84 research outputs found

    Cartographic Presentation of the Transfer of the Holy House from Nazareth to Loreto

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    U radu se razmatra legendarni prijenos Svete kuće iz Nazareta u Palestini preko hrvatske obale do Loreta u Italiji. Taj se prijenos, prema predaji, zbio krajem 13. st., a prikazan je na viÅ”e karata, među kojima se ističe loretski kartografski prikaz Descriptio translationis SanctƦ Domus BeatissimƦ Virginis e Nazareth in Dalmatiam et inde Lavretv[m] koji se datira u kraj 16. st. Bez obzira na autentičnost relikvije, činjenica da se sadržaj legendarnog prijenosa prikazuje kartografski na jednoj od najdragocjenijih umjetnina loretskoga marijanskog svetiÅ”ta posvjedočuje o potrebi prostorne identifikacije imaginarne geografije, ali i o značenju i utjecaju koje je imala tadaÅ”nja kartografija koja je preko karata pružala izvor prostornih podataka i bila važno sredstvo geografskog izražavanja.The paper discusses the legendary transfer of the Holy House from Nazareth (Palestine), via Croatian coast to the town of Loreto in Italy. According to legend, the transfer took place at the end of the 13th century, and it was depicted on several maps, including the cartographic representation from Loreto called Descriptio translationis SanctƦ Domus BeatissimƦ Virginis e Nazareth in Dalmatiam et inde Lavretv[m] which was probably made at the end of the 16th century. Regardless of the authenticity of the relic, the fact that the content of the legendary transfer was depicted cartographically on one of the most valuable works of art of the Loreto Marian shrine witnesses the need for spatial identification of imaginary geography, but it also indicates the importance and influence of cartography of that time, because maps were important sources of spatial data and means of geographic expression

    Značenje Sv. Andrije (Sveca) na plovidbenoj ruti preko Jadrana na starim geografskim kartama

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    This paper deals with the significance of traffic position of Sv. Andrija Island (Croatia; Eng. St Andrew Island) on Adriatic sailing routes. Numerous archeological findings and written historical sources indicate the importance of the route across the Adriatic from Monte Gargano on western Adriatic coast over Palagruža toward Sv. Andrija or Vis and finally to eastern Adriatic coast (and vice versa). As it could be expected, the main geographical objects of terrestrial navigation along this route were always presented on old geographic and navigational maps. Although it is a small island, Sv. Andrija was always presented on these maps, regardless of the map scale, and sometimes it was even made larger than it actually was. Such cartographic generalization, i.e. choice of items presented on the maps, indicate historical and geographical continuity of traffic valorization of Sv. Andrija and the whole eastern Adriatic maritime zone as it is obvious that geographers and cartographers of that time paid much attention to it.U članku se raspravlja o značenju geoprometnoga položaja otoka Sv. Andrija (Hrvatska) na jadranskim pomorskim rutama. Brojni hidroarheoloŔki nalazi i pisana povijesna svjedočanstva govore o važnosti prekojadranskoga pravca od Monte Gargana na zapadnoj obali preko Palagruže prema Sv. Andriji ili Visu do istočne obale Jadrana (i obrnuto). Očekivano, glavni geografskih objekti terestričke navigacije duž navedenoga pomorskoga pravca redovito su prikazivani na starim geografskim i pomorskim kartama. Unatoč maloj povrŔini Sv. Andrije, i taj je otok na kartama, s obzirom na mjerilo, redovito prikazivan, pa čak i preuveličavan. Takva kartografska generalizacija, odnosno sam izbor geografskog sadržaja ukazuje na povijesno-geografski kontinuitet prometne valorizacije Sv. Andrije, ali i cijeloga istočnojadranskoga akvatorija, kojemu onodobni geografi i kartografi s pravom pridaju veliko značenje

    Islands Iž and Rava on Old Maps

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    Exhibition Pax Anamarija, G&V Line Jadera, Zadar ā€“ Iž ā€“ Rava, 16ā€“26 May 2014 The National Museum Zadar (Cultural-historical collection of the Island of Iž) and the University of Zadar prepared the exhibition Islands Iž and Rava on Old Maps on the occasion of the International Museum Day. The exhibition was set on a passenger ship Anamarija owned by company G &V Line Jadera which connects islands Iž and Rava with Zadar. Visitors, mostly passengers on that route and on the Zadar ā€“ Sali ā€“ Zadar route with the same ship could see the exhibition from May 16 to 26, 2014. Considering that 200 small catalogues were printed containing an introduction and a list of exhibits and that more catalogues had to be printed, it can be assumed that the exhibition of old maps was very interesting to inhabitants of Iž and Rava, as well as other people who wanted to see how those islands were represented on maps in the past. Vladimir Alavanja provided the idea for the exhibition, and its form and location were arranged with Josip Faričić from the Department of Geography of the University of Zagreb. Two passenger saloons aboard Anamarija were chosen as the location of the exhibition in order to present the exhibits to the inhabitants and frequent travellers from Iž to Rava in the way that the maps were contextualized in the space they represent. The exhibits were placed as sections of high-quality prints of 30 selected maps and charts. Sections of old maps were printed on a high-quality paper, framed and hanged in place of curtains on ships windows. Art historian Koraljka Alavanja conceived such an artistic arrangement

    Mithad Kozličić

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    Zaposlenike i studente SveučiliÅ”ta u Zadru zatekla je tužna vijest da je u Bihaću 15. kolovoza 2021. preminuo prof. dr. sc. Mithad Kozličić. Time je zavrÅ”io plodan životni put znanstvenika i profesora koji je svojim rezultatima zadužio zadarsku, ali i cijelu hrvatsku akademsku zajednicu. Preminuo je mjesec i pol dana prije zasluženog umirovljenja i, nažalost, s neostvarenom počasnom funkcijom professora emeritusa koju je, u skladu s odlukom Senata SveučiliÅ”ta u Zadru, trebao uživati nakon umirovljenja.Employees and students of the University of Zadar were saddened by the news that Prof. Mithad Kozličić Ph.D. died in Bihać on 15 August 2021. This ended the fruitful life of a scientist and professor who with his results indebted the Zadar and the entire Croatian academic community. He passed away a month and a half before his well-deserved retirement and, unfortunately, with the unfulfilled honorary position of professor emeritus, which, in accordance with the decision of the Senate of the University of Zadar, he should have enjoyed after retirement

    Pomorske karte ā€“ susret znanosti, umjetnosti i prakse

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    An exhibition entitled Sea Charts ā€“ Meeting of Science, Art and Practice was held in Zadar from 10āˆ’17 March 2023. The exhibition was realised on the basis of research within the scientific project Early Modern Nautical Charts of the Adriatic Sea: Source of Knowledge, Means of Navigation and Media of Communication, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation and organised within the project Reconnect Science with the Blue Society āˆ’ Blue Connect, co-funded by the European Union.U Zadru je od 10 do 17. ožujka 2023. priređena izložba Pomorske karte ā€“ susret znanosti, umjetnosti i prakse. Izložba je ostvarena na temelju istraživanja provedenih u sklopu znanĀ­stveĀ­nog projekta Ranonovovjekovne poĀ­morĀ­ske karte Jadranskog mora: izvor spoznaja, sredstvo navigacije i medij komunikacije koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, a orgaĀ­niĀ­ziĀ­raĀ­na je kao jedna od aktivnosti projekta Reconnect Science with the Blue Society ā€“ Blue Connect sufnanciranog sredstvima Europske Unije

    Izložba Descriptio oeconomiae

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    On the occasion of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Day 2022, an exhibition entitled Descriptio oeconomiae was opened on 19 October 2022 in the exhibition hall of the State Archives in Zadar. The exhibition was set up as part of the scientific activities of the scientific project IP-2020-02-5339 Early Modern Nautical Charts of the Adriatic Sea: Source of Knowledge, Means of Navigation and Medium of Communication (NACHAS), which is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation.U prigodi obilježavanja Dana infrastrukture prostornih podataka 2022. u Izložbenoj dvorani Državnog arhiva u Zadru 19. listopada 2022. otvorena je izložba pod naslovom Descriptio oeconomiae. Izložba je postavljena u sklopu znanstvenih aktivnosti na znanstvenom projektu IP-2020-02-5339 Ranonovovjekovne pomorske karte Jadranskog mora: izvor spoznaja, sredstvo navigacije i medij komunikacije (NACHAS) koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost
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