2,024 research outputs found

    Modulation of Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity in Human Cytomegalovirus Infection: The Role of Endogenous Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex and a Viral Class I Homolog

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    Natural killer (NK) cells have been implicated in early immune responses against certain viruses, including cytomegalovirus (CMV). CMV causes downregulation of class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression in infected cells; however, it has been proposed that a class I MHC homolog encoded by CMV, UL18, may act as a surrogate ligand to prevent NK cell lysis of CMV-infected cells. In this study, we examined the role of UL18 in NK cell recognition and lysis using fibroblasts infected with either wild-type or UL18 knockout CMV virus, and by using cell lines transfected with the UL18 gene. In both systems, the expression of UL18 resulted in the enhanced killing of target cells. We also show that the enhanced killing is due to both UL18-dependent and -independent mechanisms, and that the killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIRs) and CD94/NKG2A inhibitory receptors for MHC class I do not play a role in affecting susceptibility of CMV-infected fibroblasts to NK cell–mediated cytotoxicity

    Killer Cell Inhibitory Receptor Recognition of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Class I Blocks Formation of a pp36/PLC-Îł Signaling Complex in Human Natural Killer (NK) Cells

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    The killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIR) of human natural killer (NK) cells recognize human leukocyte antigen class I molecules and inhibit NK cell cytotoxicity through their interaction with protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTP). Here, we report that KIR recognition of class I ligands inhibits distal signaling events and ultimately NK cell cytotoxicity by blocking the association of an adaptor protein (pp36) with phospholipase C-Îł in NK cells. In addition, we demonstrate that pp36 can serve as a substrate in vitro for the KIR-associated PTP, PTP-1C (also called SHP-1), and that recognition of class I partially disrupts tyrosine phosphorylation of NK cell proteins, providing evidence for KIR-induced phosphatase activity

    The Lectin-like Receptor KLRE1 Inhibits Natural Killer Cell Cytotoxicity

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    We report the cloning and functional characterization in the mouse and the rat of a novel natural killer (NK) cell receptor termed KLRE1. The receptor is a type II transmembrane protein with a COOH-terminal lectin-like domain, and constitutes a novel KLR family. Rat Klre1 was mapped to the NK gene complex. By Northern blot and flow cytometry using newly generated monoclonal antibodies, KLRE1 was shown to be expressed by NK cells and a subpopulation of CD3+ cells, with pronounced interstrain variation. Western blot analysis indicated that KLRE1 can be expressed on the NK cell surface as a disulphide-linked dimer. The predicted proteins do not contain immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs (ITIMs) or a positively charged amino acid in the transmembrane domain. However, in a redirected lysis assay, the presence of whole IgG, but not of F(ab′)2 fragments of a monoclonal anti-KLRE1 antibody inhibited lysis of Fc-receptor bearing tumor target cells. Moreover, the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 was coimmunoprecipitated with KLRE1 from pervanadate-treated interleukin 2–activated NK cells. Together, our results indicate that KLRE1 may form a functional heterodimer with an as yet unidentified ITIM-bearing partner that recruits SHP-1 to generate an inhibitory receptor complex

    CD94 and a Novel Associated Protein (94AP) Form a NK Cell Receptor Involved in the Recognition of HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C Allotypes

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    AbstractWhereas the human killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIRs) for HLA class I are immunoglobulin-like monomeric type I glycoproteins, the murine Ly49 receptors for H-2 are type II homodimers of the C-type lectin superfamily. Here, we demonstrate that human NK cells also express C-type lectin receptors that influence recognition of polymorphic HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C molecules. These receptors are heterodimers composed of CD94 chains covalently associated with novel tyrosine-phosphorylated glycoproteins (94AP). Some NK clones recognize a common HLA-C ligand using both KIRs and CD94–94AP receptors. These findings suggest the existence of human inhibitory MHC class I receptors of the immunoglobulin and C-type lectin superfamilies and indicate overlap in ligand specificity

    The Central Regions of M31 in the 3 - 5 micron Wavelength Region

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    Images obtained with NIRI on the Gemini North telescope are used to investigate the photometric properties of the central regions of M31 in the 3 - 5 micron wavelength range. The light distribution in the central arcsecond differs from what is seen in the near-infrared in the sense that the difference in peak brigh tness between P1 and P2 is larger in M' than in K'; no obvious signature of P3 is dete cted in M'. These results can be explained if there is a source of emission that contributes ~ 20% of the peak M' light of P1 and has an effective temperature of no more than a few hundred K that is located between P1 and P2. Based on the red K-M' color of this source, it is suggested that the emission originates in a circumstellar dust shell surrounding a single bright AGB star. A similar bright source that is ~ 8 arcsec from the center of the galaxy is also detected in M'. Finally, the (L', K-L') color-magnitude diagram of unblended stars shows a domin ant AGB population with photometric characteristics that are similar to those of the most luminous M giants in the Galactic bulge.Comment: To appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms from the transcriptome of an organism with a whole genome duplication

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    BACKGROUND: The common ancestor of salmonid fishes, including rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), experienced a whole genome duplication between 20 and 100 million years ago, and many of the duplicated genes have been retained in the trout genome. This retention complicates efforts to detect allelic variation in salmonid fishes. Specifically, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection is problematic because nucleotide variation can be found between the duplicate copies (paralogs) of a gene as well as between alleles. RESULTS: We present a method of differentiating between allelic and paralogous (gene copy) sequence variants, allowing identification of SNPs in organisms with multiple copies of a gene or set of genes. The basic strategy is to: 1) identify windows of unique cDNA sequences with homology to each other, 2) compare these unique cDNAs if they are not shared between individuals (i.e. the cDNA is homozygous in one individual and homozygous for another cDNA in the other individual), and 3) give a “SNP score” value between zero and one to each candidate sequence variant based on six criteria. Using this strategy we were able to detect about seven thousand potential SNPs from the transcriptomes of several clonal lines of rainbow trout. When directly compared to a pre-validated set of SNPs in polyploid wheat, we were also able to estimate the false-positive rate of this strategy as 0 to 28% depending on parameters used. CONCLUSIONS: This strategy has an advantage over traditional techniques of SNP identification because another dimension of sequencing information is utilized. This method is especially well suited for identifying SNPs in polyploids, both outbred and inbred, but would tend to be conservative for diploid organisms

    Myeloid DAP12-associating lectin (MDL)-1 regulates synovial inflammation and bone erosion associated with autoimmune arthritis.

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    DNAX adaptor protein 12 (DAP12) is a trans-membrane adaptor molecule that transduces activating signals in NK and myeloid cells. Absence of functional Dap12 results in osteoclast defects and bone abnormalities. Because DAP12 has no extracelluar binding domains, it must pair with cell surface receptors for signal transduction. There are at least 15 known DAP12-associating cell surface receptors with distinct temporal and cell type-specific expression patterns. Our aim was to determine which receptors may be important in DAP12-associated bone pathologies. Here, we identify myeloid DAP12-associating lectin (MDL)-1 receptor (also known as CLEC5A) as a key regulator of synovial injury and bone erosion during autoimmune joint inflammation. Activation of MDL-1 leads to enhanced recruitment of inflammatory macrophages and neutrophils to the joint and promotes bone erosion. Functional blockade of MDL-1 receptor via Mdl1 deletion or treatment with MDL-1-Ig fusion protein reduces the clinical signs of autoimmune joint inflammation. These findings suggest that MDL-1 receptor may be a therapeutic target for treatment of immune-mediated skeletal disorders

    738–2 The Evolution of Therapy for Single Vessel Disease: A Treatment Comparison of Medicine, Angioplasty and Left Internal Mammary Artery Graft for Proximal Left Anterior Descending Disease

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    Saphenous vein bypass grafting for single vessel disease offers no survival or symptom relief advantage compared to medical therapy. Recent evidence suggests the use of the internal mammary artery or PTCA may be more beneficial than medicine. To examine the outcome of these treatment strategies, a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data on 23,018 consecutive patients undergoing cardiac catheterization between April 1986 and February 1994 was performed. Of the 6,432 patients with single vessel disease, 1,222 had a proximal left anterior descending (LAD) stenosis>74% and no prior PTCA or CABG. A total of 289 were managed medically, 760 underwent PTCA, and 172 received a left internal mammary artery (LIMA) graft.Baseline demographic data and risk factor profiles were similar except for a higher incidence of diabetes (19 vs 15 vs 11%), history of MI (72 vs 58 vs 48%) CHF (18 vs 7 vs 8%), and total occlusions (44 vs 17 vs 7%) and lower incidence of unstable angina (40 vs 61 vs 64%) in the medical group as compared to PTCA and LIMA graft, respectively.Kaplan-Meier 6-year estimates:EventsMedicinePTCALIMAP-value–unadjusted survival (%)7885910.001–adjusted survival (%)8486900.24–event-free survival (%)5443720.0001ConclusionThere is a trend towards improved long-term survival in proximal LAD disease with a strategy of revascularization, particularly the LIMA graft. Furthermore, event-free survival is significantly improved with the LIMA graft as compared to medical therapy or PTCA
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