27 research outputs found

    Novel candidate genes underlying extreme trophic specialization in Caribbean pupfishes

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    The genetic changes responsible for evolutionary transitions from generalist to specialist phenotypes are poorly understood. Here we examine the genetic basis of craniofacial traits enabling novel trophic specialization in a sympatric radiation of Cyprinodon pupfishes endemic to San Salvador Island, Bahamas. This recent radiation consists of a generalist species and two novel specialists: a small-jawed "snail-eater" and a large-jawed "scale-eater." We genotyped 12 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by whole-genome resequencing of 37 individuals of all three species from nine populations and integrated genome-wide divergence scans with association mapping to identify divergent regions containing putatively causal SNPs affecting jaw size-the most rapidly diversifying trait in this radiation. A mere 22 fixed variants accompanied extreme ecological divergence between generalist and scale-eater species. We identified 31 regions (20 kb) containing variants fixed between specialists that were significantly associated with variation in jaw size which contained 11 genes annotated for skeletal system effects and 18 novel candidate genes never previously associated with craniofacial phenotypes. Six of these 31 regions showed robust signs of hard selective sweeps after accounting for demographic history. Our data are consistent with predictions based on quantitative genetic models of adaptation, suggesting that the effect sizes of regions influencing jaw phenotypes are positively correlated with distance between fitness peaks on a complex adaptive landscape

    Ecological divergence in sympatry causes gene misexpression in hybrids.

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    Ecological speciation occurs when reproductive isolation evolves as a byproduct of adaptive divergence between populations. Selection favouring gene regulatory divergence between species could result in transgressive levels of gene expression in F1 hybrids that may lower hybrid fitness. We combined 58 resequenced genomes with 124 transcriptomes to identify patterns of hybrid gene misexpression that may be driven by adaptive regulatory divergence within a young radiation of Cyprinodon pupfishes, which consists of a dietary generalist and two trophic specialists-a molluscivore and a scale-eater. We found more differential gene expression between closely related sympatric specialists than between allopatric generalist populations separated by 1,000 km. Intriguingly, 9.6% of genes that were differentially expressed between sympatric species were also misexpressed in F1 hybrids. A subset of these genes were in highly differentiated genomic regions and enriched for functions important for trophic specialization, including head, muscle and brain development. These regions also included genes that showed evidence of hard selective sweeps and were significantly associated with oral jaw length-the most rapidly diversifying skeletal trait in this radiation. Our results indicate that divergent ecological selection in sympatry can contribute to hybrid gene misexpression which may act as a reproductive barrier between nascent species

    Hybrid gene misregulation in multiple developing tissues within a recent adaptive radiation of Cyprinodon pupfishes.

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    Genetic incompatibilities constitute the final stages of reproductive isolation and speciation, but little is known about incompatibilities that occur within recent adaptive radiations among closely related diverging populations. Crossing divergent species to form hybrids can break up coadapted variation, resulting in genetic incompatibilities within developmental networks shaping divergent adaptive traits. We crossed two closely related sympatric Cyprinodon pupfish species-a dietary generalist and a specialized molluscivore-and measured expression levels in their F1 hybrids to identify regulatory variation underlying the novel craniofacial morphology found in this recent microendemic adaptive radiation. We extracted mRNA from eight day old whole-larvae tissue and from craniofacial tissues dissected from 17-20 day old larvae to compare gene expression between a total of seven F1 hybrids and 24 individuals from parental species populations. We found 3.9% of genes differentially expressed between generalists and molluscivores in whole-larvae tissues and 0.6% of genes differentially expressed in craniofacial tissue. We found that 2.1% of genes were misregulated in whole-larvae hybrids whereas 19.1% of genes were misregulated in hybrid craniofacial tissues, after correcting for sequencing biases. We also measured allele specific expression across 15,429 heterozygous sites to identify putative compensatory regulatory mechanisms underlying differential expression between generalists and molluscivores. Together, our results highlight the importance of considering misregulation as an early indicator of genetic incompatibilities in the context of rapidly diverging adaptive radiations and suggests that compensatory regulatory divergence drives hybrid gene misregulation in developing tissues that give rise to novel craniofacial traits