4 research outputs found

    Ranunculus reptans L. var. flagellifolius Ohwi

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    原著和名: イトキンポウゲ科名: キンポウゲ科 = Ranunculaceae採集地: 栃木県 日光市 刈込湖 (下野 日光 刈込湖)採集日: 1963/7/7採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH000224国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-95022

    Diet composition of bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Cadiz.

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    <p>N = number of prey, %N = numerical percentage, O = occurrence, %O = percentage of occurrence, W = prey weight, %W = percentage of reconstructed weight, IRI = index of relative importance. 95% confidence limits are in parenthesis.</p

    MixSIAR model results (95, 75 and 50% credibility intervals) showing estimated prey contributions to bottlenose dolphin diet in the Gulf of Cadiz.

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    <p><b>Group 1:</b><i>Diplodus annularis</i>, <i>Diplodus bellottii</i>, <i>Plectorhinchus mediterraneus</i> and <i>Pagellus erythrinus</i>; <b>Group 2:</b> <i>Merluccius merluccius</i>, <i>Scomber colias</i>, <i>Scomber japonicus</i>, <i>Scomber scombrus</i>, <i>Conger conger</i>, <i>Cepola macrophthalma</i> and <i>Sardina pilchardus</i>; <b>Group 3:</b> <i>Octopus vulgaris</i>; <b>Group 4:</b> <i>Liza ramada</i>.</p