку екосистемно пов'язаних основних компонентів довкілля, таких як вода, повітря, ґрунт і рослинність. Вода є найбільш важливим компонентом екосистеми та елементом, який поєднує всі інші компоненти. Тому необхідне знання щодо основного розподілу і водного балансу у різних компонентах довкілля, щоб інтерпретувати процеси в природі. Кількість опадів, що є основним джерелом життєво важливих процесів у ґрунті, формується в повітрі. Кількість опадів, що потрапляє в ґрунт і ґрунтові води, залежить від погодних умов. Первинний розподіл дощової води ділиться між інфільтрацією, поверхневим стоком, транспірацією та евапотранспірацією. Кількість води, що проникає в ґрунт, а потім випаровується за рахунок сонячної активності або діяльності рослин, можна визначити, у першу чергу, шляхом моніторингу змін у вазі. Для цього моніторингу ми використовуємо вагомий лізиметр. Це обладнання розміром з моноліт,  площа поверхні якого 1 м2 і глибина 1,5 м, здатне стежити в онлайн режимі за оновленням ваги маси в 2 тони з точністю до 100 г. Коли ми додаємо до кількісної оцінки фільтрат нижнього шару, ми отримуємо повноцінний облік опадів в довкіллі щодо окремих компонентів. Отримані дані можна інтерпретувати з точки зору потреб гідрології, сільського господарства, довкілля та відповідно до цілей і завдань, для яких ми хочемо їх використовувати

    Superabsorbent Polymer Seed Coating Reduces Leaching of Fungicide but Does Not Alter Their Effectiveness in Suppressing Pathogen Infestation

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    Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) applied to soil have been recognized as water reservoirs that allow plants to cope with periods of drought. Their application as a seed coat makes water available directly to the seeds during their germination and early growth phase, but on the other hand, it can affect the efficiency of plant protection substances used in seed dressing. In our experiments, we evaluated the effect of seed coating with SAP on fungicide leaching and changes in their effectiveness in suppressing Fusarium culmorum infestation. Leaching of fungicide from wheat seeds coated with SAP after fungicide dressing, as measured by the inhibition test of mycelium growth under in vitro conditions, was reduced by 14.2–15.8% compared to seeds without SAP coating. Germination of maize seeds and growth of juvenile plants in artificially infected soil did not differ significantly between seeds dressed with fungicide alone and seeds treated with SAP and fungicide. In addition, plants from the seeds coated with SAP alone grew significantly better compared to untreated seeds. Real-time PCR also confirmed this trend by measuring the amount of pathogen DNA in plant tissue. Winter wheat was less tolerant to F. culmorum infection and without fungicide dressing, the seeds were unable to germinate under strong pathogen attack. In the case of milder infection, similar results were observed as in the case of maize seeds

    Comparison Of Cd And Zn Accumulation In Tissues Of Different Vascular Plants: A Radiometric Study

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    The aim of the present work was to compare the accumulation and translocation of Cd and Zn in plants of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), celery (Apium graveolens L.), maize (Zea mays L.), giant reed (Arundo donax L.), and alpine pennycress (Noccaea caerulescens L.) under conditions of short-term hydroponic experiments using nutrient solutions spiked with radionuclides 109Cd or 65Zn, and direct gamma-spectrometry. It was found that the time-course of metals accumulation in studied plants was not different in terms of target metal, but it was significantly different on the level of plant species. The highest values of Cd accumulation showed plants of giant reed, whereby the accumulation decreased in the order: giant reed > tobacco > alpine pennycress >> maize and celery. On the basis of concentration ratios (CR) [Me]shoot / [Me]root calculation for both metals, it was found that Cd and Zn were in prevailing part accumulated in the root tissues and only partially accumulated in the shoots, where the amount of accumulated Cd and Zn increased from the oldest developed leaves to the youngest developed leaves. The CR values corresponding to these facts were calculated in the range 0.06 – 0.27 for Cd and for Zn 0.06 – 0.48. In terms of plant species, the CR values obtained for Cd decreased in the order: maize > celery > tobacco and giant reed > alpine pennycress. The similarity between studied objects – individual plant species on the basis of the obtained variables defining Cd or Zn accumulation at different conditions of the experiments as well as the relationships between obtained variables and conditions of the experiments were subjected to multivariate analysis method – cluster analysis (CA). According to the findings and this analysis, it can be expected that plants of tobacco and giant reed will dispose with similar characteristics as plants of alpine pennycress, which are classified as Zn/Cd hyperaccumulators, in terms of Cd or Zn accumulation and other positive parameters for their utilization in phytoremediation processes and techniques

    The Structure and Diversity of Bacterial Communities in Differently Managed Soils Studied by Molecular Fingerprinting Methods

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    The soil bacterial community structure is sensitive to different agricultural management practices and changes in the soil community composition can affect ecosystem sustainability and ecosystem stability. The basic idea of reduced and conservation soil tillage technologies is to preserve favorable soil parameters and also to enhance soil fertility and to reduce the negative impacts on the soil. Four soil tillage treatments—conventional, reduced, mulch-till, and no-till—were studied for their bacterial communities at a soil depth of 10 cm in September 2013 and April 2014 using the automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) and the terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) methods. The total microbial biomass was statistically higher in April 2014 than in September 2013 in all tillage treatments. On the other hand, no statistical differences were detected in the bacterial richness between the sampling dates in all tillage treatments. Only one statistical difference regarding the bacterial richness was detected between the conventional and reduced tillage in September 2013 by using ARISA. Bacterial genetic diversity measured by the Gini–Simpson, Shannon, and Pielou indices did not indicate differences among the four types of soil management systems. Additionally, no substantial variation in the composition of bacterial communities under different treatments was observed based on the principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Additionally, the changes in bacterial community composition between both sampling dates have not occurred overall or within the individual agricultural management systems

    Sewage Sludge as a Soil Amendment for Growing Biomass Plant Arundo donax L.

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    Sewage sludge (SS) is a waste originated from wastewater treatment that could be considered an interesting source of organic matter and nutrients for agricultural production. Our experiments aimed to assess the effect of SS on the growth parameters and the biomass yield of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) plants. Experiments were carried out in pots during two growing seasons, where samples of dried SS were applied in doses of 5 or 15 t ha−1. The number of shoots per plant was significantly higher with the application of 5 t ha−1 of SS into arable soil compared to the control treatment and did not increase with the dose of SS. On the other hand, the height of the plants was gradually elevated with the dose of SS. The diameter of the shoots was positively affected by the dose of 15 t ha−1, and it was the only parameter with significant differences between the used types of SS. The biomass yield increased by 1.2–2.7× depending on the type and dose of SS. Cu and Zn uptake, as micronutrients present in SS, and their accumulation in the aboveground parts were significantly higher for plants cultivated in the presence of SS