8 research outputs found

    Summary of DNA sequencing, assembly, and annotation of Asian citrus psyllid transcript libraries.

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    <p>Wb = Whole adult body, <i>Ca</i>. Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas)-uninfected; WbL = Whole adult body, CLas-infected; Ny = nymphal instars, CLas-uninfected; NyL = nymphal instars, CLas-infected. The consensus transcript sequences are expressed as reads per KB per million reads, or RPKM units.</p><p>Summary of DNA sequencing, assembly, and annotation of Asian citrus psyllid transcript libraries.</p

    Transposon expression levels, in <i>Ca</i>. Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) infected compared to uninfected Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) adults (Wb x WbL) and nymphs (Ny x NyL).

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    <p>The x- axis shows contigs representing different transposable element categories that were identified using the search terms, as described in the Methods section. Normalized expression in reads, per kilobase per million mapped reads (RPKM) of the transposable elements, is plotted on the primary y-axis for: uninfected nymphal instars (Ny-red bars), infected nymphal instars (NyL- grey bars), uninfected adults (Wb- blue bars), and infected adults (WbL-purple bars). The fold-change response to CLas infection is plotted on the secondary y- axis. The pairwise comparisons between infected and uninfected nymphal instars (NyL/Ny- Black line), and infected and uninfected adults (Wb/WbL-red line), are indicated by the line graphs. Significantly different levels of transcript expression (<i>P</i>>0.05) (*asterisk) are shown for infected and uninfected nymphs (black asterisk), and for infected and uninfected adults (red asterisk).</p

    The number and distribution of differentially expressed (<i>p</i><0.05) contigs for CLas-infected (L) and uninfected (no label) adults (Wb) and nymphs (Ny) of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP).

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    <p>Pairwise comparisons were carried out for the following combinations: adults, uninfected and infected (Wb x WbL), nymphs, uninfected and infected (Ny x NyL), uninfected adult and nymphs (Wb x Ny), and infected adults and nymphs (WbL x NyL). For each comparison, the term represents the first library in each respective comparison. The number 1 refers to: Wb, Ny, Wb, and WbL, and the number 2: refers to WbL, NyL, Ny, and NyL.</p

    The differentially expressed gene silencing Gene Ontology (GO) categories.

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    <p>GO categories represented on the x-axis were identified using selected search terms, as described in the <i>Methods</i> section. The number of ACP contigs was plotted by GO category on the primary axis, shown by the grey bars. Those with significantly different expression levels (<i>P</i><0.05) are noted by a red asterisk above the grey bar. “Differential expression” was based on pairwise comparisons between <i>Ca</i>. Liberibacter asiaticus infected and uninfected ACP nymphs and adults.</p

    The Gene Ontology classification of annotated, differentially expressed Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) contigs, with altered expression in the presence or absence of <i>Ca</i>. Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas).

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    <p>The y-axis (blue bar) shows the percentage distribution of the contigs in each functional category, and the x-axis shows the 46 functional categories to which ACP contigs were assigned. Categories that contain a significant number of differentially expressed contigs are represented by an asterisk* above the blue bar, for each pairwise comparison: ACP nymphs x adults (Ny/Wb-black asterisk), infected x uninfected nymphs (NyL/Ny- blue asterisk), infected x uninfected adults (WbL/Wb—red asterisk), and infected nymphs x adults (NyL/WbL—grey asterisk). The GO classifications for contigs that showed significantly different expression levels were identified using <i>p</i>-value cut off 0.05, which was based on edgeR statistics from which selected genes have been considered as prospective candidate effectors relevant to the ACP-CLas circulative, propagative transmission pathway.</p