26,547 research outputs found

    Technology Transfers in the EEC: A Look at the Proposed Block Exemption for Exclusive Patent Licensing Agreements

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    In this Note, the Present Draft is examined in light of the goals and history of Community competition policy. After a discussion of patents and licensing, the previous drafts and criticisms thereof are examined. An analysis of the recent decisions in Nungesser v. Commission (Maize Seed) and Coditel v. Ciné Vog as they relate to the proposed regulation follows. Finally, it is suggested that the Commission\u27s present position, as evidenced by the Present Draft of the proposed regulation, constitutes an appropriate balance between the demands of industry and the needs of the Community

    Do States Socialize?

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    Liquidity constraints and credit subsidies in auctions

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    I consider an auction with participants that differ in valuation and access to liquid assets. Assuming credit is costly (e.g. due to moral hazard considerations) different auction rules establish different ways of screening valuation-liquidity pairs. The paper shows that standard auction forms result in different allocation rules. When the seller can deny access to capital markets or offer credit subsidies, she gains an additional tool to screen agents. The paper derives conditions under which the seller increases profits by way of subsidizing loans. In particular, in a second price auction, the seller always benefits from offering small subsidies. The result extends to a non-auction setting to show that a monopolist may use credit subsidies as a price discrimination device

    Industry Speaks Reflections on the Irrational

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    This article analyzes the various components of the current financial crisis and its implications for agriculture. While financial markets have been overrun by steep losses, violent price movements, and irrationality associated with a classic bubble, agricultural markets still have sound fundamentals and their underlying real assets may prove to be a safe haven during these trying times.economic slowdown, global recession, agricultural commodities, demand, financial crisis, Political Economy, Production Economics, Public Economics, Q10, Q11, Q14,

    Water Quality and Fisheries Issues Accompanying Population Growth in the Philippines

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    Fishing should be an employment of last resort. This article argues why through analysis of water quality and fisheries in conjunction to the role of human population and overfishing on yields.fisheries sector, water sector, population and family relation

    Holomorphic geometric models for representations of C∗C^*-algebras

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    Representations of C∗C^*-algebras are realized on section spaces of holomorphic homogeneous vector bundles. The corresponding section spaces are investigated by means of a new notion of reproducing kernel, suitable for dealing with involutive diffeomorphisms defined on the base spaces of the bundles. Applications of this technique to dilation theory of completely positive maps are explored and the critical role of complexified homogeneous spaces in connection with the Stinespring dilations is pointed out. The general results are further illustrated by a discussion of several specific topics, including similarity orbits of representations of amenable Banach algebras, similarity orbits of conditional expectations, geometric models of representations of Cuntz algebras, the relationship to endomorphisms of B(H){\mathcal B}({\mathcal H}), and non-commutative stochastic analysis.Comment: 45 page

    A Comprehensive Coordinate Space Renormalization of Quantum Electrodynamics to 2-Loop Order

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    We develop a coordinate space renormalization of massless Quantum Electrodynamics using the powerful method of differential renormalization. Bare one-loop amplitudes are finite at non-coincident external points, but do not accept a Fourier transform into momentum space. The method provides a systematic procedure to obtain one-loop renormalized amplitudes with finite Fourier transforms in strictly four dimensions without the appearance of integrals or the use of a regulator. Higher loops are solved similarly by renormalizing from the inner singularities outwards to the global one. We compute all 1- and 2-loop 1PI diagrams, run renormalization group equations on them and check Ward identities. The method furthermore allows us to discern a particular pattern of renormalization under which certain amplitudes are seen not to contain higher-loop leading logarithms. We finally present the computation of the chiral triangle showing that differential renormalization emerges as a natural scheme to tackle γ5\gamma_5 problems.Comment: 28 pages (figures not included
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