47 research outputs found

    Qualitative gait analysis in young athletes

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    Alar cartilage flap for projection of the nasal tip

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    Introduction: The nasal tip is a frequent object of study by surgeons, since it is a common reason for pre- and postoperative complaints. Thus, the tip should be thoroughly evaluated to determine the best technique to be used. The objective is to demonstrate an original alar cartilage flap technique for projection of the nasal tip, performed alone or in combination with other procedures for the same purpose. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional study of 22 patients submitted to open rhinoplasty with use of the alar flap to project the nasal tip. Results: A total of 22 open rhinoplasties were performed on primary bulbous, fatty, and under-projected tips. Among the patients in the study, 90% were black and 2% were white; 72.7% reported a high degree of satisfaction with the operation, 18.1% considered the result very good, and 9.2% considered the result acceptable. There were no complications/reoperations. Conclusion: The alar cartilage flap for projection of the nasal tip is simple to perform and can be considered an excellent supplemental method for use in treatment of the black nose

    Bichectomy and its contribution to facial harmony

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    Introduction: Buccal fat removal was described for the first time by Heister in 1732. In 1802, Bichat identified the adipose nature of this tissue. There is a close association between buccal fat and masticatory muscles, which helps infants suck owing to the sliding motion of the tissues. Its prominence diminishes with age, both through modest reduction in volume and facial growth. Bichectomy or bichatectomy is a surgical procedure that involves extraction of Bichat's fat pad for aesthetic and/or functional purposes. This study aimed to show that bichectomy is a low-risk surgical procedure with good results, provided it is appropriately indicated and is performed following technical standards according to the anatomy of the facial structures. Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted between January 2016 and April 2018 and included 59 patients with a mean age of 31 years. The follow-up time was 12-26 months. Results: Of 59 patients, 46 were female, and 13 were male. All patients underwent same-day surgery. On average, 3.2 mL of fat was removed. Conclusion: Removal of Bichat's fat according to anatomical principles is safe. This technique can improve facial harmony. Success depends on application of appropriate techniques

    Surgical treatment of complications resulting from adjuvant radiotherapy: a case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among malignancies affecting women. Treatment options range from surgical treatment, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. The immediate breast reconstruction helps to benefit the psychosocial aspects of patients, however, depend on the technique used a number of complications can appear, especially after adjuvant radiotherapy. CASE REPORT: We report a case of a 65-year-old woman, underwent quadrantectomy and radiotherapy in 1988. In 2010, the patient presented an injury on the scar and she was referred to mastectomy with reconstruction of retail large dorsal and adjuvant radiotherapy. Upon examination, we observed flap necrosis with infection on the axillary region, lymphedema, radiodermatitis, fibroses and joint limitation. In 2014, the patient sought our service to perform a new restorative approach. A bipedicled transverse abdominal flap was decided to be adequate to her case. After surgery, the patient reported mild pain in the upper pole that managed with debridement and dressing. Seven months after surgery there was a complete healing of the flap and patient was satisfied with the surgery. CONCLUSION: The knowledge of surgical techniques associated with the correct scaling of steps are essential for surgical success and management of complications that may appear in breast reconstruction of patients undergoing radiotherapy

    Mastoplasty with inclusion of prosthesis during abdominoplasty in post-bariatric patients

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    INTRODUCTION: Augmentation mammaplasty during abdominoplasty reduces surgical time and has a better aesthetic effect as it only leaves a single scar. The authors of this study assessed the results obtained in post-bariatric patients undergoing this procedure in the plastic surgery service at Daher Hospital. METHODS: This was a retrospective longitudinal observational study. Of the 161 post-bariatric patients evaluated, 27 had indications for breast augmentation during abdominoplasty. The surgical technique consisted of classical abdominoplasty and creation of tunnels on the upper and middle abdomen for insertion of implants. RESULTS: The age of the patients ranged from 35 to 50 years, with a mean of 42.4 years. The volume of the prosthesis ranged from 285 to 300 ml. The average body mass index was 22.2 kg/m2.The average surgical time period was 2 hours and 35 minutes. None of the following complications were observed: deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, skin necrosis, hematoma, capsular contracture and/or event. Two patients (7.4%) presented with seroma in the mammary region and one patient developed infection. CONCLUSION: The aesthetic results were satisfactory, as there was only a single scar for these two procedures in post-bariatric patients. Selecting the ideal patient was crucial for good operative success

    Silicone breast prosthesis explant: breast reconstruction using the crossed flap technique

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    Introduction: In 1963 Cronin and Gerow introduced the use of the silicone implant and its use increased exponentially. However, complications related to implants emerged over time. The set of adverse situations to the use of silicone implants fueled by the growth of social media culminated in an increase in the permanent removal of the implant. Many cases of explants have the inferior pedicle compromised by injury to the perforating vessels, and the crossed flap technique is an alternative for the reconstruction of explanted breasts. Methods: Silicone explants were performed with immediate breast reconstruction without the use of a new implant, motivated by medical indication or the patients own desire. The crossed flap technique was used in all cases. It uses the crossing of parenchymal patches of the superior pedicle, one medial and one lateral, as described by Sperli. Results: 10 cases were operated from 2004 to 2021. The time of use of the prostheses ranged from 3 to 19 years and the main motivation for the explant was capsular contracture. No cases of necrosis were observed. Conclusions: The crossed flap technique is a useful and safe alternative for breast reconstruction surgeries after definitive explantation

    Histological comparison between irradiated and non-irradiated breasts in breast reconstruction

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    Introduction: The treatment of breast cancer includes not only curative therapies but also breast reconstruction. Radiotherapy, an adjuvant strategy, provides favorable outcomes by reducing the rate of recurrence of the disease. This study aimed to compare histological differences between irradiated and non-irradiated breasts in the same patient. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study of patients undergoing breast reconstruction with prosthesis or expander under pectoralis major muscle flap that compared histological skin patterns, subcutaneous cell tissue, pectoralis major muscle, and implant capsule of irradiated and non-irradiated breasts in paired samples of the same patient. All patients included in this study were irradiated in only one breast. The results of the anatomopathological analysis were compared to clinical findings and intraoperative macroscopic aspects. Results: The study included a total of 7 patients with a mean age of 52.15 years. The main histological findings in the skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue of the irradiated breast were as follows: epidermal hyperplasia, flattening of the papillary layer, atrophy of the skin appendages, vascular congestion in fatty tissue, high density of skin collagen fibers, hyalinization, and reduction of elastic fibers in the deep dermis and unidirectional alignment of collagen fibers. The main histological findings for the capsule and pectoralis major muscle in the irradiated breast were as follows: lower density of elastic fibrosis, perivascular fibrosis, synovial metaplasia, skeletal muscle sequestration at the interface with the capsule, capsular hyalinization, and capsular fribrosclerosis. Conclusion: We found common histological changes in irradiated breasts in most patients. These findings are compatible with the clinical and macroscopic changes observed. This study presents itself as a pilot for the development of further studies investigating the physiopathological mechanisms of the described histological changes

    Primer Congreso Internacional de Interculturalidad: Desde Adentro y Desde Afuera

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    96 p.Ponemos el libro Primer Congreso Internacional de Interculturalidad a consideración de los estudiosos e interesados en la interculturalidad, por ser esta considerada un fenómeno y objeto de estudio contemporáneo que crece a medida que aumentan los movimientos sociales y la opinión en general con respecto a los valores, los derechos humanos (como la igualdad, la equidad, la inclusión y la libertad de expresión) y la apertura y aceptación migratoria, hoy vapuleada por algunos líderes políticos, a pesar de las presiones conflictivas como el crecimiento abrumador de la globalización económica y mediática, representan un contrapeso para posicionar no solo científica, sino políticamente, la agenda de la interculturalidad en nuestros tiempos. Este texto, presentado por la Organización de Universidades Católicas de América Latina y el Caribe (ODUCAL), junto con la Universidad Católica de Colombia y la Universidad Católica de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT), es producto del trabajo sistemático y organizado de la Red de Estudios de Interculturalidad de la ODUCAL, en la cual se exponen los resultados del Primer Congreso Internacional de Interculturalidad Desde adentro y desde afuera, realizado en Chiclayo, Perú, en el año 2015, donde participaron connotados académicos de ocho instituciones de educación superior de diferentes países del continente. Este siglo XXI, además de un cambio de milenio y, por tanto, de siglo, trajo una serie de interpretaciones sobre el cambio social y cultural en el mundo, pues la globalización del mundo capitalista y la lucha por implantar diferentes modelos de sociedad desde distintas perspectivas sociológicas, políticas y económicas, han abierto discusiones nuevas en odres viejos. Zygmunt Bauman (2013)1, utilizando la figura literaria de la liquidez, refiere al debilitamiento de las estructuras fijas y fuertes de la sociedad contemporánea; en ese sentido, coincide con el planteamiento de que la sociedad actual, que pareciera ser el modelo ideal esperado por la evolución misma de la humanidad, se encuentra en un cuestionamiento que cada vez hace más eco entre los estudiosos de las ciencias sociales, los políticos y los estadistas mundiales.Presentación Prólogo 1. Interculturalidad y diálogo fe-culturas. Antonio Daher 2.Perspectivas hermenéuticas sobre la filosofía intercultural y el diálogo de saberes. Ricardo Salas Astrain 3. Sociohermenéutica de la modernidad e interculturalidad dialógica. Co(i)mplicación conceptual. Fernando José Vergara Henríquez 4. Pilares de la interculturalidad: relaciones de doble vía. Olga Lucía Arbeláez Rojas 5. Historia para la interculturalidad: la enseñanza de la historia local y regional en Lambayeque, Perú. Carlos Enrique Martín Cabrejos Fernández 6. Guatemala multicultural y plurilingüe: en búsqueda de la unidad en la diversidad. Aportes desde la Universidad Rafael Landívar. Nikte’ María Juliana Sis Iboy 7. Experiências da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, no campo da pós-graduação stricto sensu, na produção da interculturalidade com povos indígenas. Adir Casaro Nascimento; Heitor Queiroz de Medeiros 8. Interculturalidad en la ciudad: entre el barro y la música. Freddy Enrique Simbaña Pillaj

    Evaluation of pressure parameters intra-abdominal and thoracic in patients submitted to abdominoplasty

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    INTRODUCTION: The abdomen is an important aesthetic and functional segment in the characterization of body contouring. The plication of the rectus abdominis may cause various problems to the patient such as increased intra-abdominal and thoracic pressure. Thus, this study aims to evaluate abdominal pressure and pulmonary parameters in patients undergoing abdominoplasty with liposuction. METHODS: This is a descriptive longitudinal prospective study. All patients underwent the lipoabdominoplasty with liposuction of flanks by the same senior plastic surgeon. The intra-abdominal pressure was measured by a device attached to indwelling urinary catheter of the patient and intra-thoracic pressure was measured by the ventilation device monitor. Measurements were made before and after plication and in Fowler's position. RESULTS: Mean surgery time was 4 hours and 08 minutes. Intra-abdominal pressure before and after plication of the rectus abdominis ranged from 2 to 11 cm H2O and 5-16 cm H2O, respectively. Intra-thoracic pressure before and after plication of the rectus abdominis ranged from 13 to 17 cm H2O and 14-18 cm H2O respectively. The intra-abdominal pressure in Fowler's position ranged from 6 to 23 cm H2O. The intra-thoracic pressure in Fowler's position ranged from 15 to 19 cm H2O. One case of small dehiscence, one case of seroma and one case of respiratory distress were observed. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that plication of the rectus abdominis increases intra-abdominal and pulmonary pressure without generating significant systemic changes

    Vascular complications from facial fillers with hyaluronic acid: preparation of a prevention and treatment protocol

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    Introduction: Over the past two decades, there has been an exponential advancement in treating signs of facial aging. The growing demand for less invasive therapies has stimulated the development of biomaterials toward better products, seeking to fulfill safety criteria, such as biocompatibility and reversibility. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most widely used facial filler worldwide, being routine in plastic surgery clinics. Even with low complication rates, it is prudent for the plastic surgeon to be attentive to the signs of vascular occlusion because the interruption of the progression towards necrosis and permanent sequelae depends on rapid medical action. Thus, our service saw the need to create a prevention and treatment protocol, since such complications are serious and sometimes even irreversible. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was conducted from January 2003 to January 2018, using descriptors of vascular complications after facial filling with HA and its treatment. Results: Filling with HA presents a low potential for complications when performed by qualified professionals. Hyaluronidase, which is currently used off-label, can hydrolyze HA, even in its cross-linked form. If used correctly in a timely manner, it can treat possible vascular complications that would progress to irreversible damage. Accordingly, we prepared a treatment protocol given the current evidence. Conclusion: Every plastic surgeon who works with fillers and HA must have a protocol and be aware of the necessary material for early intervention