23 research outputs found

    Efficient Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on GPUs Using the CSR Storage Format.

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    Abstract-The performance of sparse matrix vector multiplication (SpMV) is important to computational scientists. Compressed sparse row (CSR) is the most frequently used format to store sparse matrices. However, CSR-based SpMV on graphics processing units (GPUs) has poor performance due to irregular memory access patterns, load imbalance, and reduced parallelism. This has led researchers to propose new storage formats. Unfortunately, dynamically transforming CSR into these formats has significant runtime and storage overheads. We propose a novel algorithm, CSR-Adaptive, which keeps the CSR format intact and maps well to GPUs. Our implementation addresses the aforementioned challenges by (i) efficiently accessing DRAM by streaming data into the local scratchpad memory and (ii) dynamically assigning different numbers of rows to each parallel GPU compute unit. CSR-Adaptive achieves an average speedup of 14.7× over existing CSR-based algorithms and 2.3× over clSpMV cocktail, which uses an assortment of matrix formats

    clSPARSE: A Vendor-Optimized Open-Source Sparse BLAS Library

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    ABSTRACT Sparse linear algebra is a cornerstone of modern computational science. These algorithms ignore the zero-valued entries found in many domains in order to work on much larger problems at much faster rates than dense algorithms. Nonetheless, optimizing these algorithms is not straightforward. Highly optimized algorithms for multiplying a sparse matrix by a dense vector, for instance, are the subject of a vast corpus of research and can be hundreds of times longer than naïve implementations. Optimized sparse linear algebra libraries are thus needed so that users can build applications without enormous effort. Hardware vendors release proprietary libraries that are highly optimized for their devices, but they limit interoperability and promote vendor lock-in. Open libraries often work across multiple devices and can quickly take advantage of new innovations, but they may not reach peak performance. The goal of this work is to provide a sparse linear algebra library that offers both of these advantages. We thus describe clSPARSE, a permissively licensed opensource sparse linear algebra library that offers state-of-theart optimized algorithms implemented in OpenCL TM . We test clSPARSE on GPUs from AMD and Nvidia and show performance benefits over both the proprietary cuSPARSE library and the open-source ViennaCL library

    Interference from GPU System Service Requests

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    Heterogeneous systems combine general-purpose CPUs with domain-specific accelerators like GPUs. Recent heterogeneous system designs have enabled GPUs to request OS services, but the domain-specific nature of accelerators means that they must rely on the CPUs to handle these requests. Such system service requests can unintentionally harm the performance of unrelated CPU applications. Tests on a real heterogeneous processor demonstrate that GPU system service requests can degrade contemporaneous CPU application performance by up to 44% and can reduce energy efficiency by limiting CPU sleep time. The reliance on busy CPU cores to perform the system services can also slow down GPU work by up to 18%. This new form of interference is found only in accelerator-rich heterogeneous designs and may be exacerbated in future systems with more accelerators. We explore mitigation strategies from other fields that, in the face of such interference, can increase CPU and GPU performance by over 20% and 2 x, respectively, and CPU sleep time by 4.8 x. However, these strategies do not always help and offer no performance guarantees. We therefore describe a technique to guarantee quality of service to CPU workloads by dynamically adding backpressure to GPU requests