30 research outputs found

    Health and Safety Executive Inspection of U.K. Semiconductor Manufacturers

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    Europe plays a major role in the international semiconductor industry, but has conducted few studies of the occupational health of its workers. An exception is in the United Kingdom, where, in two small studies, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) evaluated some health effects of semiconductor work. Neither of these studies, largely restricted to Scotland, produced definitive results, and both were misused by industry to assert that they demonstrated no adverse health effect on workers. The results of the studies prompted semiconductor industry inspections recently completed by the HSE that included chip manufacturers in Scotland and other U.K. areas. The results of these inspections are disappointing

    Occupational health: a world of false promises

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    The response of the World Health Organization (WHO) to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2015 demonstrated that the global health system is unprepared to address what should be its primary mission, control of disease epidemics while protecting health workers. Critics blamed WHO politics and its rigid culture for the poor response to the epidemic. We find that United Nations agencies, WHO and the International Labor Organization (ILO), are faced with the global problem of inadequate worker protections and a growing crisis in occupational health. The WHO and ILO are given monumental tasks but only trivial budgets, and funding trends show UN agency dependence on private donations which are far larger than funds contributed by member states. The WHO and ILO have limited capacity to make the necessary changes occupational health and safety demand. The UN could strengthen the national and global civil society voice in WHO and ILO structures, and by keeping conflict of interest out of policy decisions, ensure greater freedom to operate without interference

    IBM, Elsevier Science, and Academic Freedom

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    Elsevier Science refused to publish a study of IBM workers that IBM sought to keep from public view. Occupational and environmental health (OEH) suffers from the absence of a level playing field on which science can thrive. Industry pays for a substantial portion of OEH research. Studies done by private consulting firms or academic institutions may be published if the results suit the sponsoring companies, or they may be censored. OEH journals often reflect the dominance of industry influence on research in the papers they publish, sometimes withdrawing or modifying papers in line with industry and advertising agendas. Although such practices are widely recognized, no fundamental change is supported by government and industry or by professional organizations

    The European influence on workers' compensation reform in the United States

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    Workers' compensation law in the United States is derived from European models of social insurance introduced in Germany and in England. These two concepts of workers' compensation are found today in the federal and state workers' compensation programs in the United States. All reform proposals in the United States are influenced by the European experience with workers' compensation. In 2006, a reform proposal termed the Public Health Model was made that would abolish the workers' compensation system, and in its place adopt a national disability insurance system for all injuries and illnesses. In the public health model, health and safety professionals would work primarily in public health agencies. The public health model eliminates the physician from any role other than that of privately consulting with the patient and offering advice solely to the patient. The Public Health Model is strongly influenced by the European success with physician consultation with industry and labor

    Medicina Laboral y Ambiental

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    Current : Occupational & Environmental Medicine

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    Current Occupational and Environmental Medicine

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    vii.813 hal.;23.3 c