25 research outputs found
Additional file 3: Table S6. of Microgeographical structure in the major Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles darlingi using microsatellites and SNP markers
Per-individual An. darlingi detail of the number of sequence reads and unique stacks genotyped. (XLSX 18 kb
Neutral microsatellite marker (TA1, Polyα, PfPk2, TA109, 2490, C2M34 and C3M69) profiles for Peruvian samples.
The table shows the microsatellite loci sizes obtained for each of the eight haplotypes lineages from samples collected.</p
Proportion of <i>pfhrp2</i>, <i>pfhrp3</i> and flanking gene deletions in Peruvian samples from different lineage identified.
Data shows the number (and percentage) of parasites with gene deletions out of total samples tested.</p
HRP2 haplotype frequency in the Peruvian <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i> samples (n = 74).
P. falciparum samples were included in their respective lineages previously identified in this study and them were grouped (in circles) in new categories called HRP2 haplotypes (α, β, γ and δ) according to HRP2 microsatellite analysis described in Akinyi, S. et al 2013. n = indicates the quantity of samples identified for each HRP2 haplotype (inside the circles, the parenthesis indicates the quantity of samples that corresponds to each linages identified using neutral microsattelites).</p
Additional file 2: Text S1. of Microgeographical structure in the major Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles darlingi using microsatellites and SNP markers
Bash script with commands used to run the Stacks pipeline and STRUCTURE analysis. (TXT 4 kb
Frequency of lineages identified in the Peruvian collection sites.
Frequency of lineages identified in the Peruvian collection sites.</p
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Microgeographical structure in the major Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles darlingi using microsatellites and SNP markers
Double digest RADseq primer and adapters sequences for An. darlingi. Table S2. Estimates of Rs, H E and F IS of An. darlingi microsatellite loci in three Brazilian populations. Table S3. Estimates of private alleles in An. darlingi using microsatellite loci. Table S4. Locus-by-locus analysis of An. darlingi microsatellite loci. Table S5. Summary of ddRADseq dataset containing all positions (variant and fixed) from the three An. darlingi populations. (DOCX 27 kb
Origin of <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i> samples collected in Peruvian amazon (2009–2010).
Origin of P. falciparum samples collected in Peruvian amazon (2009–2010).</p
Median joining network analysis of <i>P</i>. <i>falciparum</i> samples collected in Amazon region in 2009–2010.
The genetic relationships among parasites were constructed using the seven neutral microsatellite loci shown on S1 Table. The distinct lineages are rendered in different colors and circle sizes are proportional to the number of samples assigned to a particular lineage. The number of samples assigned to each lineage by Structure analysis are shown in parentheses. The pfhrp2-negative proportions for each lineage are show in bold.</p
Proportion of <i>pfhrp2</i>, <i>pfhrp3</i> and flanking gene deletions in samples from different sites of the Peruvian Amazon.
Data shows the number (and percentage) of parasites with gene deletions out of total samples tested.</p