9 research outputs found

    Internet packet routing: Application of a K-quickest path algorithm

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    This paper describes a study on the application of an algorithm to rank the K-quickest paths to the routing of data packets in Internet networks. For this purpose an experimental framework was developed by considering two types of random generated networks. To simulate values of the IP packet sizes, a truncated Pareto distribution was defined, having in mind to reflect a key feature of Internet traffic, namely its self-similar stochastic nature. Results concerning the average CPU times of the algorithm for the different sets of experiments will be presented and discussed.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VCT-4JW124S-B/1/595ef677356cef2b2c795e3eeabee5e

    An exact method for constructing minimal cost/minimal SRLG spanning trees over optical networks

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    The construction of overlay or broadcast networks, based on spanning trees, over WDM optical networks with SRLG information, has important applications in telecommunications. In this paper we propose a bicriteria optimization model for calculating communication spanning trees over WDM networks the objectives of which are the minimization of the total number of different SRLGs of the tree links (seeking to maximise reliability) and the minimization of the total bandwidth usage cost. An exact algorithm for generating the whole set of non-dominated solutions and methods for selecting a final solution in various decision environments are put forward. An extensive experimental study on the application of the model, including two sets of experiments based on reference transport network topologies, with random link bandwidth occupations and with random SRLG assignments to the links, is also presented, together with a discussion on potential advantages of the model

    An automated reference point-like approach for multicriteria shortest path problems

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    Abstract In this paper we introduce a method of analysis for the automated ordering and selection of solutions of a multicriteria shortest path model. The method is based on a reference point approach, where the paths in a specific priority region are ranked by non-decreasing order of a Chebyshev metric. In order to list paths according with this objective function a labelling algorithm is proposed. The developed method is applied in a video-traffic routing context. Computational results are presented and analysed, for randomly generated networks of significant dimension