334 research outputs found

    Cartographic modeling of the population density in the function of research of spatial-demographical relations

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    Cartographic modeling of the population density by a diagram map method (comparative way of semioscale mapping) and by a method of cartogram, enables presentation of the information about current spatial-demographical relations in a systematic, comparative, metrical, synoptic and suitable way, relevant for different aspects of specific research. Through methods of the cartographic information forms various types of population density are included: general, general agrarian, specific agrarian, agrarian-productive density and valorized agrarian population density. Chosen and applied cartographical methods, by modeling of the population density, enable to view them and express in a more apparent spatial graphical-analytical way. Applied semiometrics tends to realize the results of the numerical values of the parameters of the subject area via figures of symbols. Different types of population density are shown on the coordinate graph which enables their comparison as well as their status regarding the average values of the subject area. Cartographic modeling of the population density enables analytic and synthetic approach in researching and evaluating of the quantities and quality characteristics of the presented categories, which are functionally connected and determined, for the purpose of highlighting the typical, specific and essential. Application of the cartographic methods in modeling of the population density is shown in the example of municipalities in districts of Bor and Zajecar for 2002, where the spatial differentiation of the population density was explicit

    Cross sections and transport properties of negative ions in rare gases

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    We have used a combination of a simple semi-analytic theory - Momentum Transfer Theory (MTT) and exact Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to develop momentum transfer cross sections of negative ions in collisions with noble gases based on the available data for reduced mobility at 300K as a function of E/N. At very low energies, we extrapolated obtained cross sections using Langevin's cross section and supplemented it by the total detachment cross section that was used from the threshold around 6 eV up to 100 eV. Other possible reactive processes have not been taken into account. A good agreement for the mean energy and diffusion coefficients is an independent proof of the validity of the cross sections that were derived for the negative ion mobility data

    Cartographic visualisation and information society

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    The need for learning and using a variety of geospatial information has progres sive character in the modern information society. Cartographic visualization of geo-referenced data, provides a more effective presentation and accessibility of knowledge of the geographic space. Digital technology offers great possibilities for cartographic visualization of complex geo-data structure, thereby improving the communication process. The diversity of cartographic 3D and 4D visualization is constantly increasing, and therefore the area of application in various fields of science is constantly being developed. The need for dynamic, interactive maps, and the growing use of geographic information systems leads to a specific development of cartography. The application of GIS technology include: visualization of geos patial data, linking of the spatial and attributive data and interdisciplinary decision making. GIS technology improves graphic and visual modeling of geospatial data in qualitative and quantitative term

    Geosistemnost kompleksnih geografskih atlasa

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    Complex geographical atlases represent geosystems of different hierarchical rank, complexity and diversity, scale and connection. They represent a set of large number of different pieces of information about geospace. Also, they contain systematized, correlative and in the apparent form represented pieces of information about space. The degree of information revealed in the atlas is precisely explained by its content structure and the form of presentation. The quality of atlas depends on the method of visualization of data and the quality of geodata. Cartographic visualization represents cognitive process. The analysis converts geospatial data into knowledge. A complex geographical atlas represents information complex of spatial - temporal coordinated database on geosystems of different complexity and territorial scope. Each geographical atlas defines a concrete geosystem. Systemic organization (structural and contextual) determines its complexity and concreteness. In complex atlases, the attributes of geosystems are modeled and pieces of information are given in systematized, graphically unique form. The atlas can be considered as a database. In composing a database, semantic analysis of data is important. The result of semantic modeling is expressed in structuring of data information, in emphasizing logic connections between phenomena and processes and in defining their classes according to the degree of similarity. Accordingly, the efficiency of research of needed pieces of information in the process of the database use is enabled. An atlas map has a special power to integrate sets of geodata and present information contents in user - friendly and understandable visual and tactile way using its visual ability. Composing an atlas by systemic cartography requires the pieces of information on concrete - defined geosystems of different hierarchical level, the application of scientific methods and making of adequate number of analytical, synthetic and complex maps. The essence of each database is its model. The selection of model - the organization of database is very important.Kompleksni geografski atlasi predstavljaju geosisteme različitog hijerarhijskog ranga, složenosti i raznovrsnosti, razmernosti i povezanosti. Predstavljaju skup ogromnog broja raznovrsnih informacija o geoprostoru. Sadrže sistematizovane, korelativne i u očiglednoj formi konkretno predstavljene informacija o prostoru. Stepen informisanosti iz atlasa preciziran je njegovom strukturom sadržaja i formom predstavljanja. Kvalitet atlasa zavisi od načina vizuelizacije podataka i kvaliteta geopodataka. Kartografska vizuelizacija predstavlja saznajni proces. Analizom se geoprostorni podatak pretvara u znanje. Kompleksni geografski atlas predstavlja informacioni kompleks prostorno-vremenski koordinirane baze podataka o geosistemima različite složenosti i teritorijalnog obuhvata. Svaki geografski atlas definiše konkretni geosistem. Sistemski organizaciono (strukturno i sadržajno) determiniše njegovu kompleksnost i konkretnost. U kompleksnim atlasima modeluju se svojstva geosistema i daju informacije u sistematizovanom, grafički jednoobraznom obliku. Atlas se može smatrati bazom podataka. Pri sastavljanju baze podataka značajna je semantička analiza podataka. Rezultat semantičkog modelovanja izražava se u strukturalizaciji informacija podataka, u isticanju logičkih veza između pojava i procesa i u definisanju njihovih klasa po stepenu sličnosti. Time se obezbeđuje efikasnost istraživanja traženih informacija u procesu korišćenja bazom podataka. Atlasna karta ima posebnu moć da kroz svoju vizuelnu sposobnost integriše skupove geopodataka i prezentuje informacione sadržaje u korisnički orijentisan i razumljiv vizuelni i taktilni način. Sastavljanje atlasa sistemskim kartografisanjem, zahteva informacije o konkretnim - definisanim, geosistemima različitih hijerarhijskih nivoa, primenu naučnih metoda i konstruisanje adekvatnog broja analitičkih, sintetičkih i kompleksnih karata. Suština svake baze podataka je njen model. Bitan je izbor modela - organizacija baze podataka

    Kartografska komunikacija u funkciji informacione i edukativne komunikacije

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    The process of cartographic communication has interdisciplinary character and includes different types of information. It includes analyses of the content, shape, form, modus and the instrument of communication of the knowledge about phenomena and processes of geospace, research of the meaning of messages, modules and effects of their reception. Depending on the level of society development and people’s way of living, the communication process has differed - ways of realization, comprehension and interpretation. Modern development of communicational technology, i.e. of the instruments of modern communication, has determined a number of different types and ways of communication. This enabled faster and more intense production and reproduction of information. By development of the computer network and virtual communication, a communicational practice became more intensive and faster. A form of cartographic communication in the function of informational and educational communication is enabled by forming a system of signs through which the information, as a product of consciences, is objectified as a message and a characteristic of a subjects of communication who produce, communicate and use those information

    Cartographic visualisation and information society

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    The need for learning and using a variety of geospatial information has progres sive character in the modern information society. Cartographic visualization of geo-referenced data, provides a more effective presentation and accessibility of knowledge of the geographic space. Digital technology offers great possibilities for cartographic visualization of complex geo-data structure, thereby improving the communication process. The diversity of cartographic 3D and 4D visualization is constantly increasing, and therefore the area of application in various fields of science is constantly being developed. The need for dynamic, interactive maps, and the growing use of geographic information systems leads to a specific development of cartography. The application of GIS technology include: visualization of geos patial data, linking of the spatial and attributive data and interdisciplinary decision making. GIS technology improves graphic and visual modeling of geospatial data in qualitative and quantitative term

    Geosistemnost kompleksnih geografskih atlasa

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    Complex geographical atlases represent geosystems of different hierarchical rank, complexity and diversity, scale and connection. They represent a set of large number of different pieces of information about geospace. Also, they contain systematized, correlative and in the apparent form represented pieces of information about space. The degree of information revealed in the atlas is precisely explained by its content structure and the form of presentation. The quality of atlas depends on the method of visualization of data and the quality of geodata. Cartographic visualization represents cognitive process. The analysis converts geospatial data into knowledge. A complex geographical atlas represents information complex of spatial - temporal coordinated database on geosystems of different complexity and territorial scope. Each geographical atlas defines a concrete geosystem. Systemic organization (structural and contextual) determines its complexity and concreteness. In complex atlases, the attributes of geosystems are modeled and pieces of information are given in systematized, graphically unique form. The atlas can be considered as a database. In composing a database, semantic analysis of data is important. The result of semantic modeling is expressed in structuring of data information, in emphasizing logic connections between phenomena and processes and in defining their classes according to the degree of similarity. Accordingly, the efficiency of research of needed pieces of information in the process of the database use is enabled. An atlas map has a special power to integrate sets of geodata and present information contents in user - friendly and understandable visual and tactile way using its visual ability. Composing an atlas by systemic cartography requires the pieces of information on concrete - defined geosystems of different hierarchical level, the application of scientific methods and making of adequate number of analytical, synthetic and complex maps. The essence of each database is its model. The selection of model - the organization of database is very important.Kompleksni geografski atlasi predstavljaju geosisteme različitog hijerarhijskog ranga, složenosti i raznovrsnosti, razmernosti i povezanosti. Predstavljaju skup ogromnog broja raznovrsnih informacija o geoprostoru. Sadrže sistematizovane, korelativne i u očiglednoj formi konkretno predstavljene informacija o prostoru. Stepen informisanosti iz atlasa preciziran je njegovom strukturom sadržaja i formom predstavljanja. Kvalitet atlasa zavisi od načina vizuelizacije podataka i kvaliteta geopodataka. Kartografska vizuelizacija predstavlja saznajni proces. Analizom se geoprostorni podatak pretvara u znanje. Kompleksni geografski atlas predstavlja informacioni kompleks prostorno-vremenski koordinirane baze podataka o geosistemima različite složenosti i teritorijalnog obuhvata. Svaki geografski atlas definiše konkretni geosistem. Sistemski organizaciono (strukturno i sadržajno) determiniše njegovu kompleksnost i konkretnost. U kompleksnim atlasima modeluju se svojstva geosistema i daju informacije u sistematizovanom, grafički jednoobraznom obliku. Atlas se može smatrati bazom podataka. Pri sastavljanju baze podataka značajna je semantička analiza podataka. Rezultat semantičkog modelovanja izražava se u strukturalizaciji informacija podataka, u isticanju logičkih veza između pojava i procesa i u definisanju njihovih klasa po stepenu sličnosti. Time se obezbeđuje efikasnost istraživanja traženih informacija u procesu korišćenja bazom podataka. Atlasna karta ima posebnu moć da kroz svoju vizuelnu sposobnost integriše skupove geopodataka i prezentuje informacione sadržaje u korisnički orijentisan i razumljiv vizuelni i taktilni način. Sastavljanje atlasa sistemskim kartografisanjem, zahteva informacije o konkretnim - definisanim, geosistemima različitih hijerarhijskih nivoa, primenu naučnih metoda i konstruisanje adekvatnog broja analitičkih, sintetičkih i kompleksnih karata. Suština svake baze podataka je njen model. Bitan je izbor modela - organizacija baze podataka

    Determination of the ionization constants of 2,4-DIIODO-6-methylphenyl carbamoylmethyl iminodiacetic acid

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    The ionization constants of 2,4-diiodo-6-methylphenylcarbamoylmethyl iminodiacetic acid were determined: pK1 1.3 (the first carboxylic group), pK2 2.52 (the second carboxylic group), pK3 5.86 (amino group) and pK4 10.85 (amide group). The determination were performed at 25o C.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Design and implementation of methods for biological sequence similarity analysis based on repeat characteristics

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    Анализа сличности биолошких секвенци омогућава утврђивање функционалних, структурних и еволуционих односа између различитих организама. Међутим, сличност биолошких секвенци и утвђивање особина нових нуклеотидних и протеинских секвенци су рачунарски захтевне методе у биоинформатици што намеће потребу за даљим развојем метода и алгоритама за њихово поређење. У складу са брзим растом и доступношћу велике количине биолошких података, нови алгоритми се развијају са циљем што ефикасније и прецизније обраде ових података. Један од изазова код одређивања сличности биолошких секвенци јесте издвајање скупа значајних атрибута секвенци, чија кардиналност може да буде велика за примену у постојећим методама за одређивање сличности елемената. Стога је од изузетног значаја имати једноставан и ефикасан алгоритам за одређивање међусобних односа биолошких секвенци. Циљ овог рада је формирање и имплементација нових метода за анализу сличности секвенци на основу статистички значајних поновака различитих дужина и типова. Прва метода се заснива на теорији информација узимајући у обзир позицију и учесталост статистички значајних поновака, за које се не очекује такво присуство у случајно генерисаној секвенци исте дужине. Друга метода садржи формирање потписа секвенци и профила таксономских категорија на основу парова понављајућих делова секвенци, као и растојања између елемената тих парова. Идеја ове методе је представити секвенце мањим бројем карактеристичних тачака у циљу препознавања истих као код алгоритама за препознавање лица. Предложене методе су тестиране на различитим референтним скуповима биолошких секвенци и резултати су упоређени са резултатима добро познатих и ефикасних алгоритама који се заснивају на поравнању (BLAST, Clustal Omega) и алгоритама без поравнања који се заснивају на к-торкама. Добијени резултати показују висок ниво конзистентности са резултатима метода са којима је извршено поређење. Прецизност предложених метода није била мања од вредности добијених за постојеће методе са којима су резултати упоређивани за већи број спроведених тестирања, док је брзина добијања резултата зависила од рачунарске инфраструктуре и примера секвенци. Предложене методе представљају значајну допуну постојећим методама за одређивање сличности биолошких секвенци, јер се досадашње методе за анализу сличности биолошких секвенци нису заснивале на статистички значајним поновцима различитих карактеристикаThe analysis of biological sequence similarity between different species is significant in identifying functional, structural or evolutionary relationships among the species. Biological sequence similarity and analysis of newly discovered nucleotide and amino acid sequences are demanding tasks in bioinformatics. As biological data is growing exponentially, new and innovative algorithms are needed to be constantly developed to get faster and more effective data processing. The challenge in sequence similarity analysis algorithms is that sequence does not always have obvious features and the dimension of sequence features may be very high for applying regular feature selection methods on sequences. It is important to have a simple and effective algorithm for determining biological sequence relationships. This thesis proposes two new methods for sequence transformation in feature vectors that takes into consideration statistically significant repetitive parts of analyzed sequences, as well as includes different approaches for determination of nucleotide sequence similarity and sequence classification for predicting taxonomy groups of biological sequence data. The first method is based on information theory and fact that both position and frequency of repeated sequences are not expected to occur with the identical presence in a random sequence of the same length. The second method includes building signatures of biological sequences and profiles of taxonomic classes based on repetitive parts of sequences and distances between these repeats. Proposed methods have been validated on multiple data sets and compared with results obtained using different well known and accepted methods in this field like BLAST, Clustal Omega and methods based on k-mers. Resulted precision for proposed methods is close to values provided for existing methods for the majority of tested data-sets, and time performance depends strictly to used infrastructure and sequence type. Methods provide results that are comparable with other commonly used methods focused on resolving the same problem, taking into consideration statistically significant repetitive parts of sequences with different characteristics

    Design of small bulb turbines with unequal specific work distribution of the runner's elementary stages

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    Uzimajući u obzir dosadašnja saznanja iz oblasti projetovanja turbomašina, u ovom radu je prikazan metod projektovanja malih cevnih turbina sa različitim jediničnim radovima elementarnih stupnjeva turbinskog kola u okolini glavčine. Data je funkcija raspodele jediničnih radova elementarnih stupnjeva turbinskog kola, pri kojoj osnosimetrične strujne površine u turbinskom kolu zanemarljivo malo odstupaju od cilindričnih strujnih površina. U datoj funkciji raspodele, jedinični rad elementarnog stupnja turbinskog kola može se, uz glavčinu, smanjiti i na 60% proračunskog jediničnog rada turbinskog kola, a da strujne površine u obtnom kolu budu priližno cilindrične.Regarding the present state of knowledge in the field of the turbo machinery design, the method for designing small bulb turbines with unequal specific work distribution of the turbine runner's elementary stages near the hub is presented in the paper. The distribution function of specific work of all the elementary stages is obtained, according to which the averaged axisymmetric flow surfaces of the turbine runner have a negligibly small deviation from the cylindrical flow surfaces. The specific work of the near-the-hub elementary stages, in the given distribution function, can be reduced up to 60% of the required (design) specific work, still achieving nearly cylindrical flow surfaces