9 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Bolivia

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    This document investigates the effectiveness of foreign aid in Bolivia. When comparing accumulated aid in each sector during the period 1998-2002 with the progress in each sector during the same period, it becomes clear that the four sectors receiving by far the most aid (Institutional strengthening, Rural Development, Roads, and Budget support) have shown disappointingly little progress. When the impact of aid is analyzed in a computable general equilibrium model, it becomes clear that aid tends to have a positive effect on growth, but only in the short run, and it tends to have an adverse effect on the income distributionAid effectiveness, Bolivia

    Reforms and Counter-Reforms in Bolivia

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    This paper analyzes the process of reforms and counter-reforms witnessed in Bolivia over the last two and a half decades, and the effects these processes have had on productivity. In addition, the paper discusses the changing nature of the policy- making processes underlying the reform and counter-reform processes, in terms of the actors who participated in the PMP, policy domains, and arenas where the PMP was shaped, and the currencies used by different actors in order to press for their demands. Moreover, the paper analyzes the factor underlying the changes which took place in the support given by the population to the reform process.Reforms, Productivity, Political Economy, Bolivia

    La Efectividad de la Ayuda Externa en Bolivia

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    This document investigates the effectiveness of foreign aid in Bolivia. When comparing accumulated aid in each sector during the period 1998-2002 with the progress in each sector during the same period, it becomes clear that the four sectors receiving by far the most aid (Institutional strengthening, Rural Development, Roads, and Budget support) have shown disappointingly little progress. When the impact of aid is analyzed in a computable general equilibrium model, it becomes clear that aid tends to have a positive effect on growth, but only in the short run, and it tends to have an adverse effect on the income distribution.Efectividad, Ayuda extera, Bolivia

    Reforms and Counter-Reforms in Bolivia

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    This paper analyzes reforms and counter-reforms in Bolivia in recent decades and their effects on the policymaking process (PMP) and productivity. Bolivias PMP has shifted from a formal representative democracy to a participative and direct type of democracy where street protest and other non-conventional forms of political participation have become dominant. While reforms have increased productivity, they have failed to secure the political support necessary to assure long-term sustainability. In contrast, counter-reforms have so far enjoyed extensive political support, but productivity has stagnated since this process started, with declining economic growth and job creationdevelopments likely to undermine support for the counter-reform process. The document stresses the need to rebuild a consensus around a PMP capable of increasing productivity and employment creation while restoring social cohesion

    Reformas de pensiones y determinantes de la afiliación al seguro social de largo plazo en Bolivia

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    En 1996 el sistema de reparto estaba quebrado. La refor ma de pensiones deese año cambió el sistema de manera importante. En el presente trabajo seana li za las ra zo nes por las cua les el an ti guo sis te ma es ta ba en quie bra a me -dia dos de los años no ven ta; así como las ca rac te rís ti cas del nue vo sis te ma depensiones, los incentivos que incluye para aumentar la cobertura del Siste -ma de Seguridad Social Obligatorio (SSO) y los ries gos a los que está ex pues -to, con particular hincapié en el de insolvencia fiscal.La cobertura del seguro social obligatorio de largo plazo ha sido reduciday si bien el nuevo sistema aumenta dicha cobertura, ésta ha permanecido enun por cen ta je muy bajo de ocu pa dos. Se es ti ma una fun ción probit pa raidentificar los determinantes de la probabilidad de estar asegurado antes ydes pués de la re for ma, en la que se en con tró que al gu nas va ria bles co mo lasho ras tra ba ja das por día, la an ti güe dad en el em pleo y el gé ne ro de la per so -na dejan de ser relevantes para determinar la probabilidad de estar asegu -ra do des pués de la in tro duc ción de la re for ma

    Caracterización del hostigamiento y acoso sexual, denuncia y atención recibida por estudiantes universitarios mexicanos

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    Harassment and sexual intimidation (HSI) are expressions of violence contemplated in the action-research agenda of higher education, given the need to generate mechanisms for their prevention and care. This article analyzes the response of students to the experience of HSI and identifies the reasons for not denouncing and, if it has done so, describes the quality of service of the university authority. There were two methodological phases. The first was quantitative by means of an online survey; an intentional sample of 2,070 students participated (43.2% men and 56.8% women). The second one was a phenomenological qualitative cut, through focus groups and interviews, par-ticipated four students who have lived HSI, 17 university directors and 13 members of the University Gender Program. There were 1,149 HSI events reported. The majority of those who lived HSI decided not to tell anyone, only 2% reported to a school authority. 63% did not report the event as unimportant. Of those who reported, 44% said that the authorities did nothing. The results are discussed in terms of the gender, political and socio-cultural obstacles that exist in the university, in terms of attention, punishment and prevention of the problem.El hostigamiento y acoso sexual (HAS) son expresiones de violencia contempladas en la agenda de investigación-acción de la educación superior, ante la necesidad de generar mecanismos para su prevención y atención. Este artículo analiza la respuesta de estudiantes ante la vivencia de HAS e identifica las razones para no denunciar; en caso de haber denunciado, describe la calidad del servicio de la autoridad universitaria. Se realizaron dos fases metodológicas. La primera fue cuantitativa mediante una encuesta en línea, en que participó una muestra intencional de 2.070 estudiantes (43,2% hombres y 56,8% mujeres). En la segunda, de corte cualitativo fenomenológico, mediante grupos focales y entrevistas, participaron cuatro estudiantes que han vivido HAS, 17 directivos(as) universitarios(as) y 13 integrantes del Programa de Género Universitario. Se reportaron 1.149 eventos de HAS. La mayoría de quienes vivieron HAS decidieron no contárselo a nadie, solo el 2% denunció a una autoridad escolar. El 63% no denunció por considerar el evento como algo sin importancia. De quienes denunciaron, el 44% señaló que las autoridades no hicieron nada. Los resultados se discuten en términos de los obstáculos de género, políticos y socioculturales que existen en la universidad, en materia de atención, sanción y prevención de la problemática