5 research outputs found
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in mainland china: a meta-analysis of published studies
Quality assessment scores of the included studies. (XLS 37 kb
Legislative Documents
Also, variously referred to as: Senate bills; Senate documents; Senate legislative documents; legislative documents; and General Court documents
Additional file 2: of Associations between three common single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs266729, rs2241766, and rs1501299) of ADIPOQ and cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis
Meta-regression results of the association between the SNPs and CVD risk. (DOCX 59 kb
Additional file 3: of Associations between three common single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs266729, rs2241766, and rs1501299) of ADIPOQ and cardiovascular disease: a meta-analysis
Funnel plots of three SNPs for publication bias. (DOCX 1250 kb