42 research outputs found

    Association between geography and ancestry per parental educational attainment level.

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    <p><i>A</i>—Left: geographic distribution of PC1 (N = ~5,000 unrelated Dutch subjects), where the mean PC1 value per postal code (current living address) was computed, divided into 10 percentiles, and plotted. Right: two plots showing the explained variance (R<sup>2</sup>) of the offspring’s PC1 by the North-South gradient based on the offspring’s birthplace, per parental educational group. <i>B</i>—Left: geographic distribution of PC2. Right: two plots showing R<sup>2</sup> between offspring PC2 and the East-West gradient based on offspring’s birth place.</p

    Path diagram of phenotypic assortment model with genetic and cultural transmission from parents to offspring.

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    <p>Squares represent the phenotypes of a DZ twin pair (P<sub>T1</sub> and P<sub>T2</sub>) with one extra sibling (P<sub>Sib</sub>), and both parents (P<sub>F</sub> and P<sub>M</sub>). Latent factors are represented by circles and include A (additive genetic factor), D (dominance genetic factor), and E (non-shared environment). F represents vertical cultural transmission whereby the phenotype of the parents influences the environment of their offspring. Assortment of parents is modeled as a copath (i). Simultaneous genetic and cultural inheritance induces a correlation (s) between this environmental factor F and the genetic factor A. Path coefficients a, d and e represent the influence of latent factors on the phenotype. The variance due to vertical cultural transmission is represented by r and the variance of additive genetic factors by g.</p

    Eight key genes involved in synthesis, metabolism and receptor binding of acetylcholine.

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    <p>Note: Chr, chromosome.bp, base pair;</p><p>*Physical position is based on NCBI build 35;</p><p>**GA/(TRAILS-P & TWINS)/NESDA, as TRAILS-P and TWINS were jointly genotyped the middle number represents genotyped SNPs of both cohorts. See the method section for further details;</p><p>***One tSNP was replaced with two substitutes during the assay design stage. All imputed SNPs had at least an imputation quality (Info score) of 0.5. See the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0112476#s2" target="_blank">methods</a> section for further details.</p><p>Eight key genes involved in synthesis, metabolism and receptor binding of acetylcholine.</p

    Results of discovery stage, replication stage and the overall meta-analysis of the 25 SNPs associated with RMSSD (p<0.05) in the discovery stage.

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    <p>SNPs are sorted according to p-value in the discovery cohort.</p><p>Note: RMSSD was log-transformed prior data analysis. Analyses are age & sex adjusted. Discovery stage sample size (N) = 3429; Replication stage N = 3311(except for one SNP [rs333214] in the <i>SLC5A7</i> gene where N = 516, because this SNP could not be analyzed in PREVEND due to low imputation quality); and overall meta-analysis N = 6740. See the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0112476#s2" target="_blank">methods</a> section for further details on the imputation procedures for the different cohorts. C/NC, coded/non-coded allele; CAF, coded allele frequency.</p><p>Results of discovery stage, replication stage and the overall meta-analysis of the 25 SNPs associated with RMSSD (p<0.05) in the discovery stage.</p

    Prediction results.

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    <p>Variance explained (Nagelkerke pseudo-<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> from logistic regression) vs. <i>p</i>-value threshold <i>p</i><sub>T</sub> for including SNPs in the score calculation.</p

    Manhattan plots of the self-employment discovery meta-analyses.

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    <p>Manhattan plot of the self-employment discovery meta-analysis for (A) pooled males and females, (B) males only, and (C) females only. SNPs are plotted on the <i>x</i>-axis according to their position on each chromosome against association with self-employment on the <i>y</i>-axis (shown as −log10 <i>p</i>-value). The solid line indicates the threshold for genome-wide significance (<i>p</i><5×10<sup>−8</sup>) and the dashed line the threshold for suggestive SNPs (<i>p</i><1×10<sup>−5</sup>).</p