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    Proizvodnja peršina započinje odabirom kvalitetnog sjemena. S obzirom da je peršin kultura poznata po problematičnoj klijavosti, proizvođači bi prije sjetve svakako trebali provjeriti kvalitetu sjemena. Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje klijavosti sjemena i kvalitete presadnica peršina proizvedenih od sjemena četiri različita proizvođača. Sjemenke su posijane u supstrat Potgrond P namijenjen uzgoju presadnica povrća te su mjereni sljedeći parametri; klijavost sjemena, masa presadnica te ukupna dužina nadzemnog i korijenskog dijela. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da postoji razlika u klijavosti i kvaliteti presadnica uzgojenih od sjemena različitih proizvođača.The production of parsley begins with the selection of quality seeds. Since parsley is a crop known for problematic germination, producers should always check the quality of the seeds before sowing. The aim of the study was to examine seed germination and quality of parsley seedlings produced from the seeds of four varieties of parsley from different producers. The seeds were sowed in the substrate Potgrond P intended for the cultivation of vegetable seedlings and the following parameters were measured; germination, mass of seedlings, and the total length of aerial (shoot) and root parts. The results show that there is a difference in germination and quality of seedlings grown from seeds of different varieties and producers

    Comparison of germination of four different sorts of parsley (Petroselinum sativum Mill.)

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    U radu su opisana morfološka i biološka svojstva peršina (Petroselinum sativum Mill.), također su opisani uvjeti uzgoja (agroekološki uvjeti, agrotehničke mjere, sjetva, žetva, kakva je gnojidba potrebna, pakiranje, skladištenje) te na koji način se uzgajaju presadnice. Peršin je bogat nutrijentima (vitamini, flavonoidi...) i odličan je za mnoge bolesti pa je i to spomenuto. Posijane su četiri sorte peršina te je izračunata klijavost peršina, dužina i masa presadnica. Cilj rada bio je ustanoviti koje sjeme će dati presadnice najbolje kvalitete prema ispitivanim parametrima.In the paper are described morphological and biological properties of the parsley (Petroselinum sativum Mill.). Also are described the conditions of cultivation (agroecological conditions, agrotechnical measures, sowing, harvest, what kind of fertilization is needed, packaging, storage) and how the seedlings are grown. Parsley is rich in nutrients (vitamins, flavonoids...) and is excellent for many diseases, so that is also mentioned. Four varieties of parsley were planted and the germination of perch, length and mass of seedlings was calculated. The aim of the study was to determine which seeds will yield the best quality seedlings according to the parameters tested