12 research outputs found

    Towards the generic conceptual and numerical framework for the simulation of CO2 sequestration in different types of georeservoirs

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    In this paper, conceptual and numerical modeling of coupled thermo-hydromechanical (THM) processes during CO2 injection and storage is presented. The commonly used averaging procedure combining the Theory of Mixtures and the Concept of Volume Fractions serves as background for the complex porous media approach presented here. Numerical models are based on a generalized formulation of the individual and overall balance equations for mass and momentum, as well as, in non-isothermal case, the energy balance equation. Within the framework of a standard Galerkin approach, the method of weighted residuals is applied to derive the weak forms of governing equations. After discretizing spatially these weak forms, a system of nonlinear algebraic equations can be obtained. For the required time discretization a generalized first order difference scheme is applied, linearization is performed using Picard or Newton-Raphson methods. The corresponding models are implemented within the scientific open source finite element code OpenGeoSys (OGS) developed by the authors, which is based on object oriented programming concepts. This assists the efficient treatment of different physical processes, whose mathematical models are of similar structure. Thus, the paper is mainly focused on a generic theoretical framework for the coupled processes under consideration. Within this context, CO2 sequestration in georeservoirs of different type can be simulated (e.g., saline aquifers, (nearly) depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs)

    Numerical analysis of CO2 injection into deformable saline reservoirs: benchmarking and initial observations

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    A numerical scheme is presented for the solution of coupled multiphase hydromechanical problems in deformable porous media. Model verification is conducted against analytical solutions for multiphase flow with capillarity and coupled multiphase hydromechanical consolidation. A hybrid monolithic(flow)-staggered(mechanical) numerical solution scheme is verified to be stable for real materials, provided proper error control is placed on the hydraulic to mechanical iteration and the time-stepping scheme. Initial results of CO2 injection into an aquifer-caprock system do not show significant differences in CO2 migration rate between flow-only and hydro-mechanical simulations for conservative injection scenarios. However, the results highlight important regions in the reservoir with regard to potential mechanical failure and caprock integrity and suggest the need for further analysis

    Simulating thermal-hydrologic-mechanical-chemical evolution surrounding fluid injection in a fractured porous geothermal reservoir

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    © 2006: American Geophysical UnionComputational analysis is conducted on the coupled thermal-hydrologic-mechanical-chemical (THMC) behavior of a stimulated EGS geothermal reservoir. Numerical analyses utilize a newly developed simulator capable of examining THMC processes in fractured porous geologic media. The simulator links the thermal-hydrologic- chemical (THC) computational code TOUGHREACT with the mechanical (M) capability of FLAC3D, where the response of pore fluid pressure to mechanical disturbance is treated as an undrained system and mineral precipitation/dissolution generates porosity and permeability change within each dual-permeability continuum. Non-linear permeability response to thermal-hydrologic-mechanical (THM) mechanisms is accommodated via embryonic mechanical and transport constitutive laws, and is considered to act in union with permeability changes associated with the removal or addition of minerals within the system. This construct is applied to the geometry of an injector-withdrawal doublet within the Coso Geothermal field, where in situ stress conditions, thermal state, and mineralogical composition at 3000m depth are extracted from recorded field data. Initial results for feasible parametric settings show that permeability reduction in the vicinity of a cool (80°C) injection well may be significant, within an order of magnitude, and accompanied by large (MPa) changes in the stress field throughout the reservoir for imposed boundary conditions of constant stress.Taron, J., Min, K. and Elsworth, D

    Mechanisms for rainfall-concurrent lava dome collapses at Soufriere Hills Volcano, 2000-2002

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    The evolution of rainfall-concurrent dome collapses at Soufrière Hills volcano is followed using a limit equilibrium model for rain infiltration into a hot lava carapace. Magma infusing into the dome both supplies heat and builds the slopes. The dome rocks are cooled by episodic rain infiltration and climatic cooling. Rainfall infiltrates fractures that develop in the hot dome carapace, occludes the void space, and staunches effusive gas flow. Gases may originate from juvenile de-gassing of the dome interior, or result from the vaporization of infiltrating water. Gas pressures build in cracks blocked-off by rain, and may destabilize the dome. The effects of dome growth, heating by magma infusion, and cooling by rain infiltration and climatic influences, are combined to follow the growth of the dome towards ultimate collapse. For a fixed suite of strength and transport parameters, and for measured magma influx rates, the evolution of instability may be followed. The evolving factor of safety tracks the observed March 2000 and July 2001 rainfall-concurrent collapse events, which evolve over months. However, the resolution of the hindcast is unable to discriminate between the effects of closely-timed rainfall events (order of hours). The heightening of the dome is shown to exert the principal influence on average slopes and in the evolution of instability. Collapse removes the over-heightened dome, and temporarily restores stability

    Implications of magma transfer between multiple reservoirs on eruption cycling

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    Volcanic eruptions are episodic despite being supplied by melt at a nearly constant rate. We used histories of magma efflux and surface deformation to geodetically image magma transfer within the deep crustal plumbing of the Soufrière Hills volcano on Montserrat, West Indies. For three cycles of effusion followed by discrete pauses, supply of the system from the deep crust and mantle was continuous. During periods of reinitiated high surface efflux, magma rose quickly and synchronously from a deflating mid-crustal reservoir (at about 12 kilometers) augmented from depth. During repose, the lower reservoir refilled from the deep supply, with only minor discharge transiting the upper chamber to surface. These observations are consistent with a model involving the continuous supply of magma from the deep crust and mantle into a voluminous and compliant mid-crustal reservoir, episodically valved below a shallow reservoir (at about 6 kilometers)

    Relatively stable pressure effects and time-increasing thermal contraction control Heber geothermal field deformation

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    Abstract Due to geological complexities and observational gaps, it is challenging to identify the governing physical processes of geothermal field deformation including ground subsidence and earthquakes. In the west and east regions of the Heber Geothermal Field (HGF), decade-long subsidence was occurring despite injection of heat-depleted brines, along with transient reversals between uplift and subsidence. These observed phenomena contradict current knowledge that injection leads to surface uplift. Here we show that high-yield production wells at the HGF center siphon fluid from surrounding regions, which can cause subsidence at low-rate injection locations. Moreover, the thermal contraction effect by cooling increases with time and eventually overwhelms the pressure effects of pressure fluctuation and poroelastic responses, which keep relatively stable during geothermal operations. The observed subsidence anomalies result from the siphoning effect and thermal contraction. We further demonstrate that thermal contraction dominates long-term trends of surface displacement and seismicity growth, while pressure effects drive near-instantaneous changes

    Numerische Simulation geomechanischer Prozesse bei der Verpressung von CO2

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    Neben anderen Konzepten zählt das Verfahren des Abscheidens, Transports und der geologischen Speicherung von CO2 (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage - CCS) zu den weltweit diskutierten Optionen, im Sinne einer Übergangstechnologie zur Verringerung des Eintrags schädlicher Treibhausgase in die Atmosphäre beizutragen. Das Verfahren ist nicht nur für die Energiewirtschaft mit ihrem hohen Anteil fossiler Energieträger von Interesse, sondern auch für andere CO2-intensive Wirtschaftszweige, wie beispielsweise der Zementindustrie. Im Jahr 2005 veröffentlichte der Zwischenstaatliche Klimawandelausschuss (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC) einen Sonderbericht, in dem Stand, Perspektiven und Wissenslücken von Verfahren der geologischen Langzeitspeicherung von CO2 aufgezeigt werden (IPCC, 2005). Der Modellierung und Simulation von Injektion und Ausbreitung des CO2 im geologischen Untergrund kommt dabei eine entscheidende Bedeutung für das Verständnis der dabei auf unterschiedlichen Zeit- und Längenskalen ablaufenden physikalischen und chemischen Prozesse sowie für die Beurteilung von Effizienz und Sicherheit der ausgewählten Speicher zu. Von den potenziell möglichen geologischen Speicherformationen stehen in Deutschland tiefe, saline Grundwassersysteme sowie (nahezu) ausgebeutete Erdgaslagerstätten mit zweckmäßig nutzbaren Kapazitäten zur Verfügung. Die Arbeiten des hier präsentierten Berichts wurden im Teilprojekt M1b 'Numerische Simulation geomechanischer Prozesse bei der Verpressung von CO2' des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens (F&E-Vorhaben) CO2-MoPa ausgeführt. Sie wurden unter dem Förderkennzeichen 03G0686D vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Zeitraum vom 01.04.2008 bis 31.12.2011 gefördert und vom Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Department Umweltinformatik realisiert. Integrierende Hauptaufgabe des F&E-Vorhabens CO2-MoPa war die Analyse, Bewertung und Quantifizierung von Speichermechanismen bei der Verpressung von CO2 in tiefe, saline Grundwasserformationen (Aquifere). Am Beispiel virtueller Standorte sollten Prozeduren für Dimensionierungs- und Risikoanalysen entwickelt werden, die wesentlich auf experimentell untersetzten Modellierungsansätzen beruhen und Hinweise auf die optimale Gestaltung von Erkundungs-, Nutzungs- und Monitoringstrategien für potenzielle CO2-Reservoire beinhalten

    Stress- and Chemistry-Mediated Permeability Enhancement/Degradation in Stimulated Critically-Stressed Fractures

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    This work has investigated the interactions between stress and chemistry in controlling the evolution of permeability in stimulated fractured reservoirs through an integrated program of experimentation and modeling. Flow-through experiments on natural and artificial fractures in Coso diorite have examined the evolution of permeability under paths of mean and deviatoric stresses, including the role of dissolution and precipitation. Models accommodating these behaviors have examined the importance of incorporating the complex couplings between stress and chemistry in examining the evolution of permeability in EGS reservoirs. This document reports the findings of experiment [1,2] and analysis [3,4], in four sequential chapters