6 research outputs found

    Oviedomycin production.

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    <p>Oviedomycin production of M145 and Δ<i>abrA1/A2</i> strains carrying the cosmid CosAB4, containing the oviedomycin cluster, or an empty control pKC505. A) Solid NMMP medium at 4 days of growth. B) Antibiotic activity against <i>M. luteus</i> of acetone-methanol (solvents) extracts from the different strains grown for 6 days on solid NMMP. C) Supernatant of liquid NMMP cultures at 24 and 120 hours of growth.</p

    Phosphorylation assays with small phospho-donors.

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    <p>Phosphorylation of DrrB<sub>N</sub> (A), AbrA2 (B) or AbrA2<sub>N</sub> (C) proteins with acetylphosphate (AP), carbamoylphosphate (CP) or phosphoramidate (PA) visualized with the Phos-tag stain in SDS-PAGE (“-” means no phospho-donor added). In the bottom part of each panel the amount of protein used is shown with a Coomassie blue stain.</p

    Antibiotic production and morphological differentiation of different <i>SCO1742-45</i> operon mutants.

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    <p>Production of ACT on NMMP at six days of growth; CDA at two days of growth in NA medium; RED at two days in PGA, and morphological differentiation at six days of growth in MSA.</p

    Overexpression of <i>abrA2</i>.

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    <p>A) Colony morphology of <i>S. coelicolor</i> M145 and <i>S. coelicolor ΔabrA1/A2</i> strains transformed with different multicopy plasmids: pIJ702 (control), pTXabrA2 (expressing the AbrA2 RR under the control of <i>xysAp</i>), and its derivatives pTXabrA2-DA (D<sub>55</sub>A) and pTXabrA2-DADE (D<sub>10</sub>A, D<sub>55</sub>E). The photographs correspond to four-day cultures on R2(YE) medium. Bar: 1 mm. B) Phenotypes of AbrA2 overexpression in <i>S. coelicolor</i> M145 compared to the mutant Δ<i>abrA1/A2</i> phenotype. The phosphoablative version (pTXabrA2-DA) was included in the study. Upper part: production of ACT in NMMP medium plates (72 h); middle part: CDA bioassay against <i>B. subtilis</i> at 48 h; lower part, RED production at 48 h.</p

    AbrA1 HK signal response in NMMP.

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    <p>ACT production (blue colour) of the parent strain (M145) and the mutant Δ<i>abrA1/A2</i> (Δ<i>abrA</i>) in NMMP complete medium and different modified versions lacking (w/o) one or several compounds of the original recipe. All plates were inoculated as a lawn with 7.5×10<sup>6</sup> spores of the corresponding strains and the images correspond to backward sections of the plates after four days at 30°C.</p

    Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien and cryptogenic species

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    Good datasets of geo-referenced records of alien species are a prerequisite for assessing the spatio-temporal dynamics of biological invasions, their invasive potential, and the magnitude of their impacts. However, with the exception of first records on a country level or wider regions, observations of species presence tend to remain unpublished, buried in scattered repositories or in the personal databases of experts. Through an initiative to collect, harmonize and make such unpublished data for marine alien and cryptogenic species in the Mediterranean Sea available, a large dataset comprising 5376 records was created. It includes records of 239 alien or cryptogenic taxa (192 Animalia, 24 Plantae, 23 Chromista) from 19 countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. In terms of records, the most reported Phyla in descending order were Chordata, Mollusca, Chlorophyta, Arthropoda, and Rhodophyta. The most recorded species was Caulerpa cylindracea, followed by Siganus luridus, Magallana sp. (cf. gigas or angulata) and Pterois miles. The dataset includes records from 1972 to 2020, with the highest number of records observed in 2018. Among the records of the dataset, Dictyota acutiloba is a first record for the Mediterranean Sea. Nine first country records are also included: the alga Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla, the cube boxfish Ostracion cubicus, and the cleaner shrimp Urocaridella pulchella from Israel; the sponge Paraleucilla magna from Libya and Slovenia; the lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus from Cyprus; the bryozoan Celleporaria vermiformis and the polychaetes Prionospio depauperata and Notomastus aberans from Malta.</p