22 research outputs found

    Effect of dietary glutamine supplementation associated with threonine levels in the intestinal mucosa of broilers challenged with Eimeria sp. from 22 to 42 days of age

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of glutamine and threonine supplementation on the ileal mucosa of broilers aged 21-42 days. Six-hundred and forty-one-day old chicks of the Cobb Slow lineage were utilized in this study. From 1 to 21 days of age, the chicks received a commercial diet; and after 22 days, the broilers were distributed in a completely randomized design in a 2 ? 4 factorial scheme (challenge and diet), with 4 replications and 20 chicks per experimental unit. At 22 days of age, the challenged broilers received a commercial vaccine against coccidiosis. A commercial diet was utilized as control and three other diets were formulated with reduced crude protein (-3%), and were corrected with the addition of glutamine (Gln) and glutamic acid (Glu) as non-specific nitrogen sources, and finally supplemented with L-Threonine (Thr) at 0.70, 0.80, and 0.85% digestible threonine, respectively. At 28 days of age, diets with Gln/Glu + Thr resulted in greater ileal villi lengths. Challenge with Eimeria sp. reduced the number of goblet cells and increased the duodenal and jejunal crypt depths. At 42 days of age, an interaction was observed between diet and challenge in relation to ileal villi length; better results were observed in the challenged broilers that received 0.85% Gln/Glu + Thr. The mucosal morphology in the ileal villi extremities was preserved in the challenged broilers that received higher Thr levels in their diets. The results suggested that the inclusion of glutamine and threonine affected the morphometry and mucosa of the ileum, thereby improving the mucosal quality

    Effect of supplementation of guanidinoacetic acid and arginine in vegetable diets for broiler on performance, carcass yield and meat quality

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    Birds fed with vegetable diets rely on the endogenous synthesis of creatine, which requires amino acids, some of which, for example arginine (Arg), are considered essential for several physiological and metabolic functions. Creatine is limited to high energy expenditure cells, particularly muscle cells. The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of guanidinoacetic acid and arginine (as precursors of creatine) in vegetable diets, on the performance, quality, and yield of broiler chickens. The treatments consisted of diets based on corn and soybean meal (T1); corn, soybean meal + 3% meat meal (T2); corn, soybean meal + 0.08% guanidinoacetic acid (T3); and corn, soybean meal + 0.08% L-arginine (T4). The productive performance of the birds aged 7-, 21-, and 42-days-old was determined. Eighteen 7-day-old birds were sacrificed per treatment to evaluate breast and leg yield, and breast muscle fibers, and eighteen 42-day-old birds were sampled per treatment to determine serum uric acid, urea, creatine, lactate, and glucose concentrations. The same birds were slaughtered to calculate carcass yield in relation to live weight and commercial cut yield. The right pectoralis major muscle of each bird was used to test pH, color (luminosity L*, red index a*, and yellow index b*), and loss of water by pressure analysis, and the left side was used to analyze losses by defrosting and cooking. The data were analyzed using the software SAS. Diets to which meat or vegetable meal plus guanidinoacetic acid or L-Arginine were added resulted in higher live weight and breast meat percentage at 7 days old. Feed conversion was affected for a total period of 1 to 42 days of age (P < 0.0002). The birds with a diet supplemented with vegetable and meat meal had better feed conversion when compared to the birds that were fed with other diets. Treatments did not affect carcass and commercial cut yields, percent loss by cooking, pressure and defrosting of the broiler breast meat, or color (L, a*, and b*) and pH values

    Arginine metabolism in uricotelic species = Metabolismo da arginina em espécies uricotélicas

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    Due to the lack of a complete urea cycle, uricotelic species, such as broilers, are not able to synthesize de novo arginine (Arg), thus depending exclusively on dietary Arg. High levels of dietary lysine (Lys) increase the demand for Arg because of the antagonistic relationship between these amino acids. The Arg-Lys antagonism promotes an expressive increase in the renal Arg activity and consequently induces the degradation of Arg and the decrease in theactivity of glycine amidinotransferase, an enzyme that uses Arg in the synthesis of muscle creatin. Arg is considered an important modulator of immunological and physiological processes. The degradation of Arg produces ornithine, a precursor of polyamines that are key to cell division, DNA synthesis, and cell cycle regulation. Arg participates in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a highly reactive free radical in cells and membranes and participates in several cell processes, including in neurotransmission and immune response. Arg is also considered a potent secretagogue of insulin, growth hormone, and IGF-I in the blood stream. Exclusively vegetariandiets may not provide an adequate supply of Arg, which is required for maximum production and for the immune system of current broiler lineages.Devido à falta de um completo ciclo da uréia, espécies uricotélicas como os frangos de corte são incapazes de sintetizar arginina (Arg) de novo, por isso dependem exclusivamente da Arg dietética. Níveis elevados de lisina (Lys) dietética aumentam a exigência de Arg devido à relação antagônica entre estes aminoácidos. O antagonismo entre Arg e Lys promove expressiva elevação da atividade da arginase renal e conseqüentemente induz à degradação da Arg e leva à diminuição da atividade da glicina amidinotransferase, enzima que utiliza Arg na síntese de creatina muscular. Arg é considerada importante modulador da imunidade e de processos fisiológicos. A degradação de Arg gera ornitina, precursor das poliaminas que têm papel-chave na divisão celular, síntese de DNA e regulação do ciclo celular. A Arg é utilizada na síntese de óxido nítrico (NO), um radical livre altamente reativo, permeável às células e membranas que participa de vários processos celulares, incluindo a neurotransmissão e a imunidade. A Arg é também considerada um potente secretagogo da insulina, hormônio do crescimento e IGF-I. Dietas exclusivamente vegetais podem ser limitantes no fornecimento adequado de Arg para a maximização produtiva e do sistema imune das atuais linhagens de frangos de corte

    <b>Arginine metabolism in uricotelic species</b> - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i4.10990 <b>Arginine metabolism in uricotelic species</b> - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i4.10990

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    Due to the lack of a complete urea cycle, uricotelic species, such as broilers, are not able to synthesize de novo arginine (Arg), thus depending exclusively on dietary Arg. High levels of dietary lysine (Lys) increase the demand for Arg because of the antagonistic relationship between these amino acids. The Arg-Lys antagonism promotes an expressive increase in the renal Arg activity and consequently induces the degradation of Arg and the decrease in the activity of glycine amidinotransferase, an enzyme that uses Arg in the synthesis of muscle creatin. Arg is considered an important modulator of immunological and physiological processes. The degradation of Arg produces ornithine, a precursor of polyamines that are key to cell division, DNA synthesis, and cell cycle regulation. Arg participates in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a highly reactive free radical in cells and membranes and participates in several cell processes, including in neurotransmission and immune response. Arg is also considered a potent secretagogue of insulin, growth hormone, and IGF-I in the blood stream. Exclusively vegetarian diets may not provide an adequate supply of Arg, which is required for maximum production and for the immune system of current broiler lineages.<br>Due to the lack of a complete urea cycle, uricotelic species, such as broilers, are not able to synthesize de novo arginine (Arg), thus depending exclusively on dietary Arg. High levels of dietary lysine (Lys) increase the demand for Arg because of the antagonistic relationship between these amino acids. The Arg-Lys antagonism promotes an expressive increase in the renal Arg activity and consequently induces the degradation of Arg and the decrease in the activity of glycine amidinotransferase, an enzyme that uses Arg in the synthesis of muscle creatin. Arg is considered an important modulator of immunological and physiological processes. The degradation of Arg produces ornithine, a precursor of polyamines that are key to cell division, DNA synthesis, and cell cycle regulation. Arg participates in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a highly reactive free radical in cells and membranes and participates in several cell processes, including in neurotransmission and immune response. Arg is also considered a potent secretagogue of insulin, growth hormone, and IGF-I in the blood stream. Exclusively vegetarian diets may not provide an adequate supply of Arg, which is required for maximum production and for the immune system of current broiler lineages

    Suplementação dietética de levedura de cerveja e de minerais orgânicos sobre o desempenho e resposta imune em frangos de corte desafiados com a vacina de coccidiose

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação de levedura de cerveja e minerais orgânicos sobre o desempenho, morfometria intestinal e resposta imune humoral de frangos de corte, desafiados com a vacina de coccidiose. Foram utilizados 384 pintos de corte, distribuídos aleatoriamente em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (1. controle, 2. minerais orgânicos 3. levedo de cerveja, 4. associação de minerais orgânicos e levedo de cerveja) e 4 repetições de 24 aves cada. No alojamento, 12 aves de cada repetição foram identificadas com anilha e receberam a vacina contra coccidiose via ocular. Aos 7, 21, 35 e 42 dias, foi coletado sangue para análise de proteínas séricas totais e perfil eletroforético de IgA e IgG e um segmento do duodeno para análise morfométrica. A suplementação de levedo de cerveja ou de minerais orgânicos não afetou o desempenho de frangos de corte ou a produção de anticorpos. O desafio imunológico com a vacina de coccidiose não foi suficientemente eficaz em provocar uma resposta imune capaz de alterar a morfometria da mucosa duodenal e a produção de anticorpos

    Avaliação da arginina dietética sobre a resposta imunológica de frangos de corte imunizados contra a Doença de Gumboro = Assessment of arginine diet on the immune response of broilers immunized against Gumboro disease

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    O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação de Arginina (Arg) sobre a resposta imune humoral e o desenvolvimento dos órgãos linfoides de frangos de corte imunizados contra a Doença de Gumboro. Foram utilizados 640 pintos de corte, distribuídos aleatoriamente em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (1. Controle, 2. Imunização, 3. Imunização + suplementação de L-Arg e 4. Suplementação de L-Arg.) e oito repetições de 20 aves cada. As aves dos tratamentos 3 e 4foram imunizadas no 16º dia, contra a Doença de Gumboro (cepa intermediária plus). Amostras de soro das aves com 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias de idade foram analisadas por ELISA para detecção de título de anticorpos contra a Doença de Gumboro e nestas mesmas idades foi determinado o peso dos órgãos linfoides e a altura de pregas primárias do tecido linfoide da bolsa cloacal. Não houve diferença significativa (p > 0,05) entre os tratamentos. A suplementação de Arg não contribuiu com a resposta imune dos frangos de corte imunizados contra a Doença de Gumboro. A falta de resposta à imunização pode seratribuída à baixa virulência da cepa vacinal utilizada e à presença de vírus de campo.The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplemental Arginine (Arg) on the humoral immune response and development oflymphoid organs of broiler chickens vaccinated against Gumboro disease. Six hundred and forty broilers were reared in a complete randomized design with four treatments (1. Control, 2. Immunization, 3. Immunization and supplementation of L-Arg, and 4. Supplemental L-Arg.) and eight replications of 20 birds each. Birds in treatments 3 and 4 were vaccinated at 16 days against Gumboro disease (intermediate plus strain). Serum samples from birds at 14, 21, 28 and 35 days old were analyzed by ELISA for detection of antibody titers against Gumboro disease, and at these same ages, lymphoid organ weight was determined and the height of the primary folds of lymphoid tissue in the cloacal bursa was measured. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) among treatments. Arg supplementation did not improve the immune response of broilers immunized against Gumboro Disease. The lack of response to immunization may be attributed to the low virulence of the vaccine strain used and the presence of environmental virus