1,384 research outputs found

    Does Scarcity Exacerbate the Tragedy of the Commons? Evidence from Fishers´ Experimental Responses

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    Economic Experimental Games (EEGs), focused to analyze dilemmas associated with the use of common pool resources, have shown that individuals make extraction decisions that deviate from the suboptimal Nash equilibrium. However, few studies have analyzed whether these deviations towards the social optimum are affected as the stock of resource changes. Performing EEG with local fishermen, we test the hypothesis that the behavior of participants differs under a situation of abundance versus one of scarcity. Our findings show that under a situation of scarcity, players over-extract agiven resource, and thus make decisions above the Nash equilibrium; in doing so, they obtain less profit, mine the others-regarding interest, and exacerbate the tragedy of the commons. This result challenges previous findings from the EEG literature. Whenindividuals face abundance of a given resource, however, they deviate downward from the prediction of individualistic behavior. The phenomenon of private, inefficient overexploitation is corrected when management strategies are introduced into the game, something that underlines the importance of institutions.tragedy of the commons intensified, economic experimental games,resource abundance, resource scarcity, dynamic effects

    Can Co-Management Improve the Governance of A Common- Pool Resource? Lessons From A Framed Field Experiment in A Marine Protected Area in the Colomb

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    Complexities associated with the management of common pool resources (CPR)threaten governance at some marine protected areas (MPA). In this paper, using economic experimental games (EEG), we investigate the effects of both external regulation and the complementarities between internal regulation and non-coercive authority intervention-what we call co-management-on fishermen´s extraction decisions. We perform EEG with fishermen inhabiting the influence zone of an MPA in the Colombian Caribbean. The results show that co- management exhibits the best results, both in terms of resource sustainability and reduction in extraction, highlighting the importance of strategies that recognize communities as key actors in the decision-making process for the sustainable use and conservation of CPR in protected areas.Common-pool resources, governance, co-management, experimental economic games, fisheries, Latin America

    Do Environmental Services Buyers Prefer Differentiated Rates? A Case Study from the Colombian Andes

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    Flat user fees in payment for environmental services (PES) schemes promote administrative ease, and are sometimes perceived as egalitarian. However, when environmental service (ES) buyers are heterogeneous in their income and water consumption levels, this may not be optimal, as total payments become too low and services are under-supplied. This paper identifies ES buyer preferences and estimates their willingness to pay (WTP) differentiated fees in an ongoing PES initiative in an Andean watershed in Colombia. Small, flat user payments have recently been introduced to implement incipient watershed protection upstream. Environmental service users fall into two highly heterogeneous categories: smallholder peasants and owners of recreational houses. We performed a contingent valuation analysis in a representative stratified sample of 218 user households. For improved water services, ES buyers on average were willing to pay a monthly US1premiumovercurrentflatPESrates.OwnersofrecreationalhouseswerewillingtopayaboutUS1 premium over current flat PES rates. Owners of recreational houses were willing to pay about US1.50 more; smallholders only US$0.5. 85% of ES buyers also agree to pay differentiated fees. Of these, 41% would prefer fees differentiated by water consumption, 23% by household income, 30% criteria combination, and 6% by other criteria. Spatial variables, such as distance to the water distribution point and to the town center, importantly influenced WTP. The results may help designing users-driven PES schemes in accordance with efficiency and equity objectives.PES, WTP, environmental services, Colombia, watershed protection.

    Presencia de nitratos en la zona no saturada del suelo y acuífero en el área cañera de la llanura deprimida tucumana no salina

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    El fertilizante nitrogenado adicionado al suelo, por acción de las bacterias, es transformado en nitrato. Este compuesto tiene carga negativa, al igual que los componentes del suelo, por lo que no se adsorbe y queda disponible en la solución. Ante la presencia de un flujo de agua descendente, presenta riesgo de lixiviación. La cantidad de fertilizante lixiviado depende de la dosis aplicada, capacidad de extracción del cultivo, prácticas agronómicas y cantidad de agua percolada, que depende tanto de las propiedades físicas del suelo, como de la cantidad y distribución de las lluvias (3, 5, 12). Además de la disminución en la rentabilidad del productor, estas pérdidas tienen implicancias sobre la salud humana (concentraciones de nitrato superior a 10 mg N-nitrato/L en el agua de bebida sería causante de metahemoglobinemia en población vulnerable) y la eutrofización de los cursos de agua superficial.Fil: Portocarrero, Rocío. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Tucumán-Santiago del Estero. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Famaillá; ArgentinaFil: Acreche, Martin Moises. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Salta-Jujuy. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Salta; ArgentinaFil: García, Jorge. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentin

    Analysis of the presence of sustainability in Higher Education Degrees of the Spanish university system

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    This paper analyzes the extent to which sustainability is present in the curricula of the 16 Education Degree programs belonging to the EDINSOST project: 6 Early Childhood Education Degrees, 7 Primary Education Degrees, 2 Pedagogy Degrees and 1 Social Education Degree. The results obtained suggest that sustainability is present in all Degrees, but not uniformly so. A great disparity is observed in the number of subjects that develop sustainability, with an average of 22.63 subjects per Degree. The competency most present is the ‘ Application of ethical principles related to the values of sustainability in personal and professional behaviors, ’ while the least present is ‘ Sustainable use of resources and prevention of negative impacts on the natural and social environment. ’Sustainability is not developed uniformly in the different universities either. Three universities (UAM, UCA and UIC) develop sustainability competencies at 100%, while others such as the USAL do so at only 50

    Clinical phenotypes in pediatric population with sleep breathing disorder

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    40 p.Introducción y objetivo: Los trastornos respiratorios del sueño (TRS) se caracterizan por presentar obstrucciones parciales o completas de la vía aérea durante el sueño. Son múltiples los factores que pueden influir en el desarrollo de TRS en la población pediátrica, siendo el más importante la hipertrofia adenoamigdalar, y la adenoamigdelectomía el tratamiento de elección. No todos los pacientes responden adecuadamente al tratamiento con adenoamigdelectomía, de ahí la importancia de realizar un abordaje individualizado de los pacientes. Nuestro objetivo es definir los fenotipos clínicos en niños con TRS que puedan determinar un pronóstico y/o tratamiento común. Pacientes, material y métodos: Se incluyeron de forma consecutiva 30 niños (4-18 años) remitidos por sospecha de TRS. Se tuvieron en cuenta para el estudio variables antropométricas, variables clínicas y se estableció el diagnóstico de TRS por medio de polisomnografía completa (PSG). Los análisis fueron realizados con el programa SPSS versión 20.0. Resultados y conclusión: Alrededor del 50% de los pacientes padecía obesidad, un 70% hipertrofia amigdalar grado III-IV y un 25% paladar ojival. Con respecto al estudio del sueño, en general predominó la presencia un sueño muy superficial con descenso del porcentaje del sueño REM (21%). Se compararon los pacientes en función de la presencia de estos factores de riesgo y se clasificaron en 3 fenotipos. El primer grupo compuesto por pacientes con hipertrofia amigdalar, dificultad respiratoria y alteraciones de la conducta; el segundo, formado por pacientes con paladar ojival y alteraciones de la conducta y el tercero formado por pacientes con obesidad.Introduction and objective: Sleep disordered breathing (SBD) is characterized by partial and complete obstruction of the superior air way during sleep. There are multiple factors implicated on its development in paediatric population, being adenotonsillar hypertrophy the most frequent cause and adenotonsillectomy the treatment of choice. The importance of individualized treatment relies on the fact that some children fail to respond adequately to adenoamigdelectomía. The aim of the study is to identify risk phenotypes that will allow us to facilitate and predict optimal treatment. Patients, material and methods: 30 children (4-18 years old) referred on suspicion of SBD were included consecutively on the study. Anthropometric and clinical variables were considered and diagnosed was made by complete polysomnography (PSG). To conduct the statistical analysis SPSS 20.0 was used. Results and conclusion: About 50 % of the patients were obese, around 70% suffered from adenotonsillar hypertrophy III-IV and 25% had high-arched palate. With regards to the PSG, shallow sleep was enlarged at the expense of reduced REM sleep (21%). Patients were compared based on the presence of risk factors and classified in three clusters. Cluster 1 adenotonsillar hypertrophy, breathing difficulty and behavioural alterations. Cluster 2 had high arched palate and behavioural alterations, and finally cluster 3 sufferedGrado en Medicin

    Los viajes al espacio exterior: ¿nueva tipología turística?

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    En el presente trabajo se abordaron los viajes al espacio como posible nueva tipología turística. Para ello se realizó, en primer lugar, una contextualización histórica donde se analizó el progreso desde los primeros viajes al espacio hasta la posibilidad de concebir éstos como un nuevo segmento turístico, con posibilidades reales de explotación futura. Asimismo, se realizó una caracterización de la posible demanda, atendiendo a sus principales motivaciones, así como una descripción y análisis de la oferta actual, tanto nacional como internacional que contempla esta actividad. Los resultados obtenidos de la investigación resultan ser afirmativos respecto a la pregunta del título del trabajo: la posible categorización de los viajes al espacio como nueva tipología turística.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Turism

    Plasmonic-enhanced photoluminescence in porous silicon with pore-embedded gold nanoparticles fabricated by direct reduction of chloroauric acid

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    The low efficiency of porous silicon (p-Si) luminescence hinders the development of silicon-based optoelectronic devices. The increase in p-Si emission using near-field enhancement, owing to the incorporation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) into the photonic structure, is probably the most viable alternative. However, the coupling of plasmon resonance to p-Si emission is challenging because of the difficulty in controlling the size and location of the AuNPs with respect to the emissive p-Si layer. In this study, AuNPs were synthesized by clean direct reduction of chloroauric acid inside a p-Si photonic structure. As a result, AuNPs could be synthesized all along the pores of the p-Si structure, allowing to obtain a six-fold enhancement of the p-Si photoluminescence, specifically for the emission band at 567 nm owing to the plasmon effect. Possible applications of this hybrid material include light-emitting devices and photoluminescence-based sensors