16 research outputs found

    Reaktivna i spontana agresivnost mladih

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    Introduction/ The aim of the work. The aim of the research is to determine the degree of severity of reactive and spontaneous aggressiveness of the young. The specific objective of this study was to determine gender differences in the expression of reactive and spontaneous aggression of the young and the reactions of parents to their aggressiveness. Method. The research was done on a sample of 91 examinees, secondary school students of Gymnazium ā€œBora Stankovicā€ in Vranje, aged 16-18 years. The research consisted of 52 male (57%) and 39 female examinees (43%). Testing, which took 20 - 30 minutes, was performed by the school psychologist, in a regular class, with a standardized Practice Test. The degree of reactive and spontaneous aggression was measured by two scales of a standardized Freiburg personality test (FPI). This research was done in 2014. The processing of the data was carried out by using the SPSS program package, version 11.5. Results are shown by using methods of statistical description: frequency distribution, average score values, standard deviations and percentages. The significance of differences was shown using the t-test and Chi square tests. The limit of statistical significance is less than 5 % (p lt 0.05). Results. The data show that young men have more reactive, spontaneous, and overall aggressiveness, compared to girls. In the dimension of spontaneous aggression boys show significantly higher statistical values, compared to the girls (p lt 0.05). In response to the aggression of young people, their parents often use verbal aggression and apply prohibitions. It is important to note that 4-6 % of the parents donā€™t not respond at all to the aggressiveness of their children nor do they use corporal punishment. Conclusion. Obtained results point to the need for more prevention work with young people for increasing awareness and control of aggressive motives and awareness raising in terms of non-violent forms of behavior. It is important to increase the role of school in advisory work with parents whose children are expressing a high degree of aggressive behavior.Uvod/Cilj rada. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi stepen izraženosti reaktivne i spontane agresivnosti mladih. Poseban cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde polne razlike u izražavanju reaktivne i spontane agresivnosti mladih i načini reagovanja roditelja na njihovu agresivnost. Metod. Istraživanje je rađeno na uzorku od 91 ispitanika, učenika Gimnazije ā€œBora Stankovićā€ u Vranju, starosti od 16-18 godina. Uzorak je sastavljen od 52 ispitanika muÅ”kog pola (57%) i 39 ispitanika ženskog pola (43%). Testiranje je obavio psiholog Å”kole, na redovnom času, sa standarizovanim uputstvom za rad testa, u trajanju od 20-30 minuta. Stepen izraženosti reaktivne i spontane agresivnosti meren je dvema skalama iz standardizovanog FrajburÅ”kog testa ličnosti (FPI). Istraživanje je sprovedeno 2014. godine. Obrada podataka je urađena upotrebom programskog paketa SPSS u verziji 11,5. Rezultati su prikazani metodama statističke deskripcije: distribucijom frekvencije, srednje vrednsti, standardne devijacije i procentima. Značajnosti razlika su rađene t-testom i Hi kvadrat testom. Granica statističke značajnosti je manja od 5% (p lt 0,05). Rezultati. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da mladići imaju veću reaktivnu, spontanu i ukupnu agresivnost, u odnosu na devojke. U dimenziji spontane agresivnosti mladići imaju statistički značajno veće vrednosti, u poređenju sa devojkama (p lt 0,05). Na agresivnost mladih roditelji najčeŔće reaguju verbalnom agresijom i zabranama. Značajno je da 4-6% roditelja uopÅ”te ne reaguje na agresivnost svoje dece ili koristi fizičku kaznu. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu dodatnog preventivnog rada sa mladima u osveŔćivanju i kontroli agresivnog motiva i razvijanje svesti o nenasilnim oblicima ponaÅ”anja. Značajno je povećati ulogu Å”kole u savetodavnom radu sa roditeljima čija deca izražavaju visok stepen agresivnog ponaÅ”anja

    Influence of air pollution on hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in NiÅ”, Serbia

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    Background/Aim. In studies that investigate the health effects of short-term air pollution exposure, population-wide changes in acute outcomes such as mortality, hospital admissions and healthcare visits are linked to short-term variations in ambient pollutant concentrations. The aim of this study was to estimate the association between daily outdoor black smoke and sulphur dioxide levels and hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in NiÅ”, within a period 2001-2005. Methods. A time series analysis was performed using separated regression models for each pollutant and disease group, by age groups and population as a whole. The effects of copollutant, meteorological factors and cyclic oscillations in hospitalization numbers were controlled. Results. A significant increase in hospital admissions was associated with a 10 Ī¼g/m3 increase in the concentration of black smoke, for cardiovascular diseases: 3.14% (< 0.01) in children and youth under 19 years of age, 1.85% (< 0.001) in 19-64 age group, and 0.84% (< 0.05) in all ages, and for respiratory diseases: 1.77% (< 0.05) in 19-64 age group, and 0.91% (< 0.05) in all ages. The effects on hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in children and youth under 19 years of age, and for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in the elderly were not statistically significant. The increase of sulphur dioxide level was associated with the increased number of hospitalizations, for both cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in all age groups, but the influence was not statistically significant. Conclusion. Outdoor pollutants concentrations in urban area of NiÅ” were below regulated limit values during most of the investigated period days but it is shown that even such a level of pollution has a significant effect on hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases

    Alcohol consumption among students - a cross-sectional study at three largest universities in Serbia

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    Introduction. The prevalence of unhealthy alcohol use among university students is increasing in many countries. Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate alcohol consumption and alcohol-related knowledge, attitudes and risky behaviors among Serbian university students. Methods. The cross-sectional study was carried out at the three state universities from January to June in the academic year 2009/2010 and included 2,285 students of both genders. The students filled out a questionnaire consisting of 70 questions with respect to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, their lifestyle habits, styles and attitudes, health assessment, as well as exposure to different risk factors. Results. It was found that 77.7% of students drank alcohol occasionally, 4.6% of them consumed it on a daily basis. Friedmanā€™s test (p<0.001) showed that students prefer drinking beer to all other alcoholic beverages. Students in Belgrade and students of Technical faculties are undisputed champions when it comes to how often they drink six or more drinks on a single occasion. Older students in Serbia drink more and get drunk more frequently. Conclusion. A high percentage of Serbian students consume alcohol, and even though they have their first drink at an early age, they generally drink less than students in many other countries


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    The definition of the handicapped implies some disorder in man's social function and his attitude towards his environment. For the family of the handicapped life is imbued with chronic uncertainty, economic problems and social isolation. The concept of the handicapped involves a low degree of IQ, genetic potential, reduced laming capacity, reduced social adaptability, psychic and social problems damage to the central nervous system and specific organic disorders. The world health organization estimates that in the world there are two hundred thirty millions of people with all sorts of handicaps; this imposes a high pressure upon medical and social institutions, economic costs for the families and the communities as well as problems related to education and selective employment. The authors present the most important measures of the health service regarding health promotion specific protection, early treatment, limited incapacity and rehabilitation

    KoriŔćenje dijetetskih suplemenata u populaciji studenata medicinskih i nemedicinskih nauka Univerziteta u NiÅ”u (Srbija)

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    Uvod. Dijetetski suplementi su preparati namenjeni za dopunu normalneishrane i predstavljaju koncentrovane izvore vitamina, minerala i drugihsupstanci sa hranljivim i fizioloÅ”kim efektima. Zbog velike upotrebe dijetetskihsuplemenata neophodno je izvrÅ”iti edukaciju zdravstvenih radnikau ovoj oblasti, kako bi upotreba dijetetskih suplemenata postala bezbedna,kontrolisana i racionalna. Cilj rada je da utvrdi učestalost koriŔćenja dijetetskihsuplemenata kod studenata, kao i razlike u koriŔćenju dijetetskih suplemenataizmeđu studenata medicinskih i nemedicinskih nauka.Metode. U istraživanju je koriŔćen originalni upitnik kojim je anketirano 330studenata Univerziteta u NiÅ”u Å”to cini 1,5% celokupne studentske populacijeovog Univerziteta. Uzorak je stratifikovan prema fakultetu, godini studija, ipolu. Od svih upitnika izdvojen je 301 upitnik koji je ispravno popunjen i tiupitnici su dalje analizirani.Rezultati. Od ukupnog broja anketiranih 68,1% koristi dijetetske suplementei to viÅ”e studenata medicinskih (88,4%) nego nemedicinskih (64,7%) nauka(x2=8,42 p<0,01). Preparati koji se najčeŔće koriste u ispitivanoj populacijisu: multivitamini (52,8%), kompleks multivitamina i multiminerala (23,9%),biljni suplementi (5%), nutrijensi (4,6%). Nema statistički značajne razlikeizmeđu studenata medicine i studenata ostalih fakulteta. Polovina anketiranihse pridržava deklaracije, bez statistički značajne razlike između studenatamedicinskih i nemedicinskih nauka. Oko 3% studenata je imalo oÅ”tećenjezdravlja koje je izazvano dijetetskim suplementima.Zaključak. Veliki broj studenata koristi dijetetske suplemente. NajčeŔćekoriŔćeni preparati su multivitamini. Mali broj studenata je imao oÅ”tećenjezdravlja, ali zbog mogućih neželjenih efekata potrebno je edukovati studenteu cilju bezbedne i efikasne suplementacije


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    The aim of the paper was to determine the frequency of gynecological examinations among the female university students in Serbia as well as a potential association with certain habits and lifestyles. The research was conducted at the three Serbian state universities in the period January-June in the academic year 2008/09 and included 1.164 female university students using a method of random sampling. In total, 18% of female university students said that they had never visited the gynecologist. The least concerned about their health when making the choice of food they eat and the least physically active were the females who had never visited the gynecologist. The females who had visited the gynecologist less than two times estimated themselves as healthier (p<0.05) as well as the girls who had the first gynecological examination before the age of 20. The girls who visited the gynecologist for the first time before they reached 20 years of age used condoms more consistently. Planning and organization of a broad spectrum of activities arranged at the faculties should focus the students' attention on the gynecological healthcare and adequately solve them

    Balloon Cell Nevus ā€“ Report of Three Cases

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    The balloon cell nevus is a rare and unusual benign melanocytic lesion characterized histologically by complete or predominant presence of balloon-cell transformed melanocytes. They represent approximately 1.7% of all melanocytic nevi. Three female patients, aged 30, 14 and 7 years, with lesions located on the back and head are included in the presented report. The dermoscopic examination revealed the repetitive dermoscopic features in all three patients: white and yellowish aggregated globules. In conclusion, balloon cell nevi are clinically indistinguishable from the common nevi. Dermoscopy can be useful in their recognition since balloon cell nevi exhibit some distinct dermoscopic features in a form of aggregated white and/or yellow globules