7 research outputs found

    Designing Postal Network Units

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    The existing postal infrastructure cannot efficiently support the requirements of new technologies and the supply of services on the open market of postal services. Post offices do not meet the new needs, therefore requiring an adjustment to new traffic and service requirements. The functioning of the postal system in the Republic of Croatia was carried out in order to adjust the functional equipment of the system to the introduction of the new technologies and services. At the same time a requirement was set to the public postal operator for more efficient performing of the universal postal service. Based on the analyses of the postal system functioning, a modular procedure of designing the postal network units was proposed and it provides the possibility of adjustment to the new technological, organizational and safety requirements of the postal system. KEY WORDS: postal units, module designing, postal traffic efficienc


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    Razvoj i validacija novih objektivnih testova znanja unutar STEM područja za učenike osnovnih Ŕkola

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    Measuring student achievement is one of the key issues when researching quality and efficiency of an educational system. Several existing studies tried to express student achievement in mathematics or science through separate tests within the particular domain. The aim of this paper is to consider the possibility of measuring knowledge in the STEM area through integrated tests and to present the characteristics of the new tests developed particularly for this purpose. In this paper, a complete psychometric analysis of the newly developed tests is provided. The paper outlines the steps undertaken in the process of determining content requirements within each knowledge test, preliminary validations of initial test versions, as well as the results obtained in the main study. The main study encompassed 586 grade 4 students, 580 grade 5 students and 632 grade 6 students. In every test, the unidimensional structure was obtained using confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Acceptable reliability was obtained for all three tests (Ī±4thā€‰=ā€‰.78; Ī±5th =.70; Ī±6thā€‰=ā€‰.79). The correlations between total test scores and achievement in STEM school subjects were moderate to high. Therefore, all three newly developed tests represent a one-dimensional, reliable, discriminative and valid measure of integrated studentsā€™ knowledge in the STEM area.Mjerenje učeničkog postignuća jedno je od srediÅ”njih pitanja u istraživanjima kvalitete i učinkovitosti obrazovanja. U području prirodoslovlja i matematike nekoliko je dosadaÅ”njih studija nastojalo iskazati postignuće učenika jedinstvenim pokazateljem znanja unutar tog područja. Cilj je ovog rada razmotriti mogućnost mjerenja znanja učenika u STEM području te prikazati obilježja novih testova razvijenih posebno s tom svrhom. U radu je prikazana cjelovita psihometrijska analiza novokonstruiranih testova te su prikazani koraci i pristupi u određivanju sadržajnih zahtjeva testova, zatim ishodi preliminarnih validacija inicijalnih inačica testova, kao i rezultati do kojih se doÅ”lo u glavnom dijelu istraživanja. U glavnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 586 učenika četvrtog razreda, 580 učenika petog razreda i 632 učenika Å”estog razreda. Postupcima eksploratorne i konfirmatorne faktorske analize potvrđena je jasna jednofaktorska struktura koriÅ”tenih testova koja je praćena solidnim pokazateljima unutarnje konzistencije (Ī±4.rā€‰=ā€‰,78; Ī±5.r = ,70; Ī±6.rā€‰=ā€‰,79). Ukupan rezultat u testu umjereno je do visoko povezan sa Å”kolskim postignućem u STEM Å”kolskim predmetima. Zaključeno je da sva tri novokonstruirana testa predstavljaju jednodimenzionalnu, a ipak pouzdanu, osjetljivu i valjanu mjeru znanja učenika u STEM području


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    Dynamic Routing Algorithms in Packet Networks with Guaranteed Quality of Service

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    Uvođenje tehnologije komutacije paketa temeljene na oznakama (MPLS) u mreže zasnovane na IP protokolu značajno proÅ”iruje mogućnosti uporabe algoritama za usmjeravanje i upravljanje prometom u takvim mrežama. U ovom radu analiziraju se postojeći algoritmi za dinamičko usmjeravanje te se određuju svojstva koja bi budući algoritmi i protokoli za usmjeravanje u Internet mreži trebali imati.Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology has the potential to significantly improve the usability of various algorithms for dynamic routing and traffic management in IP-based networks. In this work, various existing dynamic routing algorithms are analysed and based on this analysis, important features which Internet routing should have are established

    Urban Public Transport Planning Strategies

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    The work considers the strategy of urban public transp01tplanning through the problem of road and public transport withtraffic congestion. Approaches and measures for their eliminationare presented.The aim is to organise urban transp01t with urban environmelll