38,344 research outputs found

    Scalable quantum computation with fast gates in two-dimensional microtrap arrays of trapped ions

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    We theoretically investigate the use of fast pulsed two-qubit gates for trapped ion quantum computing in a two-dimensional microtrap architecture. In one dimension, such fast gates are optimal when employed between nearest neighbours, and we examine the generalisation to a two-dimensional geometry. We demonstrate that fast pulsed gates are capable of implementing high-fidelity entangling operations between ions in neighbouring traps faster than the trapping period, with experimentally demonstrated laser repetition rates. Notably, we find that without increasing the gate duration, high-fidelity gates are achievable even in large arrays with hundreds of ions. To demonstrate the usefulness of this proposal, we investigate the application of these gates to the digital simulation of a 40-mode Fermi-Hubbard model. This also demonstrates why shorter chains of gates required to connect arbitrary pairs of ions makes this geometry well suited for large-scale computation

    Point of Care Diagnosis of Multiple Schistosome Parasites: Species-specific DNA Detection in Urine by Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)

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    Schistosomes are easily transmitted and high chance of repeat infection, so if control strategies based on targeted mass drug administration (MDA) are to succeed it is essential to have a test that is sensitive, accurate and simple to use. It is known and regularly demonstrated that praziquantel does not always eliminate an infection so in spite of the successes of control programs a residual of the reservoir survives to re-infect snails. The issue of diagnostic sensitivity becomes more critical in the assessment of program effectiveness. While serology, such as antigen capture tests might improve sensitivity, it has been shown that the presence of species-specific DNA fragments will indicate, most effectively, the presence of active parasites. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can amplify and detect DNA from urine residue captured on Whatman No. 3 filter paper that is dried after filtration. Previously we have detected S. mansoni and S. haematobium parasite-specific small repeat DNA fragment from filtered urine on filter paper by PCR. In the current study, we assessed the efficacy of detection of 86 urine samples for either or both schistosome parasites by PCR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) that were collected from a low to moderate transmission area in Ghana. Two different DNA extraction methods, standard extraction kit and field usable LAMP-PURE kit were also evaluated by PCR and LAMP amplification. With S. haematobium LAMP amplification for both extractions showed similar sensitivity and specificity when compared with PCR amplification (100%) verified by gel electrophoresis. For S. mansoni sensitivity was highest for LAMP amplification (100%) for standard extraction than PCR and LAMP with LAMP-PURE (99% and 94%). The LAMP-PURE extraction produced false negatives, which require further investigation for this field usable extraction kit. Overall high positive and negative predictive values (90% − 100%) for both species demonstrated a highly robust approach. The LAMP approach is close to point of care use and equally sensitive and specific to detection of species-specific DNA by PCR. LAMP can be an effective means to detect low intensity infection due to its simplicity and minimal DNA extraction requirement. This will enhance the effectiveness of surveillance and MDA control programs of schistosomiasis

    C4Synth: Cross-Caption Cycle-Consistent Text-to-Image Synthesis

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    Generating an image from its description is a challenging task worth solving because of its numerous practical applications ranging from image editing to virtual reality. All existing methods use one single caption to generate a plausible image. A single caption by itself, can be limited, and may not be able to capture the variety of concepts and behavior that may be present in the image. We propose two deep generative models that generate an image by making use of multiple captions describing it. This is achieved by ensuring 'Cross-Caption Cycle Consistency' between the multiple captions and the generated image(s). We report quantitative and qualitative results on the standard Caltech-UCSD Birds (CUB) and Oxford-102 Flowers datasets to validate the efficacy of the proposed approach.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV-201

    Measurement of the threshold sensitivity of honeybees to weak, extremely low-frequency magnetic fields

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    Experiments reported previously demonstrate that free-flying honeybees are able to detect static intensity fluctuations as weak as 26 nT against the background, earth-strength magnetic field. We report here an extension of this work to weak, alternating fields at frequencies of 10 and 60 Hz. Our results indicate that the sensitivity of the honeybee magnetoreception system decreases rapidly with increasing frequency. At 60 Hz, alternating field strengths above 100 µT are required to elicit discrimination. These results are consistent with biophysical predictions of a magnetite-based magnetoreceptor

    Growth of ICT and ICT for development: Realities of the myths of the Indian experience

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    While there is an increasing realization of the potential that IT offers for human welfare, IT-induced productivity and growth are confined to the developed world. It is argued that even though the international digital divide is a reality, there are certain specific characteristics of the new technology that leave scope for mitigating, if not totally bridging, the gap when appropriate policies are in place. During the last decade India has attempted to profit from the growth of ICT through export-oriented growth strategy, and the issue of ICT in development has not received the attention it deserves. The paper highlights the perils of the strategy followed by India and underlines the need to focus on development through ICT. The study shows that the unprecedented export performance of India’s software has to be seen in the context of the national system of innovation that evolved during the last five decades when the state played a proactive role. Also, the country’s high export growth cannot be attributed entirely to the marketoriented policies of the 1990s. Higher growth rates in exports notwithstanding, it is shown that net export earnings have been much lower. While the low net export earnings reduced the possibility of real appreciation, the boom in the IT sector is likely to have had an adverse influence, at least in the short run, on other sectors competing for skilled manpower because of the resource movement effect. Thus while an IT-induced development strategy could have been instrumental in enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and growth, export-oriented IT growth strategy seems to have enabled other countries to become more efficient and competitive. The export-oriented growth strategy also had an adverse effect on the innovative performance of firms. The findings of the paper tend to underscore the need to recognize the complementary role of the domestic market in promoting innovation and exports on the one hand and IT-induced productivity, competitiveness and growth on the other. Hence there is need for a policy that focuses on ICT for development. This in turn calls for comprehending the social marginal product of a dollar worth of IT exports vis-à-vis its domestic consumption. – ICT ; growth ; development ; India ; software export