6 research outputs found

    Five-year follow-up of angiographic disease progression after medicine, angioplasty, or surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Progression of atherosclerosis in coronary artery disease is observed through consecutive angiograms. Prognosis of this progression in patients randomized to different treatments has not been established. This study compared progression of coronary artery disease in native coronary arteries in patients undergoing surgery, angioplasty, or medical treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients (611) with stable multivessel coronary artery disease and preserved ventricular function were randomly assigned to CABG, PCI, or medical treatment alone (MT). After 5-year follow-up, 392 patients (64%) underwent new angiography. Progression was considered a new stenosis of ≥ 50% in an arterial segment previously considered normal or an increased grade of previous stenosis > 20% in nontreated vessels.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 392 patients, 136 underwent CABG, 146 PCI, and 110 MT. Baseline characteristics were similar among treatment groups, except for more smokers and statin users in the MT group, more hypertensives and lower LDL-cholesterol levels in the CABG group, and more angina in the PCI group at study entry. Analysis showed greater progression in at least one native vessel in PCI patients (84%) compared with CABG (57%) and MT (74%) patients (p < 0.001). LAD coronary territory had higher progression compared with LCX and RCA (P < 0.001). PCI treatment, hypertension, male sex, and previous MI were independent risk factors for progression. No statistical difference existed between coronary events and the development of progression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The angioplasty treatment conferred greater progression in native coronary arteries, especially in the left anterior descending territories and treated vessels. The progression was independently associated with hypertension, male sex, and previous myocardial infarction.</p

    The progression of atherosclerotic coronary disease assessed by coronary arteriography in patients with multivessel coronary disease undergoing medicine, angioplasty, or surgery treatments

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    Introdução: Freqüentemente a progressão da doença coronariana aterosclerótica é observada por angiogramas seqüenciais e atribuída ao aumento da incidência de eventos coronarianos.O significado prognóstico desta progressão em pacientes randomizados e submetidos a diferentes formas terapêuticas ainda é pouco conhecido. Este estudo compara a progressão da aterosclerose nas artérias coronárias nativas de pacientes submetidos a tratamento clinico, cirúrgico ou através da angioplastia. Métodos: 611 pacientes portadores de DAC multiarterial estável com função ventricular preservada, foram estudados e submetidos de maneira randomizada, a três formas terapêuticas habituais. Após cinco anos de evolução, 392 pacientes (64%) foram submetidos à cinecoronariografia. A progressão da doença foi definida como surgimento de estenose de, pelo menos, 20% de obstrução em um segmento arterial, admitido previamente como normal. A progressão foi avaliada nas artérias nativas que correspondem a DA, CX, CD dos três grupos terapêuticos. Resultados: 392 pacientes estudados, 136 eram do grupo Cirúrgico, 146 do grupo Angioplastia e 110 do grupo Clínico. Os grupos eram homogêneos em relação às características basais. A análise de progressão entre os grupos terapêuticos mostrou maior progressão da doença na artéria DA do grupo angioplastia. Entre os fatores relacionados à progressão da doença a presença de HAS influenciou significativamente (p= 0,048). Em relação à oclusão total, houve maior incidência no sexo masculino (p= 0,0078) e novo IAM (p= 0,0006). Não se observou relação estatística entre eventos coronarianos e progressão da doença na amostra estudada. Conclusão: Nessa amostra observou-se a progressão da aterosclerose independente da opção terapêutica. Todavia, encontrou-se menor progressão da doença nos pacientes do grupo cirúrgico. Exceto pela presença de hipertensão, nenhum outro fator de risco parece ter influenciado nesta condição.Introduction: The progression of atherosclerotic in the coronary artery disease (CAD) is observed through consecutive angiograms. The prognosis of this progression randomized patients is not clear. This study compared the progression of native coronary arteries and bypass graft in patients undergoing to surgery (CABG), angioplasty (PCI), or medical strategy (MT). Methods: Six hundred eleven patients with stable multivessel CAD and preserved ventricular function were randomly assigned to the 3 therapeutic options: MT, PCI, or CABG. After a 5-year of follow-up, 392 patients (64%) underwent routine coronary angiogram. Progression was defined as stenosis of at least 20% in an artery segment previously considered normal. Progression was assessed in the native arteries irrigating the three territories, left anterior descending (LAD), left circumflex (LCX) and right coronary artery (RCA). Uni and multivariate analysis were performed in all therapeutic groups. Results: Of the 392 patients, 136 were to CABG, 146 PCI, and 110 MT. Baseline characteristics of three treatment were homogeneous. Analysis of progression within the three groups showed a more significant progression of atherosclerosis in the LAD territories of the PCI group. Among the factors related to the progression, there was a significant influence by hypertension (p = 0.048). Males presented a higher incidence of occlusion (p= 0.0078) and new Myocardial Infarction. (p= 0.0006). There was no statistical difference between coronary events and the development of progression in the sample studied. Conclusion: In this study, we have observed the occurrence of atherosclerosis progression, regardless the treatment option. However, we?ve found less progression of disease in patients from the surgery group. Except for hypertension, any other risk factor seems to have no influence on the increase of this condition

    Not So Benign Chest Pain in the Young: A Story of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia

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    Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a rare clinical entity, often presenting similar to atherosclerotic acute coronary syndrome (ACS), although it is a non-atherosclerotic, non-traumatic, and non-iatrogenic coronary artery pathology. We report the case of a 36-year-old woman who presented with substernal, pressure-like chest pain without aggravating, alleviating, or associated symptoms. Initial evaluation revealed elevated troponin levels which peaked at 8.71 ng/mL. Electrocardiogram showed borderline J point elevation in the lateral leads. A transthoracic echocardiography revealed mild left ventricular dysfunction with an estimated ejection fraction of 45% to 50%, an akinetic apex with hyperdynamic basal segments, suggestive of stress cardiomyopathy. However, a left anterior descending artery (LAD) infarction could not be excluded. Emergent coronary angiography revealed SCAD of the LAD. No coronary interventions were performed. The patient was managed medically with dual antiplatelet therapy and beta-blockers. Given the high suspicion for fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD), computed tomographic angiography (CTA) of the head to pelvis was performed. The CTA neck showed bilateral focal areas of mild stenosis and dilation of the distal cervical internal carotid artery, and CTA abdomen revealed multiple splenic artery aneurysms, diagnostic of FMD. Unlike atherosclerotic ACS, our patient was managed medically without percutaneous intervention. This case illustrates the rare occurrence of myocardial injury due to SCAD which results in spontaneous intramural hematoma formation rather than atherosclerotic plaque rupture typically seen in ACS. FMD remains the most commonly associated condition with SCAD

    Qualidade de vida após revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio, angioplastia ou tratamento clínico

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    FUNDAMENTO: Ainda que os benefícios clínicos das intervenções coronarianas parecem confirmados, seus efeitos na qualidade de vida (QV) permanecem pouco estudados. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) na doença multiarterial coronariana em pacientes submetidos randomicamente a cirurgia, angioplastia ou tratamento clínico. MÉTODOS: Foi utilizando Short-Form Health Survey (SF36) questionnaire em 483 pacientes. Desses, 161 foram revascularizados; 166 receberam angioplastia e 153 tiveram tratamento clínico. RESULTADOS: Na internação, 86% referiam angina; 34%, infarto; e 32% fumavam. Tratamento clínico: 12 pacientes (7,7%) tiveram infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM); 24 (15,3%) receberam cirurgia; e 19 (12,1%) morreram. Além disso, cinco (3,2%) sofreram AVC e 40 (25,6%) tinham angina. No componente mental, 64,1% melhoram e 30,8% pioram a condição. No componente físico, 70,5% melhoram e 27,6% pioram a condição. Cirurgia: 13 pacientes (8,1%) tiveram IAM, dois (1,2%) receberam cirurgia; 12 (7,4%) morreram. Em adição, nove (5,6%) sofreram AVC e 30 (18,6%) sofriam angina. No componente mental, 72,7% melhoram e 25,5% pioram a condição. No componente físico, 82,6% melhoram e 16,1% pioram a condição. Angioplastia: 18 pacientes (10,9%) tiveram IAM, 51 (30,7%) receberam intervenções e 18 (19,9%) morreram. Além disso, seis (3,6%) sofreram AVC e 35 (21%) relatavam angina. No componente mental, 66,9% melhoram e 26,5% pioram a condição No componente físico, 77,1% melhoram e 20,5% pioram a condição. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se melhora em todos os domínios e nas três opções terapêuticas. Comparativamente, a cirurgia ofereceu melhor qualidade de vida após quatro anos de seguimento