13 research outputs found

    Identification of FHL1 as a regulator of skeletal muscle mass: implications for human myopathy

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    Regulators of skeletal muscle mass are of interest, given the morbidity and mortality of muscle atrophy and myopathy. Four-and-a-half LIM protein 1 (FHL1) is mutated in several human myopathies, including reducing-body myopathy (RBM). The normal function of FHL1 in muscle and how it causes myopathy remains unknown. We find that FHL1 transgenic expression in mouse skeletal muscle promotes hypertrophy and an oxidative fiber-type switch, leading to increased whole-body strength and fatigue resistance. Additionally, FHL1 overexpression enhances myoblast fusion, resulting in hypertrophic myotubes in C2C12 cells, (a phenotype rescued by calcineurin inhibition). In FHL1-RBM C2C12 cells, there are no hypertrophic myotubes. FHL1 binds with the calcineurin-regulated transcription factor NFATc1 (nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 1), enhancing NFATc1 transcriptional activity. Mutant RBM-FHL1 forms aggregate bodies in C2C12 cells, sequestering NFATc1 and resulting in reduced NFAT nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity. NFATc1 also colocalizes with mutant FHL1 to reducing bodies in RBM-afflicted skeletal muscle. Therefore, via NFATc1 signaling regulation, FHL1 appears to modulate muscle mass and strength enhancement

    Aged skeletal muscle retains the ability to fully regenerate functional architecture

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    While the general understanding of muscle regenerative capacity is that it declines with increasing age due to impairments in the number of muscle progenitor cells and interaction with their niche, studies vary in their model of choice, indices of myogenic repair, muscle of interest and duration of studies. We focused on the net outcome of regeneration, functional architecture, compared across three models of acute muscle injury to test the hypothesis that satellite cells maintain their capacity for effective myogenic regeneration with age. Muscle regeneration in extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) of young (3 mo-old), old (22 mo-old) and senescent female mice (28 mo-old) was evaluated for architectural features, fiber number and central nucleation, weight, collagen and fat deposition. The 3 injury paradigms were: a myotoxin (notexin) which leaves the blood vessels and nerves intact, freezing (FI) that damages local muscle, nerve and blood vessels and denervation-devascularization (DD) which dissociates the nerves and blood vessels from the whole muscle. Histological analyses revealed successful architectural regeneration following notexin injury with negligible fibrosis and fully restored function, regardless of age. In comparison, the regenerative response to injuries that damaged the neurovascular supply (FI and DD) was less effective, but similar across the ages. The focus on net regenerative outcome demonstrated that old and senescent muscle has a robust capacity to regenerate functional architecture

    A mutation in α-tropomyosinslow affects muscle strength, maturation and hypertrophy in a mouse model for nemaline myopathy

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    Nemaline myopathy is a hereditary disease of skeletal muscle defined by a distinct pathology of electron-dense accumulations within the sarcomeric units called rods, muscle weakness and, in most cases, a slow oxidative (type 1) fiber predominance. We generated a transgenic mouse model to study this disorder by expressing an autosomal dominant mutant of α-tropomyosinslow previously identified in a human cohort. Rods were found in all muscles, but to varying extents which did not correlate with the amount of mutant protein present. In addition, a pathological feature not commonly associated with this disorder, cytoplasmic bodies, was found in the mouse and subsequently identified in human samples. Muscle weakness is a major feature of this disease and was examined with respect to fiber composition, degree of rod-containing fibers, fiber mechanics and fiber diameter. Hypertrophy of fast, glycolytic (type 2B) fibers was apparent at 2 months of age. Muscle weakness was apparent in mice at 5–6 months of age, mimicking the late onset observed in humans with this mutation. The late onset did not correlate with observed changes in fiber type and rod pathology. Rather, the onset of muscle weakness correlates with an age-related decrease in fiber diameter and suggests that early onset is prevented by hypertrophy of fast, glycolytic fibers. We suggest that the clinical phenotype is precipitated by a failure of the hypertrophy to persist and therefore compensate for muscle weakness