92 research outputs found

    The Spatial Aspects of the Wind Farms Impact on the Environment

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    At a time of increasing use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity, including the expansion of wind energy, there is a need to examine the impact that projects in the field of renewable energy resources have on the environment. Although it is mainly the positive impact of projects in this field that are spoken and written about, and these are certainly indisputable, there are also certain negative implications of renewable energy projects. This is also the case with projects using green energy in wind farms. For this reason, special attention must be paid to the analysis and assessment of such impacts, as well as to responsible planning and optimal solutions for the spatial organization, by means of which effective environmental protection is achieved. This is where we arrive at the significance of applying strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in the planning and spatial organization of wind farms, with the aim of achieving preventive environmental protection. With regard to the role and significance of SEA as an instrument for steering the planning process towards the objectives of environmental protection, the application of SEA in the planning of wind farms stands as the optimal solution for the prevention of the negative effects of wind farms on environmental elements. Another argument supporting this statement is the fact that SEA is characterized by a holistic approach in which it is possible to see complex interactions and correlations in the space in which a wind farm project is planned, that is, the approach analyzes the spatial aspects of the impact of wind farms on the environment. This is precisely the theme of the book SPATIAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPACT OF WIND FARMS ON THE ENVIRONMENT. In addition to analyzing the possibilities and significance of applying SEA in preventive environmental protection when planning wind farms, the book pays special attention to a possible methodological approach in the evaluation of planning propositions. In this context, particular significance is given to the application of the semi‐quantitative expert qualitative method for the multi‐criteria evaluation of planning solutions, which also integrates so‐called partial approaches in evaluating the impact of individual environmental elements, and which can in the case of planning wind farms be based on specific simulation software models. The theoretical knowledge is applied to a specific example in the second half of the book, which contributes to the applicability of the researchSpecial editions 8

    The Spatial Aspects of the Wind Farms Impact on the Environment

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    At a time of increasing use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity, including the expansion of wind energy, there is a need to examine the impact that projects in the field of renewable energy resources have on the environment. Although it is mainly the positive impact of projects in this field that are spoken and written about, and these are certainly indisputable, there are also certain negative implications of renewable energy projects. This is also the case with projects using green energy in wind farms. For this reason, special attention must be paid to the analysis and assessment of such impacts, as well as to responsible planning and optimal solutions for the spatial organization, by means of which effective environmental protection is achieved. This is where we arrive at the significance of applying strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in the planning and spatial organization of wind farms, with the aim of achieving preventive environmental protection. With regard to the role and significance of SEA as an instrument for steering the planning process towards the objectives of environmental protection, the application of SEA in the planning of wind farms stands as the optimal solution for the prevention of the negative effects of wind farms on environmental elements. Another argument supporting this statement is the fact that SEA is characterized by a holistic approach in which it is possible to see complex interactions and correlations in the space in which a wind farm project is planned, that is, the approach analyzes the spatial aspects of the impact of wind farms on the environment. This is precisely the theme of the book SPATIAL ASPECTS OF THE IMPACT OF WIND FARMS ON THE ENVIRONMENT. In addition to analyzing the possibilities and significance of applying SEA in preventive environmental protection when planning wind farms, the book pays special attention to a possible methodological approach in the evaluation of planning propositions. In this context, particular significance is given to the application of the semi‐quantitative expert qualitative method for the multi‐criteria evaluation of planning solutions, which also integrates so‐called partial approaches in evaluating the impact of individual environmental elements, and which can in the case of planning wind farms be based on specific simulation software models. The theoretical knowledge is applied to a specific example in the second half of the book, which contributes to the applicability of the researchSpecial editions 8

    Methodology for the Regional Landfill Site Selection

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    Spatial Aspects of Environmental Impact of Power Plants

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    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is one of the key instruments for implementing sustainable development strategies in planning in general, namely for analysing and assessing the spatial development concepts, in this case in the field of energy and planning of power plants. The SEA in energy sector planning has become a tool for considering the benefits and consequences of the proposed changes in space, also taking into account the capacity of space to sustain the implementation of the planned activities. This chapter examines the multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) method for carrying out an SEA for the power plants in Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia (case study). The MCE method has found its use in the analysis and assessment of the energy sector spatial impacts on the environment and elements of sustainable development and, in this context, also considering the importance of impacts, spatial dispersion of impacts, their probability and frequency of occurrence, along with the elaboration of the obtained results in a specific, simple and unambiguous way. The chapter focuses on the consideration of aspects of environmental impact of all kinds of power plants, without taking into account the details regarding other aspects of energy sector development that are dealt with in the case study

    Impact evaluation within strategic environmental assessment: The case study of the Waste Management Regional plan for Kolubara region in Serbia

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    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) represents one of the most important instruments for implementation of the sustainable development strategy in planning. The paper presents methodological framework and method used for SEA impact evaluation of the Waste Management Regional plan for Kolubara region in Serbia. The methodological approach and method are based on planer's approach that has results in practice. The method is found after the multicriterion evaluation of the plan solutions within the defined SEA aims and indicators using qualitative expert assessment

    Strategic environmental assessment and climate change in the Republic of Serbia: Support to development and adjustment process

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    The paper analyzes the SEA status in the Republic of Serbia in the context of climate change problem. In addition to an overview of current legal framework, status and relationship towards the planning process, special attention has also been dedicated to the analysis of current practice - the SEA of plans of different hierarchical levels - for the purpose of giving insight into the current state. The paper stress that the development of the SEA in Serbia has stagnated since the introduction of the Law on Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment ('Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia', no.135/2004 and 88/2010) in the sense that there are no special activities in innovating methodological and procedural framework, nor public participation initiatives. Further, results of research that has been carried out indicate that climate change problems have not been systematically treated in the SEA, i.e. in plans, and that the existing legal framework is not fully supportive of this problem area. Based on the results, the recommendations have also been formulated which, amongst other things, include the formulation of special guidelines for carrying out the SEA which would, in particular, treat climate change in the sense of instructions related to phases of planning, level and coverage of plans including also examples of good practice, as well as strengthening of institutional framework and permanent education

    Spatial planning and ecological networks in Serbia

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    The paper explains the importance and role of spatial planning in the context of the preservation and sustainable use of ecological networks. The concept of ecological networks is presented in terms of its main goals, structure, functions and approaches to biodiversity conservation. The paper gives an overview of ecological network development in Serbia, but also an overview of the activities carried out in establishing the NATURA 2000 European ecological network. Possibilities for improving the spatial planning process in light of the functional development of ecological networks in Serbia are indicated through an analysis of the requirements arising from the policies relevant for spatial planning and the development of ecological networks using the example of drawn up spatial plans

    Models of Implementation of Spatial Plans: Theoretical Approach and Case Studies for Spatial Plans for the Special Purpose Area

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    The implementation of spatial plans is the weakest link of planning; it is insufficiently theoretically explored, methodologically unpositioned and in practice only partially carried out. The main direction in considering improvements in the implementation of plans is that it must be viewed and focused by means of spatial plans in order to as much as possible reduce the impact of all those factors outside the planning system. The study points to the need for and offers the definition of a model of implementation for spatial plans rooted in the theory of planning. The elements and contents of the proposed model of implementation suggest a logical, functional and temporal coherence of all planning decisions covered by the plan. The process of implementing the plan depends directly on the type and method of planning. Four basic models of implementation are defined. The results of research on the application of the implementation model in spatial planning practice in the Republic of Serbia are presented. These are obtained on the basis of multicriteria comparative analysis carried out on a case study of 11 spatial plans. The chapter suggests possible directions for further study, primarily in terms of applying the model of implementation in practice

    Prostorni aspekti uticaja vetroelektrana na životnu sredinu

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    U vremenu sve veće upotrebe obnovljivih izvora energije u proizvodnji električne energije i ekspanziji vetroenergetike u ovoj oblasti, nameće se potreba za sagledavanjem uticaja koje projekti u oblasti korišćenja obnovljivih energetskih resursa impliciraju u životnoj sredini. Iako se uglavnom piše i govori u pozitivnim uticajima koji imaju projekti u oblasti korišćenja obnovljivih energetskih resursa, koji su svakako nesporni, postoje i određeni negativni uticaji koje impliciraju ovakvi projekti. To je slučaj i sa projektima u oblasti korišćenja eolske energije u vetroelektranama. Iz tog razloga se posebna pažnja mora posvetiti analizi i proceni ovakvih uticaja i odgovornom planiranju i optimalnim rešenjima prostorne organizacije kojima se ostvaruje efikasna zaštita životne sredine. Upravo tu dolazimo do značaja primene strateške procene uticaja na životnu sredinu (SPU) u planiranju i prostornoj organizaciji vetroelektrana, sa ciljem ostvarivanja preventivne zaštite životne sredine. S obzirom na ulogu i značaj SPU kao instrumenta za usmeravanje planskog procesa ka ciljevima zaštite životne sredine, primena SPU u planiranju vetroelektrana nameće se kao optimalno rešenje za prevenciju mogućih negativnih efekata vetroelektrana na elemente životne sredine. Dodatni argument za ovakvu konstataciju je činjenica da SPU karakteriše holistički pristup u kome je moguće sagledati kompleksne interakcije i korelacije u prostoru u kome se planira realizacija projekta vetroelektrane, odnosno analizirati prostorne aspekte uticaja vetroelektrana na životnu sredinu. Upravo to je i tema ove knjige koja je formulisana i u njenom naslovu. Pored analize mogućnosti i značaja primene SPU u preventivnoj zaštiti životne sredine prilikom planiranja vetroelektrana, u knjizi je posebna pažnja posvećena mogućem metodološkom pristupu u evaluaciji planskih propozicija. U tom kontekstu, posebno je istaknuti značaj primene semikvantitativnog ekspertskog kvalitativnog metoda za višekriterijumsku evaluaciju planskih rešenja, koji u sebi integriše i tzv. parcijalne pristupe u proceni uticaja pojedinih elemenata životne sredine, a koji se u slučaju planiranja vetroelektrana mogu bazirati na određenim simulacionim softverskim modelima. Teorijska saznanja primenjena su na konkretnom primeru u drugom delu knjige, čime se doprinelo aplikativnosti istraživačkog rada koji je elaboriran u knjiziPosebna izdanja br. 8

    Spatial planning in the system of environmental protection

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    The monograph covers the issue of environmental management, which is analysed through five chapters that encompass inevitable themes related to the system of environmental management within spatial and urban planning context. Certain elements of the environmental management system have been analysed with critical view and with recommendations for the problem solving. In such context, the special emphasis is given to analysing the information base condition, as well as to indicators and criteria, which are the fundamental elements for identification and evaluation of the environmental conditions. Environmental management, which is also implemented through spatial planning, where the goal is to provide environmental quality, mainly depends on the state policy for environmental protection. Yet, it is shown that despite the strategic decisions being taken, an integral approach towards environmental protection has been substantiated slowly, and sometimes the protection is not efficient enough. Excessive pollution of air, water, and soil is not acceptable, and it jointly puts a threat to the survival of forests, vulnerable ecosystems, biodiversity, etc. This condition derived from the overall economic development in the past, which was founded on the conflict between environmental policy interest and development interest. The monograph especially focuses at the analysis of the elements for implementing the environmental management policy: legislation (SEA and EIA), institutional organisation, economic interests, and most of all - the spatial planning. With evaluation of the complexity in present attitude towards the environmental protection in Serbia and in the spatial and urban planning, it has been substantiated that we are in the initial phase of environmental management, despite the fact that the first steps towards institutionalisation of this policy have been made. A declared integral approach towards environmental protection does not exist yet, because it seems that it has not been understood that integration of ecological aspects in the process of spatial and urban planning presumes incorporation of the environmental protection requirements into sectoral policies instead of making a new separate policy. The present models of spatial and urban planning mainly involve the environmental protection as the special segment of planning, and this, from the sustainable development viewpoint, cannot give the complete results. Beside that, it is necessary to make better connections of environmental management within spatial planning and management of certain environmental elements, through integration of the subsystem solutions into integral planning solutions according to the principle of applying the model of management which allows the continual process of environmental quality management. The advantage of the proposed model is in its potential to recognise the unexpected impacts on the system, which are registered according to the indicators, upon which it is possible to make additional actions in order to achieve the goal which was setПосебна издања бр. 5