7 research outputs found

    Doing things right or doing the right things? Proposing a documentation scheme for small to medium enterprises

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    Coping with the initial and finest systems' functionality and performance is indeed one of the major problems nowadays, due to the rapid increase and continuous change of customer demands. Hence, it is crucial to move on with a research analysis in an attempt to identify whether documentation, the most reliable source for preserving a software system's quality over the years, is properly created, updated and used in Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) operating in small EU markets, focusing both on the development process and the maintenance activities. Henceforth, the main objective of this paper is to propose a minimum documentation set required to fulfil both the Software Engineering principles and the SME practical needs by comparing literature suggestions with empirical findings. In further support of our documentation set suggestion, we present and discuss the results of a small survey conducted in nine IToriented SME in Cyprus and Greece

    Minimizing interference in unmanaged environments of densely deployed wireless access points using a graphical game model

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    Urban residential areas are becoming increasingly dense with more and more wireless home networks being deployed in close proximity. Considering that in such a dense urban residential area, each unit has its own wireless access point (AP), deployed without any coordination with other such units, then a need arises for reducing interference and increasing overall Quality of Experience (QoE) of the clients involved. To do this, we propose that neighbouring APs i.e., APs that are physically close to each other form groups, where one member of the group serves the terminals of all group members in addition to its own terminals, while the other APs of the group can be silent or even turned off. The fact that participating units are deployed without any coordination makes the overall QoE vulnerable to the selfish behaviour of each unit. We propose a cooperative-neighbourhood graphical game model comprising of a network of selfishly-oriented nodes represented by a graph where the outgoing links of a certain node capture the improvement in utility that a neighbour's client may experience from a potential cooperation. We show and prove that using the proposed model provides motivation for APs to enter and remain in cooperative neighbourhoods, in which interference is decreased due to the voluntary cooperation of the neighbours