1 research outputs found

    Bicycle maps. 2D representations for routing and decision making optimization at local scale

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesUrban cycling maps play a crucial role in promoting cycling and improving the cycling experience. These maps provide essential information for bicycle mobility, including geographic information, points of interest, and mobility-oriented elements. However, the lack of shared knowledge on how to create these maps limits their practicality and use, resulting in shortcomings in terms of content and style. To address this issue, this study begins by analyzing the needs of the cycling community to identify the necessary components that must appear on this kind of maps. The study also examines the best practices among existing maps, both in terms of content and design. The research highlights the need to establish standards that unify the criteria used in preparing these maps, with particular emphasis on the inclusion of essential items, their representation, and the depiction of notable elevation gains. This work presents a set of standardised criteria, which were verified through a questionnaire. Finally, the study presents the final standards, accompanied by a map that illustrates these criteria.Els mapes urbans per bicicletes tenen un paper b脿sic en la promoci贸 de l鈥櫭簊 de la bicicleta i en la millora de l鈥檈xperi猫ncia ciclista. Proporcionen informaci贸 crucial per la mobilitat en bicicleta, incloent-hi informaci贸 geogr脿fica, punts d鈥檌nter猫s i elements orientats a la mobilitat. Actualment, no hi ha un coneixement compartit en la manera de fer aquests mapes, fet que en limita la seva practicitat i 煤s, amb mancances pel que fa a contingut i estil. En aquest context, aquest treball parteix de l鈥檃n脿lisi de les necessitats del col路lectiu ciclista per identificar els 铆tems que han d鈥檃par猫ixer de manera indispensable als mapes ciclistes d鈥檈ntorns urbans. Tamb茅 recull les millors pr脿ctiques d鈥檈ntre els mapes existents, tant en l鈥櫭爉bit de contingut com de disseny. La recerca planteja la necessitat de crear uns est脿ndards que unifiquin els criteris que es tindran en compte per l鈥檈laboraci贸 d鈥檃quests mapes, amb especial atenci贸 als 铆tems continguts, a la seva representaci贸 i a la manera en qu猫 seran representats els indrets amb desnivells pronunciats. El present treball presenta una primera estandarditzaci贸 d鈥檃quests criteris, que s贸n verificats a trav茅s d鈥檜n q眉estionari. En 煤ltim lloc, presenta els est脿ndards definitius, acompanyats d鈥檜n mapa que els il路lustra