34 research outputs found

    Malignant Neoplasms of Male Genital Organs (C60-C63) in the Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia

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    Cancers of male genital organs (C60-C63) and in particular, prostate cancer, represent one of the most frequent cancer groups among males in economically developed countries and growing cancer group in developing countries. The Institute of Public Health of the Osijek-Baranja County in collaborate with different county institutes provide updated information on the cancer occurrence and trends in the Osijek-Baranja County (OBC). The aim of this article is to provide information on the tendencies relating to this cancer group in the OBC during the period from 2001 to 2009, which will be the first report on these cancer sites on a county level in Croatia. This article processes data on cancer incidence and mortality, appertaining age distribution, median age at diagnosis and at death, cancer survival and length of stay in hospital in the OBC. From 2001 to 2009, a total of 891 males were diagnosed with cancers of male genital organs and treated in either of the two OBC hospitals. These cancers accounted for 6.2% of all registered cancers and for 12.5% of all registered cancers among males. Overall age-standardized incidence rate was 60.9/100,000 and it growing strongly during the nine-year period. Although the mortality rate increased too (overall rate was 30.5/100,000), the increase was not as huge as the one in the rate of incidence. Overall median ages at diagnosis and at death were 67.1 years and 74.6 years, respectively. The 5-year relative survival rate was estimated to be 53.4%. This report reveals weak reduction in the average length of stay in hospital per patient in the 9-years period (from 11.8 to 11.3 days) and at the same time, the number of admissions almost tripled (from 84 to 221), which is a consequence of the same rise in the number of newly registered cases. During the course of the illness, an average patient was hospitalized 1.6 times and the average length of hospital care was 11.0 days. All the indicators of the quality of the health care provided to C60-C63 cancer patients in the OBC suggest that further advancement in raising the level of diagnostics and treatment should and can be expected in order to reach the corresponding EU standards. An increased incidence and mortality rate from C60-C63 cancers leads to the conclusion that great efforts should be invested into raising the awareness of the male population over 45 years of age on the recognition of the first symptoms of this cancer group and on early preventive examination as to decrease the mortality rate and increase the survival rate and the quality of life of patients suffering from this cancer group

    Malignant Neoplasms of Breast and Female Genital Organs (C50, C51-C58) in the Osijek-Baranja County, Croatia

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    Breast cancer (C50) and neoplasms of female genital organs (C51-C58) represent one of the most frequent cancer groups among females in economically developed countries. The Institute of Public Health of the Osijek-Baranja County in collaboration with different county institutes provide updated information on the cancer occurrence and trends in the Osijek-Baranja County (OBC). The aim of this article is to provide information on the tendencies relating to these cancer groups in the OBC during the period from 2001 to 2009, which will be the first report on these cancer sites on a county level in Croatia. This article processes data on cancer incidence and mortality, appertaining age distribution, median age, cancer survival and length of stay in the county hospitals collected in period 1996ā€“2010. In the OBC, the overall incidence rates of breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer were, using the EU standard population, 82.9, 13.0, 19.0 and 14.5/100,000, respectively, and are all characterized by a declining tendency in the second period except breast cancer. The overall breast incidence rate resembles the Croatian average and way exceeds the corresponding Central and Eastern Europe incidence rates, but is still bellow the Northern Europe ones. Also, the overall mortality rates of breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer were 29.6, 5.0, 8.1 and 9.6/100,000, respectively, and are all featured by a increasing tendency. The cancer 5-year relative survival rate from breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer in period 2001ā€“2005 amounted to 64.2%, 66.1%, 57.4% and 43.0%, respectively. The overall median ages at diagnosis of breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer totalled 61.9, 56.4, 66.4 and 60.8 years, respectively, while the median ages at death from these cancers were 68.7, 65.7, 70.3 and 67.6 years, respectively. During the entire 9-year period, the average length of stay in hospital due to breast, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and ovary cancer were 12.1, 14.8, 18.5 and 11.3 days, respectively. The length of stay in hospital decreased for all but for ovary cancer. Implementation and consolidation of womenā€™s awareness of these cancers and relating early diagnostic activities within the OBC population seem to be the most effective ways to reduce the appertaining risks and thus to encourage changes in the lifestyle

    Resource planning for Medical Response to Major Incidents/Disasters

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    Definicija i klasifikacija velikih nesreća na razine su osnova za donoÅ”enje odluka u realnim situacijama. Najvažniji resurs je osoblje, koje mora biti educirano i imati plan za djelovanje u kriznoj situaciji. Stručna edukacija medicinskog osoblja i djelatnika drugih hitnih službi koji se nalaze u lancu zbrinjavanja ključni je čimbenik pravilnog i adekvatnog odgovora na veliku nesreću. Edukacija mora biti sprovedena prema objektivnim podacima i validirana. Optimizacija resursa u odgovoru na veliku nesreću je bitan čimbenik. Hitne službe (policija, vatrogasci, medicinari, djelatnici civilne zaÅ”tite) sudjeluju u lancu zbrinjavanja na veliku nesreću prema standardnim operativnim postupcima i pravilnicima o postupanju u kriznim situacijama. Prema programu Kriznog stožera Ministarstva zdravstva Republike Hrvatske sprovodi se kontinuirana medicinska edukacija od 2013. godine uz primjenu međunarodnog poslijediplomskog tečaja: Medical Response to Major Incidents ā€“ MRMI.Definition and classification of major incidents is base for decision making in a reality situations. Most important resource is educated staff and plan for response in a crisis situations. Education of medical and other emergency service staff is crucial factor for adequate response to major incident. Education must be based on objective methods and validated. Opimization of resources ina response to major incidents is a main factor. Emergency services are in a chain of response to major incidents by standard operative procedures and plans. Crisis Headquarter of Ministry of Health of Republic Croatia is conducting continous education from 2013 year by using international postgraduate Medical Response to Major Incidents Course ā€“ MRMI

    Conventional Shaping the Edges of Thick Steel Plates After Welding Process

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    The paper presents the results of theoretical analysis and experimental details of shaping the edges of thick steel plate using conventional technology. The aim was to determine the influence of holes laser cutting on the shape and technological possibilities of the steel sheet edges flanging. In this study numerous computer simulations were made in order to design a process guaranteeing obtaining a proper product. During this simulation of material flow kinematics, strain and damage criterion distributions and shaping were analyzed. On the basis of the obtained results, the analysis of limiting phenomena, which could appear during the process, was made. Experimental tests in industrial conditions according to designed technology were carried out. Good quality of specimens shaping was obtained. It was found that shaping the edges of thick steel plate after welding process is possible

    Calculation of Reaction Forces in the Boiler Supports Using the Method of Equivalent Stiffness of Membrane Wall

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    The values of reaction forces in the boiler supports are the basis for the dimensioning of bearing steel structure of steam boiler. In this paper, the application of the method of equivalent stiffness of membrane wall is proposed for the calculation of reaction forces. The method of equalizing displacement, as the method of homogenization of membrane wall stiffness, was applied. On the example of ā€œMilanoā€ boiler, using the finite element method, the calculation of reactions in the supports for the real geometry discretized by the shell finite element was made. The second calculation was performed with the assumption of ideal stiffness of membrane walls and the third using the method of equivalent stiffness of membrane wall. In the third case, the membrane walls are approximated by the equivalent orthotropic plate. The approximation of membrane wall stiffness is achieved using the elasticity matrix of equivalent orthotropic plate at the level of finite element. The obtained results were compared, and the advantages of using the method of equivalent stiffness of membrane wall for the calculation of reactions in the boiler supports were emphasized


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    Traumatske ozljede mozga (TOM) su jedan od vodećih uzroka stečene nesposobnosti i smrti djece. Retrospektivnom analizom utvrđeno je 350 djece, 128 (36,6%) djevojčica i 222 (63,4%) dječaka, hospitalizirane zbog ozljeda neurokranija u 5-godiÅ”njem razdoblju u Općoj bolnici Ā«Josip BenčevićĀ» u Slavonskom Brodu. NajviÅ”e je ozlijeđene djece imalo istodobno kontuziju i komociju (46,8%), zatim samu kontuziju glave (12,5%), te frakture kosti lubanje (10,5%). Rjeđa su bila krvarenja i hematomi (epiduralni, subduralni, subarahnoidna hemoragija) (3,2%). Analiza obrade je pokazala da je u gotovo sve djece učinjena rentgenska pretraga (99,7%). NajčeŔće je učinjen RTG glave (kraniogram) i/ili vratne kralježnice, zatim CT, EEG, UZV, te NMR. Pojava komplikacija zabilježena je u samo 2% ozljeđene djece (epileptički napadi, sinkopa, febrilne konvulzije). Praćenje kirurÅ”kih zahvata pokazalo je da je u većine djece (89,6%) liječenje provedeno konzervativno. Dužina liječenja ozlijeđene djece najčeŔće je iznosila 2 dana (34,5%) ili 3 dana (32,5%), dok je duže liječenje bilo rjeđe. S obzirom na dodatnu konzultaciju drugih specijalista (uz neurokirurga) najčeŔće je konzultiran pedijatar, kirurg/traumatolog, specijalist ORL/maksilofacijalne kirurgije, neuropedijatar, dječji kirurg, oftalmolog i dr. Može se reći da prognoza TOM u djece ovisi o dobi, neuroloÅ”kom statusu i vrsti ozljede, te kvaliteti skrbi koja uključuje dostupnost neurokirurga i drugih specijalista.Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most common cause of acquired disability and death in children. Retrospective analysis showed 350 children, 128 (36.6%) girls and 222 (63.4%) boys who were hospitalized for injury of neurocranium in a 5 year-period in Dr. Josip Benčević General Hospital in Slavonski Brod. Most of them had both contusion and commotion (46.8%), followed by just contusion of the head (12.5%) and fractures of the skull (10.5%). The haemorrhages and hemathomas were less common (epidural, subdural, SAH) (3.2%). The procedures performed showed that in almost all children X-rays had been performed (99.7%). The most commonly X-rays performed were those of the head (craniogram) and/or cervical spine, followed by CT, EEG, ultrasound and NMR. The occurence of complications was recorded in only 2% of injured children (seizure, syncopa, febrile convulsions). Analysis of treatment methods showed that in most children (89.6%) therapy was conservative. The injured children were hospitalizated mostly for 2 days (34.5%) or 3 days (32.5%), while longer hospitalization was less common. Regarding extra consultation of other specialists (besides neurosurgeons), the most commonly consulted were pediatrician, surgeon/traumatologist, specialist of ENT/maxilofacial surgery, neuropediatrician, pediatric surgeon, ophthalmologist and others. It can be said that the prognosis of TBI in children depends on the age, neurological status and kind of injury, and on the quality of care, which involves availability of neurosurgeons and other specialists

    FEM Numerical Simulations of the Mechanical Clinching Process of HC260Y Steel

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    This paper presents the results of FEM numerical simulations, of the HC260Y steelsheet mechanical clinching process. The starting tool parameters were chosen for the central composite design of experiments, in order to find out which tool parameters have the largest contribution to the sheet joint interlock. Assessment of the mathematical model, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed within the design of experiments. This numerical analysis was done to find the most suitable tool geometry and tool work stresses, so that the tool sets for further experiments could be manufactured and results compared with numerical results