8,375 research outputs found

    Redshift-Distance Survey of Early-type Galaxies. I. Sample Selection, Properties and Completeness

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    This is the first in a series of papers describing the recently completed all-sky redshift-distance survey of nearby early-type galaxies (ENEAR) carried out for peculiar velocity analysis. The sample is divided into two parts and consists of 1607 elliptical and lenticular galaxies with cz < 7000 km/s and with blue magnitudes brighter than m_B=14.5 (ENEARm), and of galaxies in clusters (ENEARc). Galaxy distances based on the Dn-sigma and Fundamental Plane (FP) relations are now available for 1359 and 1107 ENEARm galaxies, respectively, with roughly 80% based on new data gathered by our group. The Dn-sigma and FP template distance relations are derived by combining 569 and 431 galaxies in 28 clusters, respectively, of which about 60% are based on our new measurements. The ENEARm redshift-distance survey extends the earlier work of the 7S and the recent Tully-Fisher surveys sampling a comparable volume. In subsequent papers of this series we intend to use the ENEAR sample by itself or in combination with the SFI Tully-Fisher survey to analyze the properties of the local peculiar velocity field and to test how sensitive the results are to different sampling and to the distance indicators. We also anticipate that the homogeneous database assembled will be used for a variety of other applications and serve as a benchmark for similar studies at high-redshift.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Redshift-distance Survey of Early-type Galaxies: The D_n-sigma Relation

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    In this paper R-band photometric and velocity dispersion measurements for a sample of 452 elliptical and S0 galaxies in 28 clusters are used to construct a template D_n-sigma relation. This template relation is constructed by combining the data from the 28 clusters, under the assumption that galaxies in different clusters have similar properties. The photometric and spectroscopic data used consist of new as well as published measurements, converted to a common system, as presented in a accompanying paper. The resulting direct relation, corrected for incompleteness bias, is log{D_n} =1.203 log{sigma} + 1.406; the zero-point has been defined by requiring distant clusters to be at rest relative to the CMB. This zero-point is consistent with the value obtained by using the distance to Virgo as determined by the Cepheid period-luminosity relation. This new D_n-sigma relation leads to a peculiar velocity of -72 (\pm 189) km/s for the Coma cluster. The scatter in the distance relation corresponds to a distance error of about 20%, comparable to the values obtained for the Fundamental Plane relation. Correlations between the scatter and residuals of the D_n-sigma relation with other parameters that characterize the cluster and/or the galaxy stellar population are also analyzed. The direct and inverse relations presented here have been used in recent studies of the peculiar velocity field mapped by the ENEAR all-sky sample.Comment: 46 pages, 20 figures, and 7 tables. To appear in AJ, vol. 123, no. 5, May 200

    The Possible z=0.83 Precursors of z=0 M* Early-type Cluster Galaxies

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    We examine the distribution of stellar masses of galaxies in MS 1054-03 and RX J0152.7-1357, two X-ray selected clusters of galaxies at z=0.83. Our stellar mass estimates, from spectral energy distribution fitting, reproduce the dynamical masses as measured from velocity dispersions and half-light radii with a scatter of 0.2 dex in the mass for early-type galaxies. When we restrict our sample of members to high stellar masses, > 1e11.1 Msun (M* in the Schechter mass function for cluster galaxies), we find that the fraction of early-type galaxies is 79 +/- 6% at z=0.83 and 87 +/- 6% at z=0.023 for the Coma cluster, consistent with no evolution. Previous work with luminosity-selected samples finds that the early-type fraction in rich clusters declines from =~80% at z=0 to =~60% at z=0.8. The observed evolution in the early-type fraction from luminosity-selected samples must predominately occur among sub-M* galaxies. As M* for field and group galaxies, especially late-types, is below M* for clusters galaxies, infall could explain most of the recent early-type fraction growth. Future surveys could determine the morphological distributions of lower mass systems which will confirm or refute this explanation.Comment: 5 pages in emulate ApJ format with three color figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, v642n2. Updated to correct grammatical and typographic errors found by the journa

    Near-Infrared Imaging of Early-Type Galaxies IV. The Physical Origins of the Fundamental Plane Scaling Relations

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    The physical origins of the Fundamental Plane (FP) scaling relations are investigated for early-type galaxies observed at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. The slope for the FP is shown to increase systematically with wavelength from the U-band through the K-band. A distance-independent construction of the observables is described which provides an accurate measurement of the change in the FP slope between any pair of bandpasses. The variation of the FP slope with wavelength is strong evidence of systematic variations in stellar content along the elliptical galaxy sequence. The intercept of the diagnostic relationship between log(D_K/D_V) and log(sigma_0) shows no significant dependence on environment within the uncertainties of the Galactic extinction corrections, demonstrating the universality of the stellar populations contributions at the level of Delta(V-K)=0.03 mag to the zero-point of the global scaling relations. Several other constraints on the properties of early-type galaxies --- the slope of the Mg_2-sigma_0 relation, the effects of stellar populations gradients, and deviations of early-type galaxies from a dynamically homologous family --- are included to construct an empirical, self-consistent model which provides a complete picture of the underlying physical properties which are varying along the early-type galaxy sequence. This empirical approach demonstrates that there are significant systematic variations in both age and metallicity along the elliptical galaxy sequence, and that a small, but systematic, breaking of dynamical homology (or a similar, wavelength independent effect) is required. Predictions for the evolution of the slope of the FP with redshift are described. [abriged]Comment: to appear in The Astronomical Journal; 40 pages, including 10 Postscript figures and 3 tables; uses AAS LaTeX style file

    Flows on scales of 150 Mpc?

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    We investigate the reality of large-scale streaming on scales of up to 150 Mpc using the peculiar motions of galaxies in three directions. New R-band CCD photometry and spectroscopy for elliptical galaxies is used. The Fundamental Plane distance indicator is calibrated using the Coma cluster and an inhomogeneous Malmquist bias correction is applied. A linear bulk-flow model is fitted to the peculiar velocities in the sample regions and the results do not reflect the bulk flow observed by Lauer and Postman (LP). Accounting for the difference in geometry between the galaxy distribution in the three regions and the LP clustersconfirms the disagreement; assuming a low-density CDM power spectrum, we find that the observed bulk flow of the galaxies in our sample excludes the LP bulk flow at the 99.8% confidence level.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Mass-Selection and the Evolution of the Morphology-Density Relation from z=0.8 to z=0

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    We examined the morphology-density relations for galaxy samples selected by luminosity and by mass in each of five massive X-ray clusters from z=0.023 to 0.83 for 674 spectroscopically-confirmed members. Rest-frame optical colors and visual morphologies were obtained primarily from Hubble Space Telescope images. Morphology-density relations (MDR) are derived in each cluster from a complete, luminosity-selected sample of 452 galaxies with a magnitude limit M_V < M^{*}_{V} + 1. The change in the early-type fraction with redshift matches previous work for massive clusters of galaxies. We performed a similar analysis, deriving MDRs for complete, mass-selected samples of 441 galaxies with a mass-limit of 10^{10.6} M_{\sun}. Our mass limit includes faint objects, the equivalent of =~1 mag below L^{*} for the red cluster galaxies, and encompasses =~70% of the stellar mass in cluster galaxies. The MDRs in the mass-selected sample at densities of Sigma > 50 galaxies Mpc^{-2} are similar to those in the luminosity-selected sample but show larger early-type fractions. However, the trend with redshift in the fraction of elliptical and S0 galaxies with masses > 10^{10.6} M_{\sun} differs significantly between the mass- and luminosity-selected samples. The clear trend seen in the early-type fraction from z=0 to z=~ 0.8 is not found in mass-selected samples. The early-type galaxy fraction changes much less, and is consistent with being constant at 92% +/- 4% at \Sigma> 500 galaxies Mpc^{-2} and 83 +/- 3% at 50 < \Sigma < 500 galaxies Mpc^{-2}. This suggests that galaxies of mass lower than > 10^{10.6} M_{\sun} play a significant role in the evolution of the early-type fraction in luminosity-selected samples. (Abstract abridged)Comment: 18 pages in emulate ApJ format, with 10 color figures, Accepted to ApJ. Version updated to reflect published version, includes new references and a correction to table

    The Fundamental Plane of Gravitational Lens Galaxies and The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Low Density Environments

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    Most gravitational lenses are early-type galaxies in relatively low density environments -- a ``field'' rather than a ``cluster'' population. We show that field early-type galaxies with 0 < z < 1, as represented by the lens galaxies, lie on the same fundamental plane as those in rich clusters at similar redshifts. We then use the fundamental plane to measure the combined evolutionary and K-corrections for early-type galaxies in the V, I and H bands. Only for passively evolving stellar populations formed at z > 2 (H_0=65 km/s Mpc, Omega_0=0.3, Lambda_0=0.7) can the lens galaxies be matched to the local fundamental plane. The high formation epoch and the lack of significant differences between the field and cluster populations contradict many current models of the formation history of early-type galaxies. Lens galaxy colors and the fundamental plane provide good photometric redshift estimates with an empirical accuracy of -0.03 +/- 0.11 for the 17 lenses with known redshifts. A mass model dominated by dark matter is more consistent with the data than either an isotropic or radially anisotropic constant M/L mass model, and a radially anisotropic model is better than an isotropic model.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables. ApJ in press. Final version contains more observational dat

    Cluster vs. Field Elliptical Galaxies and Clues on their Formation

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    Using new observations for a sample of 931 early-type galaxies we investigate whether the \mg2--\so relation shows any dependence on the local environment. The galaxies have been assigned to three different environments depending on the local overdensity: clusters, groups, and field, having used our completeredshift database to guide the assignment of galaxies. It is found that cluster, group and field early-type galaxies follow almost identical \mg2--\so\ relations, with the largest \mg2 zero-point difference (clusters minus field) being only 0.007±0.0020.007\pm 0.002 mag. No correlation of the residuals is found with the morphological type or the bulge to disk ratio. Using stellar population models in a differential fashion, this small zero-point difference implies a luminosity-weighted age difference of only ∌1\sim 1 Gyr between the corresponding stellar populations, with field galaxies being younger. The mass-weighted age difference could be significantly smaller, if minor events of late star formation took place preferentially in field galaxies. We combine these results with the existing evidence for the bulk of stars in cluster early-type galaxies having formed at very high redshift, and conclude that the bulk of stars in galactic spheroids had to form at high redshifts (z\gsim 3), no matter whether such spheroids now reside in low or high density regions. The cosmological implications of these findings are briefly discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ.

    Finding cool subdwarfs using a V-J reduced proper-motion diagram: Stellar parameters for 91 candidates

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    We present the results of a search for cool subdwarfs for which our candidates were drawn from a V-J reduced proper-motion diagram constructed by Salim & Gould (2002). Kinematic (U, V, and W) and self-consistent stellar parameters (Teff, log g, [Fe/H], and V_t) are derived for 91 candidate subdwarfs based on high resolution spectra. The observed stars span 3900K < Teff < 6200K and -2.63 < [Fe/H] < 0.25 including only 3 giants (log g < 4.0). Of the sample, 77 stars have MgH lines present in their spectra. With more than 56% of our candidate subdwarfs having [Fe/H] < -1.5, we show that the V-J reduced proper-motion diagram readily identifies metal-poor stars.Comment: PASP (in press

    Redshift-distance Survey of Early-type Galaxies: the ENEARc Cluster Sample

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    This paper presents data on the ENEARc subsample of the larger ENEAR survey of the nearby early-type galaxies. The ENEARc galaxies belong to clusters and were specifically chosen to be used for the construction of a D_n-sigma template. The ENEARc sample includes new measurements of spectroscopic and photometric parameters (redshift, velocity dispersion, line index Mg_2, and the angular diameter d_n) as well as data from the literature. New spectroscopic data are given for 229 cluster early-type galaxies and new photometry is presented for 348 objects. Repeat and overlap observations with external data sets are used to construct a final merged catalog consisting of 640 early-type galaxies in 28 clusters. Objective criteria, based on catalogs of groups of galaxies derived from complete redshift surveys of the nearby universe, are used to assign galaxies to clusters. In a companion paper these data are used to construct the template D_n-sigma distance relation for early-type galaxies which has been used to estimate galaxy distances and derive peculiar velocities for the ENEAR all-sky sample.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures, and 8 tables. Accepted for publication in A
