18 research outputs found

    The possibilities of using pheromone and attractant traps in peach and nectarine protection

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    Breskva i nektarina voćne su vrste prilično zastupljene u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prema podacima Statističkog ljetopisa Republike Hrvatske za 2008. godinu u Hrvatskoj je registrirana proizvodnja od 6135 tona na oko 786500 stabala. Prosječan prirod iznosi 7,8 kg/stablu, što je daleko ispod rentabilnog proizvodnog prosjeka. I breskva i nektarina su voćne vrste dosta osjetljive na bolesti i štetnike te traže pravovremenu zaštitu. Kvalitetna zaštita breskve i nektarine mora se provoditi isključivo po integriranim principima. U takvom tipu proizvodnje neminovna je primjena lovki s feromonima i atraktantima u svrhu praćenja i suzbijanja štetnika. U radu ćemo se osvrnuti na mogućnosti primjene lovki s feromonima i atraktantima u zaštiti breskve i nektarine od štetnika.Peach and nectarine are well represented fruit species in the Republic of Croatia. According to the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia, the total production registered in 2008 was 6135 tons, which was the yield of 786500 trees. The average yield is 7.8 kg per tree, which is far below the economic threshold. Both peach and nectarine are pest and disease sensitive fruit species, thus they require a regular protection. Peach and nectarine pest and disease protection should be managed by integrated approaches exclusively, which is a standard procedure nowadays. In such production type it is necessary to use pheromone and attractant traps for pest monitoring and suppressing. In this paper we will show the possibilities of pheromone and attractant traps usage in peach and nectarine cultivation

    Strategy of combined application of pheromone and attractant traps in suppressing the Olive fly

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    Lovke s feromonima i atraktantima u praksi već imaju veliku primjenu. Osim za praćenje i detekciju štetnika, mnogi tipovi lovki koriste se i za suzbijanje štetnika metodom masovnog ulova. To je slučaj i s maslinovom muhom koja je najvažniji štetnik maslina u Hrvatskoj, ali i u gotovo svim zemljama gdje se maslina uzgaja. Na tržištu danas postoje lovke koje su namijenjene samo za praćenje maslinove muhe, samo za suzbijanje maslinove muhe i lovke koje služe i za praćenje i za suzbijanje maslinove muhe. Lovke mogu biti s atraktantom, s feromonom ili kombinirane s atraktantom i feromonom. U praksi su se neki tipovi lovki pokazali prikladnima za praćenje i suzbijanje maslinove muhe. Za pravovremenu informaciju lovke bi trebalo postaviti u maslinik već u ožujku i travnju kada su odrasli primjerci prisutni u masliniku, te opet u lipnju ili srpnju, što ovisi o području. Analizom dobivenih rezultata, prethodnih iskustava i analizom ulova kroz lipanj i srpanj, postavlja se potreban broj lovki za suzbijanje metodom masovnog ulova postavljanjem većeg broja lovki.Pheromone and attractant traps are widely used in agricultural production. Traps are used not only for monitoring and pest detection, but also for suppressing the pest by using the mass trapping method. This method is used also for suppressing the Olive fly which is the most importante olive pest in Croatia, but also in most of the countries where olive is cultivated. The trap types that are present on the market are used for monitoring and detection, for mass trapping and for monitoring and mass trapping both. The traps can be used with the pheromone, with the attractant and with pheromone and attractant both (combined traps). Some trap types are noticed to be suitable for the olive protection against the olive fly. It is recommended to set the traps in olive orchard already in march and april, and again in june and july, depending of the cultivation area. Analysing the data and the previous experience the needed number of traps and trap types per surface can be determined

    The possibilities of using pheromone and attractant traps in peach and nectarine protection

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    Breskva i nektarina voćne su vrste prilično zastupljene u Republici Hrvatskoj. Prema podacima Statističkog ljetopisa Republike Hrvatske za 2008. godinu u Hrvatskoj je registrirana proizvodnja od 6135 tona na oko 786500 stabala. Prosječan prirod iznosi 7,8 kg/stablu, što je daleko ispod rentabilnog proizvodnog prosjeka. I breskva i nektarina su voćne vrste dosta osjetljive na bolesti i štetnike te traže pravovremenu zaštitu. Kvalitetna zaštita breskve i nektarine mora se provoditi isključivo po integriranim principima. U takvom tipu proizvodnje neminovna je primjena lovki s feromonima i atraktantima u svrhu praćenja i suzbijanja štetnika. U radu ćemo se osvrnuti na mogućnosti primjene lovki s feromonima i atraktantima u zaštiti breskve i nektarine od štetnika.Peach and nectarine are well represented fruit species in the Republic of Croatia. According to the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia, the total production registered in 2008 was 6135 tons, which was the yield of 786500 trees. The average yield is 7.8 kg per tree, which is far below the economic threshold. Both peach and nectarine are pest and disease sensitive fruit species, thus they require a regular protection. Peach and nectarine pest and disease protection should be managed by integrated approaches exclusively, which is a standard procedure nowadays. In such production type it is necessary to use pheromone and attractant traps for pest monitoring and suppressing. In this paper we will show the possibilities of pheromone and attractant traps usage in peach and nectarine cultivation


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    The beetles Cetonia aurata and Potosia cuprea belonging to the subfamily CETONIINAE (Coleoptera, CETONIIDAE) are present in peach orchards in Northern Dalmatia, Ravni kotari region. They are often described as flower pest (“Rose chafers, flower beetles”), and are thought not to be significant as fruit pests. However, during the last ten years some serious damage to fruit has been observed. Since this damage occurs when the fruits are ripening, insecticides cannot be used. There are no literature data about the amount of the damage or how to monitor the damage. This paper describes our monitoring of the population dynamics of the Cetonia aurata and Potosia cuprea, and the method for calculating the damage to fruit suitable for the orchards in this area. The study was conducted during the spring and summer of the year 2005, 2006 and 2007 in the Ravni kotari region, near the villages of Prkos and Smilčić. We used Csalomon® VARb3k funnel traps. We took into consideration the population dynamics of the Cetonia aurata and Potosia cuprea, the determination of the other trapped members of the subfamily CETONIINAE, as well as the damage percentage of each cultivar.Kukci Cetonia aurata i Potosia cuprea (zlatne mare) pripadaju potporodici CETONIINAE (Coleoptera, CETONIIDAE), prisutni su u voćnjacima breskve i nektarine na području Ravnih kotara. U literaturi se najčešće opisuju kao štetnici cvijeta, što potvrđuje i naziv na engleskom jeziku (“Rose chafers, flower beetles”), a navodi se da mogu uzrokovati i štete na plodovima, ali bez važnosti. Ipak, tijekom posljednih desetak godina uočeno je da u pojedinim godinama mogu uzrokovati i ozbiljnije štete na plodovima breskve i nektarine. Budući da te štete nastaju u vrijeme dozrijevanja ploda, nikako se ne mogu primijeniti insekticidi. Literatura ne spominje gotovo nikakve podatke o veličini šteta ni o načinu praćenja i izračuna šteta. U ovom istraživanju obuhvatili smo utvrđivanje dinamike populacije zlatnih mara te razvili i u praksi primijenili vlastitu metodiku praćenja i izračuna šteta na plodovima pogodnu za voćnjake ovog područja. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom proljeća i ljeta 2005., 2006. i 2007. godine na području Ravnih kotara, na lokalitetu Prkos i dijelom na lokalitetu Smilčić. Dinamika populacije zlatnih mara utvrđena je s pomoću lovki s atraktantom Csalomon® VARb3k. U radu je prikazana dinamika populacije vrsta Cetonia aurata i Potosia cuprea, analiza ulova ostalih pripadnika potporodice CETONIINAE te prikaz šteta po sortama


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    The beetles Cetonia aurata and Potosia cuprea belonging to the subfamily CETONIINAE (Coleoptera, CETONIIDAE) are present in peach orchards in Northern Dalmatia, Ravni kotari region. They are often described as flower pest (“Rose chafers, flower beetles”), and are thought not to be significant as fruit pests. However, during the last ten years some serious damage to fruit has been observed. Since this damage occurs when the fruits are ripening, insecticides cannot be used. There are no literature data about the amount of the damage or how to monitor the damage. This paper describes our monitoring of the population dynamics of the Cetonia aurata and Potosia cuprea, and the method for calculating the damage to fruit suitable for the orchards in this area. The study was conducted during the spring and summer of the year 2005, 2006 and 2007 in the Ravni kotari region, near the villages of Prkos and Smilčić. We used Csalomon® VARb3k funnel traps. We took into consideration the population dynamics of the Cetonia aurata and Potosia cuprea, the determination of the other trapped members of the subfamily CETONIINAE, as well as the damage percentage of each cultivar.Kukci Cetonia aurata i Potosia cuprea (zlatne mare) pripadaju potporodici CETONIINAE (Coleoptera, CETONIIDAE), prisutni su u voćnjacima breskve i nektarine na području Ravnih kotara. U literaturi se najčešće opisuju kao štetnici cvijeta, što potvrđuje i naziv na engleskom jeziku (“Rose chafers, flower beetles”), a navodi se da mogu uzrokovati i štete na plodovima, ali bez važnosti. Ipak, tijekom posljednih desetak godina uočeno je da u pojedinim godinama mogu uzrokovati i ozbiljnije štete na plodovima breskve i nektarine. Budući da te štete nastaju u vrijeme dozrijevanja ploda, nikako se ne mogu primijeniti insekticidi. Literatura ne spominje gotovo nikakve podatke o veličini šteta ni o načinu praćenja i izračuna šteta. U ovom istraživanju obuhvatili smo utvrđivanje dinamike populacije zlatnih mara te razvili i u praksi primijenili vlastitu metodiku praćenja i izračuna šteta na plodovima pogodnu za voćnjake ovog područja. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom proljeća i ljeta 2005., 2006. i 2007. godine na području Ravnih kotara, na lokalitetu Prkos i dijelom na lokalitetu Smilčić. Dinamika populacije zlatnih mara utvrđena je s pomoću lovki s atraktantom Csalomon® VARb3k. U radu je prikazana dinamika populacije vrsta Cetonia aurata i Potosia cuprea, analiza ulova ostalih pripadnika potporodice CETONIINAE te prikaz šteta po sortama


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    U ovom radu prikazujemo neke od poteškoća suvremenih crkvenih pokreta kao što su teološki redukcionizam, elitizam, zloupotreba karizmi i sl. Kao odgovor na te pastoralne izazove njima suprotstavljamo smjernice Učiteljstva Crkve, ponajprije iz dokumenata Drugog vatikanskog koncila, a potom i iz ostalih dokumenata Crkve koji naglašavaju sudjelovanje laika u društvu i u Crkvi. Te smjernice nam mogu poslužiti kao kriteriji za evaluaciju crkvenih pokreta, ali i kao pastoralni modeli za prevladavanje tih napetosti. Prava narav crkvenih pokreta očituje se kroz odgovornost, vjernost, zajedništvo i ljubav.This article presents some of the difficulties of modern Church movements such as theological reductionism, elitism, abuse of charisms etc. In response to these pastoral challenges they oppose the guidelines of the Magisterium of the Church, especially in the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and then from other Churche documents that emphasize the participation of the laity in society and in the Church. These guidelines can serve as criteria for the evaluation of the Church movements, as well as pastoral models to overcome these tensions. The real nature of Church movements is manifested through the responsibility, loyalty, unity and love

    Monitoring the appearance and abundance of Olive fruit Fly (Bactrocera oleae Gmel.) in the coastal area of Zadar County

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    Maslinova muha (Bactrocera oleae Gmel.) jedan je od najznačajnijih ekonomskih štetnika masline koji u godinama s visokom populacijom može izazvati ozbiljne štete. Štete se očituju u smanjenom prinosu i slabijoj kvaliteti maslinova ulja. U ovom je radu prikazana pojava i brojnost maslinove muhe u priobalnom području Zadarske županije. Dinamika leta praćena je korištenjem kombinacije žute ljepljive ploče tipa Chromotrap, amonijske soli i feromona. Pokus je proveden tijekom 2003. i 2004. godine u razdoblju srpanj - listopad na lokalitetima Bibinje, Biograd i Ljubač. Rezultati praćenja dinamike leta pokazuju izvjesni utjecaj meteoroloških uvjeta (temperatura zraka, relativna vlažnost zraka i oborine) koji su obilježili navedeno razdoblje na visinu populacije odraslih oblika. Utvrđeno je da se najveća populacija odraslih muha pojavila krajem rujna i u listopadu, što je povezano s padom temperatura, porastom relativne vlažnosti zraka i povećanjem količine oborina.The Olive Fruit Fly (Bactrocera oleae Gmel.) is one of the most important economic pests of the olive tree which can cause very serious damages with its high population in years. This results in reduced yield and lower quality of olive oil. This paper shows the appearance and abundance of Olive Fruit Fly in the coastal area of Zadar County. The flight dynamics was monitored using a combination of yellow sticky plates type Chromotrap, ammonium salts and pheromones. This experiment was conducted during 2003 and 2004 in the period from July to October at sites Bibinje, Biograd and Ljubač. Monitoring results of fly dynamics show a certain influence of meteorological conditions (air temperature, relative humidity and precipitation) that marked that period with the seize of the adult fly population. It was found that the highest population of adult flies occurred in late September and in October, which is associated with the decrease of temperature values and the increase of relative humidity and precipitation

    Zdravstvena selekcija višnje Maraske (Prunus cerasus cv. Marasca) u najvećoj Hrvatskoj plantaži “Vlačine”

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    Sour cherry cv. Marasca is considered a native Croatian variety with the best fruit quality in the Northern Dalmatia region. The current production is not sufficient to cover the demand, therefore new orchards should be established with pathogen-tested planting material. To select virus- and bacteria-free mother trees, a survey was conducted in the largest Croatian Marasca plantation "Vlačine". ELISA on 205 trees (51 elite, 103 average, 51 below average) confirmed the presence of prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) on 101 trees (49.3%); petunia asteroid mosaic virus (PeAMV) and prune dwarf virus (PDV) on 10 trees each (4.9%); raspberry ringspot virus (RpRSV) on 7 trees (3.4%); cherry leafroll virus (CLRV), arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) and plum pox virus (PPV) on 3 trees each (1.5%); and apple mosaic virus (ApMV) on 1 tree (0.5%). For PNRSV, significant ELISA detection sensitivity was found, with twigs in dormant period as more reliable virus source compared to leaves during the growing season. In addition, six trees were positive on little cherry virus 2 (LChV-2) by RT-PCR. Along with very frequent latent infections, following symptoms were observed during pre-harvest period: yellow spots on leaves (ApMV); yellowing, stunted growth, leafless twigs with leaves only at the tip (PDV), bark splitting (PeAMV), reduced leaf size (RpRSV), chlorotic/necrotic ring spots (PNRSV), and uneven fruit ripening (LChV-2). Eleven trees were free of all viruses and bacteria defined by EPPO cherry certification scheme, including PPV. The selected virus- and bacteria-free elite trees represent a valuable genetic source for propagation and further clonal selection.Višnja Maraska se smatra hrvatskom autohtonom sortom s najboljom kvalitetom plodova na području sjeverne Dalmacije. Trenutna proizvodnja ne zadovoljava potrebe tržišta stoga bi trebalo podići nove voćnjake korištenjem sadnog materijala testiranog na patogene. S ciljem pronalaska matičnih stabala bez virusa i bakterija istraživanje njihove prisutnosti provedeno je u najvećem hrvatskom nasadu višnje Maraske „Vlačine“. Rezultati testiranja serološkom metodom (ELISA) na 205 stabala (51 elitno, 103 prosječna, 51 ispodprosječno) potvrdili su prisutnost virusa nekrotične prstenaste pjegavosti trešnje (PNRSV) u 101 stablu (49.3%); virusa zvjezdastog mozaika petunije (PeAMV) i kržljavosti šljive (PDV) u 10 stabala svaki (4.9%); virusa prstenaste pjegavosti maline (RpRSV) u sedam stabala (3.4%); virusa uvijenosti lista trešnje (CLRV), virusa mozaika gušarke (ArMV) i virusa šarke šljive (PPV) u tri stabla svaki (1.5%); virusa mozaika jabuke (ApMV) u jednom stablu (0.5%). Značajna razlika u osjetiljvosti testa zabilježena je kod PNRSV-a prilikom čega su se grančice u mirovanju vegetacije pokazale kao pouzdaniji uzorak u usporedbi sa listovima prikupljenima tijekom vegetacije. Dodatno, šest stabala se metodom RT-PCR pokazalo pozitivno na virus sitnih plodova trešnje 2 (LChV-2). Pored vrlo čestih latentnih infekcija, u periodu pred berbu zabilježeni su simptomi: žuta pjegavost listova (ApMV); žućenje, zaostajanje u rastu, gole grane s listovima samo na vršnom dijelu (PDV); pucanje kore (PeAMV), smanjeni listovi (RpRSV), klorotični/ nekrotični prstenovi (PNRSV) i neujednačeno dozrijevanje (LChV-2). Slobodnim od svih virusa i bakterija definiranih EPPO certifikacijskom shemom za trešnju, uključujući i virus šarke šljive, pokazalo se 11 stabala. Izdvojena elitna stabla bez virusa i bakterija predstavljaju vrijedan genetski materijal za razmnožavanje i daljnju klonsku selekciju