124 research outputs found

    Revocation of disciplinary decisions directly

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    La figura de la revocatoria directa, establece que la administración al advertir un error sobre sus decisiones puede revocar directamente los actos que por ella han sido proferidos, es así como las decisiones de fondo dentro de un proceso disciplinario son susceptibles de revocar sólo cuando infrinjan manifiestamente las normas constitucionales, legales o reglamentarias en que deben fundarse o cuando con ellos se vulneren o amenacen manifiestamente los derechos fundamentalesThe figure of direct recall, states that the administration noticing an error on their decisions can directly revoke the acts that she has been proffered, is how substantive decisions in disciplinary proceedings are likely to withdraw only when infringing manifestly constitutional, legal or regulatory standards that must be founded with them or when infringement or manifestly threaten fundamental rights

    Internal transitions of negatively charged magnetoexcitons in quantum dots

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    We report calculations of oscillator strengths for the far infrared absorption of light by the excitonic complexes Xn- (the excess charge, n, ranging from one to four) confined in quantum dots. The magnetic field is varied in an interval which corresponds to ``filling factors'' between 2 and 3/5. Electron-hole interaction effects are seen in the deviations of the peak positions from the Kohn lines, and in the spreading of the oscillator strengths over a few final states. Transition densities are used as an additional tool to characterize the absorption peaks.Comment: Presented as a poster in the Third Stig Lundqvist Conference on Advancing Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics: Fundamental Interactions and Excitations in Confined Systems, Trieste, August 11 - 1

    Generalized Finite Differences Method Applied to Finite Photonic Crystal

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    We propose a Generalized Finite-Differences in the Frequency Domain method for the computation of photonic band structures of finite photonic crystals. Our approach is to discretize some fundamental domain instead of a single unit cell, such that boundary conditions of interest can be introduced into the eigenvalue problem. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed method are shown for the case of a one-dimensional photonic crystal embedded in an optical cavity. The limit from finite to infinite photonic crystals is reviewed in view of the proposed method