29 research outputs found

    Multivariate analysis of factors related to practice and attitude toward FGM.

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    **<p>p<.001;</p>*<p>p<.05.</p>§<p>This analysis was done among those women who know (heard of) the practice of FGM; we excluded women who did not know of FGM, did not belong to one of the 4 major ethnic groups, and the missing variables.</p>¥<p>This analysis was done among those women who either approve or disapprove the continuation of FGM; we excluded women who did not know of FGM, did not belong to one of the 4 major ethnic groups, and the missing variables.</p

    Knowledge and attitude toward FGM.

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    *<p>For some questions the columns do not equal 100% due to missing data.</p

    Knowledge, attitudes, and intentions toward the practice of <i>gavage</i>.

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    *<p>For some questions the columns do not equal 100% due to missing data.</p

    Modeled diagnosis and treatment coverage based on sensitivity and specificity of caregiver recall across actual intervention coverages in a given community.

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    <p>Proportions of patients actually experiencing each event at the study clinics are illustrated with red arrows. The solid black line at a 45° angle represents 100% sensitivity and specificity. Estimates for the coverage of these interventions expected from a household survey from caregiver recall with the sensitivity and specificity observed in this study (blue line) were modeled for true intervention coverages (observed at clinic) ranging from 0% to 100% as follows: estimated coverage from caregiver recall = (true coverage at clinic<i>×</i>sensitivity)+[(1−true coverage at clinic)<i>×</i>[1−specificity)].</p

    Characteristics of treatment recall by caregivers and observation at study clinics, Western Province, Zambia, 2012.

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    <p>All standard errors estimated using the Huber–White Sandwich estimator to account for correlated data at the facility level.</p>a<p>Only one child tested with microscopy.</p>b<p>Includes laboratory-confirmed malaria and clinical diagnosis based on symptoms.</p

    Accuracy of caregiver recall of key questions of diagnosis and treatment of malaria, Western Province, Zambia, 2012.

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    <p>All standard errors estimated using the Huber–White Sandwich estimator to account for correlated data at the facility level.</p>a<p>Among children reported by caregiver to have a fever in the past 2 wk.</p>b<p>Includes laboratory-confirmed malaria and clinical diagnosis based on symptoms.</p><p>CI, confidence interval; FN, false negative; FP, false positive; TN, true negative; TP, true positive.</p

    Sampling characteristics of selected point estimates from the 2007 Zambia DHS Survey [7].

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    <p>Point estimates in this table may vary slightly from the point estimates reported in the 2007 Zambia DHS survey because of slight differences in inclusion criteria during analysis, although all are within 1%.</p>a<p>There are different numbers of children in each wealth quintile because wealth quintiles are calculated at the household level for all persons in the household and not for subgroups.</p