3,732 research outputs found

    advligorts: The Advanced LIGO Real-Time Digital Control and Data Acquisition System

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    The Advanced LIGO detectors are sophisticated opto-mechanical devices. At the core of their operation is feedback control. The Advanced LIGO project developed a custom digital control and data acquisition system to handle the unique needs of this new breed of astronomical detector. The advligorts is the software component of this system. This highly modular and extensible system has enabled the unprecedented performance of the LIGO instruments, and has been a vital component in the direct detection of gravitational waves

    Process validation approaches to continuous/connected downstream process

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    One of the enabling technologies that Novartis has developed for its small and flexible biomanufacturing plant is the continuous/connected downstream process. The major benefit of continuous/connected downstream process is elimination of large product pool tanks (a few 1000L) by introducing small surge tanks (\u3c100L) which greatly reduces plant foot print. The characteristics of continuous/connected downstream process are: 1) multi-unit operations work together in the same time 2) homogenous intermediate product pools are no longer available for typical offline analytical measurements. These new characteristics require process validation approaches to be reexamined. This talk covers development of representative scale down models for continuous/connected downstream process to efficiently and robustly support process characterization. Viral clearance validation approaches will be also discussed to reflect the requirement of continuous/connected downstream process. Sampling approaches is an integral part of control strategy which needs to be modified as well to ensure successful process validation

    Are integrated processes a solution looking for a problem to solve, or a tool to solve the problem?

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    Significant advancements in process economics require significant reductions in capital and labor cost, beyond what is currently achieved. In the overall effort to achieve dramatically lower cost, lower labor, and more flexible production facilities; we have systematically identified tools and technologies that will allow for meaningful reductions in capital and labor costs. Integration of continuous and connected operations can be effectively utilized to facilitate very high mass productivity in small footprint facilities. Furthermore, the resulting operations are more amenable to low labor automated operations. Novartis is advancing a full-scale concept that integrates the process from perfusion culture to continuous capture and through an automated connected-downstream sequence. The process, equipment and facility all play a role in achieving the next-level of productivity and flexibility. This has been demonstrated at full-scale with comparable quality results as a traditional process stream with a fraction of the operations staff. It is intended to share comparison data between integrated-continuous process and a traditional batch proces

    Atresia biliar e seus impactos para a criança acometida e sua família: revisão integrativa

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    Objective: To identify through literature the impacts that biliary atresia causes in affected children and their families. Method: This is an integrative review of literature carried out between July and September 2022, using databases and libraries: SCOPUS, PUBMED, and EBSCO. The descriptors for the search were adjusted according to the database or library, being caregivers, “biliary atresia”, “child care”, family, child, “child care subject”, combined with the boolean operator AND. The studies were selected in a careful and systematic way and evaluated for the level of evidence. Results: In the primary search, 1441 articles were identified, and after careful selection, 7 studies were selected to compose the qualitative analysis. The main results of the impacts of biliary atresia for children refer to the consequences arising from the disease regarding the need for surgical procedures that negatively impact quality of life. The impacts for the family relate to consequences for mental health and low quality of life, combined with lack of knowledge about caring for the child and excessive worry. Conclusion: This study made it possible to identify the impacts that biliary atresia causes in affected children and their families, pointing to significant contributions to nursing care.Objetivo: Identificar a través de la literatura los impactos que la atresia biliar provoca en los niños afectados y en su familia. Método: Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura, realizada entre julio y septiembre de 2022, utilizando como bases de datos y bibliotecas SCOPUS, PUBMED y EBSCO. Se realizó la adecuación de los descriptores en busca de concordancia con la base o biblioteca, siendo estos: caregivers, “biliary atresia”, “child care”, family, child, “child care subject”, combinados con el operador booleano AND. Los estudios fueron seleccionados de forma juiciosa y sistematizada, evaluados en cuanto al nivel de evidencia. Resultados: En la búsqueda primaria fueron identificados 1441 artículos y, después de una cuidadosa selección, 7 estudios fueron seleccionados para componer el análisis cualitativo. Los principales resultados de los impactos de la atresia biliar para los niños son las consecuencias de la enfermedad con relación a la necesidad de cirugía, que impactan negativamente en la calidad de vida. Por otro lado, los impactos para la familia están relacionados a las consecuencias para la salud mental y baja calidad de vida, asociados a la falta de conocimiento sobre el cuidado del niño y preocupación excesiva. Conclusión: Este estudio permitió identificar los impactos que la atresia biliar provoca en los niños afectados y su familia, y aporta contribuciones significativas para el cuidado en enfermería.Objetivo: Identificar através da literatura impactos que a atresia biliar provoca em crianças acometidas e em sua família. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura realizada entre julho e setembro de 2022, utilizando bases de dados e bibliotecas SCOPUS, PUBMED e EBSCO. Realizou-se adequação dos descritores para busca de acordo com a base ou biblioteca, sendo estes: caregivers, “biliary atresia”, “child care”, family, child, “child care subject”, combinados com o operador booleano AND. Os estudos foram selecionados de forma criteriosa e sistematizada, avaliados quanto ao nível de evidência. Resultados: Na busca primária, identificou-se 1441 artigos e após criteriosa seleção, 7 estudos foram selecionados para compor a análise qualitativa. Obteve-se como principais resultados dos impactos da atresia biliar para as crianças, dizem respeito as consequências oriundas da doença no que se refere a necessidade de procedimento cirúrgico que impactam negativamente na qualidade de vida. Já os impactos para a família dizem respeito a consequências para a saúde mental e baixa qualidade de vida aliados ao desconhecimento sobre cuidados com a criança e excesso de preocupação. Conclusão: Este estudo possibilitou a identificação dos impactos que a atresia biliar provoca em crianças acometidas e em sua família, apontando contribuições significativas para o cuidado em enfermagem


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    The implications of the patient-physician relationship and communication on healthcare quality have been widely discussed in previous research. Communication has been characterized as one of the most powerful, encompassing, and versatile instruments available to the physician and it has been suggested that good patient-physician communication can improve healthcare outcomes. The incorporation of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) in primary care provides an opportunity for improving healthcare services and quality of care. EMRs have, without a doubt, transformed the dynamics of the medical encounter. Implications of EMRs on the patient-physician communication, and thus on healthcare quality, have not yet reached a full understanding. Existing physician communication skills assessment tools do not take into account the physician\u27s need to divert his/her attention from the patient to the computer, and vise versa. One such tool is the SEGUE. This research-in-progress paper aims to describe the preliminary steps taken to assess the adequacy of the existing SEGUE tool in evaluating physicians\u27 communication skills in a computerized environment based on simulated medical encounters. Assuming that the existing SEGUE tool does not capture the new dynamics of the medical encounter; we suggest that it should be enhanced to include best-practices for physicians\u27 EMR use while maintaining effective communication with patients. We intend to develop a set of items which reflect recommendations for EMR use aimed at maintaining effective communication with the patient. These new items will be formulated based on an extant literature review and experts panel, and will eventually be incorporated into the existing SEGUE tool to provide a comprehensive tool for analyzing physicians\u27 communication skills in the computerized clinic

    advligorts: The Advanced LIGO real-time digital control and data acquisition system

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    The Advanced LIGO detectors are sophisticated opto-mechanical devices. At the core of their operation is feedback control. The Advanced LIGO project developed a custom digital control and data acquisition system to handle the unique needs of this new breed of astronomical detector. The advligortsis the software component of this system. This highly modular and extensible system has enabled the unprecedented performance of the LIGO instruments, and has been a vital component in the direct detection of gravitational waves