4 research outputs found

    Comparison of online marketing techniques on food and beverage companies’ websites in six countries

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    Abstract Food and beverage marketing contributes to poor dietary choices among adults and children. As consumers spend more time on the Internet, food and beverage companies have increased their online marketing efforts. Studies have shown food companies’ online promotions use a variety of marketing techniques to promote mostly energy-dense, nutrient-poor products, but no studies have compared the online marketing techniques and nutritional quality of products promoted on food companies’ international websites. For this descriptive study, we developed a qualitative codebook to catalogue the marketing themes used on 18 international corporate websites associated with the world’s three largest fast food and beverage companies (i.e. Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken). Nutritional quality of foods featured on those websites was evaluated based on quantitative Nutrient Profile Index scores and food category (e.g. fried, fresh). Beverages were sorted into categories based on added sugar content. We report descriptive statistics to compare the marketing techniques and nutritional quality of products featured on the company websites for the food and beverage company websites in two high-income countries (HICs), Germany and the United States, two upper-middle-income countries (UMICs), China and Mexico, and two lower-middle-income countries (LMICs), India and the Philippines. Of the 406 screenshots captured from company websites, 67·8% depicted a food or beverage product. HICs’ websites promoted diet food or beverage products/healthier alternatives (e.g. baked chicken sandwich) significantly more often on their pages (25%), compared to LMICs (14·5%). Coca-Cola featured diet products significantly more frequently on HIC websites compared to LMIC websites. Charities were featured more often on webpages in LMICs (15·4%) compared to UMICs (2·6%) and HICs (2·3%). This study demonstrates that companies showcase healthier products in wealthier countries and advertise their philanthropic activities in lower income countries, which is concerning given the negative effect of nutrition transition (double burden of overnutrition and undernutrition) on burden of non-communicable diseases and obesity in lower income countries

    COVID-Washing in US Food and Beverage Marketing on Twitter: Content Analysis

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    BackgroundFood companies have increased digital and social media ad expenditures during the COVID-19 pandemic, capitalizing on the coinciding increase in social media use during the pandemic. The extent of pandemic-related social media advertising and marketing tactics have been previously reported. No studies, however, have evaluated how food and beverage companies used COVID-washing on social media posts in the United States or analyzed the nutritional content of advertised food and beverage products. This study was designed to address these gaps by evaluating how food and beverage companies capitalize on the COVID-19 pandemic to promote unhealthy foods and sugary beverages. ObjectiveWe aimed to document the types and frequencies of COVID-19–related themes in US food and beverage companies’ Twitter posts during the first wave of the pandemic in the United States, and assess the nutritional quality of food and beverage products featured in these tweets. MethodsResearch assistants visited the Twitter accounts of the most-marketed food and beverage brands, and screen-captured all tweets posted between March 1 and May 31, 2020. Researchers documented the date of the tweet; the number of likes, views, comments, and “retweets”; and the type of food and beverage products. We coded tweets for the following 10 COVID-19 themes: (1) social distancing, staying home, or working remotely; (2) contactless delivery or pick-up; (3) handwashing or sanitizing; (4) masks; (5) safety or protection; (6) staying connected with others; (7) staying active; (8) frontline or essential workers; (9) monetary relief, donations, or unemployment; and (10) pandemic, unprecedented, or difficult times. Researchers calculated the nutrient profile index scores for featured foods and sorted beverages into categories based on sugar content. ResultsOur final sample included 874 COVID-19–themed tweets from 52 food and beverage brands. Social distancing themes appeared most frequently (n=367, 42%), followed by pandemic, unprecedented, or difficult times (n=246, 28.2%), and contactless delivery (n=237, 27.1%). The majority of tweets (n=682, 78%) promoted foods and beverages. Among those tweets featuring foods and beverages, 89.6% (n=611) promoted unhealthy products, whereas 17.2% (n=117) promoted healthy products. ConclusionsOur findings point to a concerning marketing tactic in which major food and beverage companies promote unhealthy foods and sugary beverages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given that nutrition-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes are risk factors for COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, food and beverage companies should reduce the promotion of unhealthy products to help decrease the prevalence of health conditions that place people at higher risk for severe illness and death due to COVID-19