47 research outputs found

    Nematóides associados a diferentes cultivares de bananeira

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    Root systems and surrounding soil of sixteen banana (Musa) cultivars from the cultivars colletion of the Empresa Capixaba de Pesquisa Agropecuária - EMCAPA -, cultivated at the Experimental Station of Jucuruaba in the Viana region of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were studied to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively populations of plant parasitic nematodes. From sixteen cultivars - Prata, Prata Maçã, Figo Vermelho, Piruá, IC-2, Ourinho, Roxa, Leite, Ouro Mel, Maçã, Gros - Michel, Figo Cinza, CV-I, CV-II, CV-XIV and CV-XV - samples of roots and soil taken from the rhizosphere were collected and processed by Baermann (modified) and Jenkins floatation and centrifugation methods. The occurrence of more than three species of plant parasitic nematodes from a single cultivar was a common feature. Radopholus similis was present in 62.50% of the samples of cultivars reaching very high population in the Piruá, Ouro Mel, Prata and Gros-Michel cultivars. The spiral nematodes Helicotylenchus multicinctus and Helicotylenchus dihystera were present in 50% and 68.75% of the samples respectively. In spite of being found in high frequency, the populations were lower than R. similis populations. Other species determined were Meloidogyne incognita, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Criconemella ornata and Ditylenchus sp. showing variable degrees of infestation.Realizou-se a determinação qualitativa e quantitativa de nematóides no sistema radicular e solo da rizosfera de dezesseis cultivares de bananeira (Musa) (Prata, Prata Maçã, Figo Vermelho, Piruá, IC-2, Ourinho, Roxa, Leite, Ouro Mel, Maçã, Gros-Michel, Figo Cinza, CV-I, CV-II, CV-XIV e CV-XV), da coleção da Empresa Capixaba de Pesquisa Agropecuária - EMCAPA -, na Fazenda Experimental de Jucuruaba, Viana - ES. Nas amostras processadas pelos métodos de Baermann (modificado) e flutuação e centrifugação de Jenkins, constatou-se, em cada cultivar, a ocorrência de, pelo menos, três diferentes espécies de nematóides. Observou-se uma ocorrência média de 62,50% de Rodopholus simuilis, apresentando elevada população nas cultivares Gros-Michel, Ouro Mel, Piruá e Prata. As espécies Helicotylenchus multicinctus, com uma ocorrência média de 50%, e Helicotylenchus dihystera com 68,75%, embora tenham aparecido com elevada frequência, não apresentaram populações tão expressivas quanto a da R. similis. Outras espécies determinadas foram: Meloidogyne incognita, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Criconemella ornate e Ditylenchus sp. apresentando populações bastante variáveis nas cultivares estudadas

    Can the training regimen influence night time physical activity in racehorses?

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    Physical activity has been widely investigated in horses to elucidate locomotion characteristics and behavior. However, research in real environment of training stables is limited. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of training regimen on night time physical activity of racehorses. Physical activities of twenty animals were monitored during the night time using accelerometers. The animals were compared in terms of training regimen: horses subjected to training on continual days, and horses subjected to training on intermittent days; age and sex were also considered. The variables analyzed were: counts per minute, percentage of time in (sedentary, light, moderate and vigorous) physical activity. Statistical analysis was performed by the PROCGLM procedure (ANOVA) and the means were calculated by Tukey’s test. The training regimen impacts the physical activity of thoroughbreds. The mean counts per minute showed a higher physical activity in the intermittent trained animals in relation with continuously trained animals. The continuously trained animals presented a greater percentage of time in sedentary physical activity than those intermittent trained. However, intermittently trained horses spent a larger percentage of time in moderate and vigorous physical activity, in comparison with continuously trained animals. In conclusion, racehorses subject to training on continual days have lower physical activity in the night time than those that train on intermittent days

    Desempenho do abacaxizeiro 'Vitória' em resposta a diferentes tipos de mudas e idades de indução floral

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of shoot types and plant ages for floral induction on the performance of 'Vitória' pineapple (Ananas comosus). The experiment was carried out from April 2015 to December 2016, using shoots of two different classifications (slips of 100 to 200 g and suckers of 201 to 300 g). Artificial floral induction was performed at the eighth, tenth, and twelfth months after planting, and natural induction was also evaluated. Evaluations for vegetative development, phenology, and productivity were performed. A significant interaction was observed between the studied factors for width and area of the “D” leaf. Shoot type did not influence productivity. Natural flowering extended the crop cycle by 617 days. The induction performed at the eighth month anticipated harvest by up to 167 days. Earlier inductions reduced productivity by 58.15% due to the reduction of fruit mass. Naturally induced plants produced larger fruit ranging from 1.0 to 1.2 kg. Inductions from the eighthto the tenth month promote harvesting in more favorable seasons.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de tipos de mudas e idades da planta para a indução floral no desempenho do abacaxizeiro 'Vitória' (Ananas comosus). O experimento foi realizado de abril de 2015 a dezembro de 2016, com mudas de duas classificações diferentes (filhotes com 100 a 200 g e rebentão com 201 a 300 g). A indução floral artificial foi feita no oitavo, no décimo e no décimo-segundo mês após o plantio, e a indução natural também foi avaliada. Realizaram-se avaliações quanto ao desenvolvimento vegetativo, à fenologia e à produtividade. Observou-se interação significativa entre os fatores estudados quanto à largura e à área da folha “D”. O tipo de muda não influenciou a produtividade. O florescimento natural estendeu o ciclo da cultura em 617 dias. A indução realizada no oitavo mês antecipou a colheita em até 167 dias. Induções mais precoces reduziram a produtividade em 58,15%, em razão da redução da massa dos frutos. Plantas induzidas naturalmente produziram frutos maiores, que variaram de 1,0 a 1,2 kg. As induções do oitavo ao décimo mês possibilitam colheitas em épocas mais favoráveis

    Frugivorous flies (Diptera: Tephritidae; Lonchaeidae) associated with guava tree: species diversity, parasitoids and population fluctuation in the Espírito Santo state, Brazil

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    The commercial cultivation of guava tree (Psidium guajava L.) occurs in all Brazilian regions, where fruit flies cause direct losses to production and affect fresh fruit exports due to quarantine restrictions. This study aimed to determine the incidence, diversity and population fluctuations of frugivorous fly species that infest guava trees, as well as to survey their associated parasitoids, in the Espírito santo state, Brazil. Fruits and flies captured in traps were sampled in three guava-producing regions. Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) was the main species associated with guava trees, particularly in the coastal region. Anastrepha chiclayae was recorded for the first time associated with guava trees in Brazil. Medfly was not considered an important species. Neosilba zadolicha was the most common Lonchaeidae species collected, but with low importance. Higher populations of frugivorous flies were found in hot and humid areas. Two population peaks of A. fraterculus were observed during October (spring) and from March to April (summer-autumn). Tephritid flies occurred in all surveyed regions, with higher infestations in the coastal area, followed by the northern and mountain regions, respectively. Doryctobracon areolatusand Aganaspis pelleranoi were the most common species of parasitoids; however, the natural biological control of frugivorous flies in guava trees was very low and had little impact on fruit fly populations