1,550 research outputs found

    The stability of intergenerational cooperation in altruistic families

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    This paper analyses the stability of bargaining solutions in a family consisting of two parents and one adult child, by developing a non-cooperative family game. Assuming different bargaining powers between parents and the child, we find that the greater bargaining power of the parents allows them to take greater gains from the cooperation, and reduce the incentives to deviate from the cooperative agreement. The presence of altruism between the players will significantly reduce the probability that there will be incentives to break the cooperative agreement. A higher level of altruism increases the stability of cooperation, and will overcome the contrary effect of other factors.

    Occupational sorting and the transmission of self-employment between generations

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    Existing research has focused on factors explaining self-employment decisions, and the intergenerational transmission of self-employment has been posited as one explanatory factor. However, findings differ across countries, and the channels for such transmission remain unclear. Using data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, we analyse whether working in the same occupation as parents, conditional on parents'' self-employment, is related to being self-employed. Results show that working in the same occupation as parents is statistically and significantly related to being self-employed, which may indicate the existence of intergenerational transmission of self-employment. Furthermore, this relationship is especially significant between fathers and sons

    Comportamiento Innovador de la Estación de servicio Inés Galeano en el Municipio de Sébaco, Departamento de Matagalpa, periodo del año 2016

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo, analizar el comportamiento innovador de la empresa: Estación de servicio Inés Galeano en la ciudad de Sébaco en el departamento de Matagalpa, en el periodo del año 2016. Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de identificar si la empresa ha realizado Innovaciones y si estas se realizaron de forma proactiva o reactiva. La importancia de conocer y analizar las principales innovaciones implementadas por la Estación de servicio Inés Galeano radica en que permite a la empresa conocer cuáles son sus aciertos y flaquezas en términos de innovación lo cual es cada vez más importante, ya que en un mercado cada vez más competitivo y globalizado una empresa que no innova de manera acertada tiende a desaparecer. La estación de servicios Inés Galeano es una empresa con un comportamiento Innovador mixto dirigida a un sector amplio del mercado, las innovaciones aplicadas permiten a la empresa la preferencia y la fidelidad de sus clientes aunque la empresa debe prestar atención a la percepción de sus clientes ya que al realizar acciones de forma innovadora estas deben estar acordes a la demanda del mercado. Las principales innovaciones de la estación de servicios Inés Galeano son innovación en las mejoras de la calidad del producto, la innovación en la calidad de la atención al cliente, mejoras constantes en la infraestructura y algunas técnicas de merchandising así como la diversificación en nuevos servicios. Por otra parte la Estación de servicios Inés Galeano realiza las innovaciones de manera rápida lo cual es de gran importancia porque le permite ser pionera en el mercad

    Gender norms and the gendered distribution of total work in Latin-American households

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    This study uses time-use survey data for Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador (from 2009, 2010, and 2012, respectively) to analyze differences between countries in terms of the gendered distribution of total work, which includes both paid and unpaid work. It explores whether the variations in the total time worked by women and men, and, particularly, the gender gap unfavorable to women, can be explained by substantive national differences in gendered social norms. Using data from the World Values Survey (WVS; 2010–14), this study computes a gender norms index to measure cross-country differences in gender norms. It finds that more egalitarian countries exhibit higher levels of equality in the gendered distribution of total work

    The Substitution Effect and the Profit Function in Consumption: expressions from the Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian demand functions

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    In the context of the maximizing behaviour assumption (Becker, 1976), an individual usually maximizes the utility function, minimizes the cost or, finally, can also maximizes the profit function in consumption, with each of these three optimization problems providing a type of demand function: the Marshallian, the Hicksian, and the Frischian. In all three cases, an important concept for both theoretical and empirical reasons is the Substitution Effect (SE), with this measuring the substitution phenomenon in the demanded quantity in function of the price change. In this context, our short paper offers certain alternative theoretical expressions of the Substitution Effect, focusing on the Profit Function in Consumption, thus introducing the inter-temporal context with perfect information

    The Substitution Effect and the Profit Function in Consumption: expressions from the Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian demand functions

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    In the context of the maximizing behaviour assumption (Becker, 1976), an individual usually maximizes the utility function, minimizes the cost or, finally, can also maximizes the profit function in consumption, with each of these three optimization problems providing a type of demand function: the Marshallian, the Hicksian, and the Frischian. In all three cases, an important concept for both theoretical and empirical reasons is the Substitution Effect (SE), with this measuring the substitution phenomenon in the demanded quantity in function of the price change. In this context, our short paper offers certain alternative theoretical expressions of the Substitution Effect, focusing on the Profit Function in Consumption, thus introducing the inter-temporal context with perfect information

    La innovación como determinante pare el emprendimiento

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    This project analyzes specifically how innovation and technological aspects influence the entrepreneurial activity around the world and in Spain. Recent international microdata GEM Global Individual (2014) are applied using a novel econometric methodology based on the Machine Learning techniques for selecting variables based on their predictive ability. Our results, both for Spain and internationally, support the importance of innovation as a critical component of the enterprise, characterizing in this way an "entrepreneurship by innovative vocation" in the sense that the fundamental reason that motivates entrepreneurship is the desire to deliver new services, products or technologies

    La innovación como determinante pare el emprendimiento

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    This project analyzes specifically how innovation and technological aspects influence the entrepreneurial activity around the world and in Spain. Recent international microdata GEM Global Individual (2014) are applied using a novel econometric methodology based on the Machine Learning techniques for selecting variables based on their predictive ability. Our results, both for Spain and internationally, support the importance of innovation as a critical component of the enterprise, characterizing in this way an "entrepreneurship by innovative vocation" in the sense that the fundamental reason that motivates entrepreneurship is the desire to deliver new services, products or technologies