74 research outputs found

    Coupled Forest plot of sensitivities and specificities of included studies (n = 28).

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    <p>Coupled Forest plot of sensitivities and specificities of included studies (n = 28).</p

    Description of eligible studies for the assessment of diagnostic accuracy of the CES-D (n = 28).

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    <p>Description of eligible studies for the assessment of diagnostic accuracy of the CES-D (n = 28).</p

    HRQL loss according to sociodemographic and clinical variables, stratified by sex.

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    1<p>Prior to the flu episode in adults of working age (16 to 64 years old); <sup>2</sup>in women of childbearing age (15 to 50 years old.)</p>†<p>Statistically significant differences when comparing the change in EQ-5D in females and males (p <0.05).</p>*<p>Statistically significant differences when comparing the EQ-5D change among specific characteristics in each group or sex group (p <0.05).</p><p>A U-Mann Whitney test or Kruskal Wallis test were performed to compare means HRQL losses.</p

    Forest plot of <i>5-HTTLPR</i> biallelic recessive model (<i>SS</i> vs <i>L</i>+) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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    <p>Forest plot of <i>5-HTTLPR</i> biallelic recessive model (<i>SS</i> vs <i>L</i>+) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).</p

    Analyses of publication bias by the Egger test.

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    <p>SE: Standard error; T: T-test; df: Degrees of freedom. BFM: Biallelic Frequency Model; BDM: Biallelic Dominant Model; BRM: Biallelic Recessive Model; TFM: Triallelic Frequency Model; TDM: Triallelic Dominant Model; TRM: Triallelic Recessive Model.</p

    Frequencies of the <i>5-HTTLPR</i> alleles and polymorphisms of the included studies<sup>&</sup>.

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    <p><i>S</i>, short allele; <i>L</i>, long allele; <i>S</i>' as <i>S</i> + <i>L<sub>G</sub></i>; and <i>L</i>' as <i>L<sub>A.</sub></i></p>&<p>Dominant model (<i>S+</i> vs <i>LL</i> or <i>S</i>'+vs L'L'): <i>S+</i> (or <i>S</i>'<i>+</i>) genotype frequencies are calculated as the sum of <i>SS</i> (or <i>S</i>'<i>S</i>') and <i>SL</i> (or <i>S</i>'<i>L</i>') frequencies. Recessive model (<i>SS</i> vs <i>L+</i> or <i>S</i>'<i>S</i>' vs <i>L</i>'<i>+</i>): <i>L+</i> (or <i>L</i>'+) genotype frequencies are calculated by the sum of <i>LL</i> (or <i>L</i>'<i>L</i>') and <i>SL</i> (or <i>SvL</i>') genotype frequencies.</p

    Forest plot of <i>5-HTTLPR</i> triallelic dominant model (<i>S</i>'+ vs <i>L</i>'<i>L</i>') and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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    <p>Forest plot of <i>5-HTTLPR</i> triallelic dominant model (<i>S</i>'+ vs <i>L</i>'<i>L</i>') and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).</p

    Flow chart of the Meta-Analysis of <i>5-HTTLPR</i> polymorphisms and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

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    <p>Adapted from Sagoo GS, Little J, Higgins JP, Systematic Reviews of Genetic Association Studies. Human Genome Epidemiology Network. PLOS Med 2009; 6(3): e28 doi: e28 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000028 and Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group (2009). Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med 6(6): e1000097. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed1000097.</p

    Subgroup analysis of study design, type of PTSD assessed and quality characteristics in the Meta-Analysis of <i>5-HTTLPR</i> polymorphisms and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the biallelic approach.

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    ‡<p>K: Number of studies; <sup>#</sup>Number of alleles S or L duplicates the number of participants as each participant has two alleles (S, L or one of each one); OR: Odds Ratio; 95% CI: 95% Confident Interval; & Chi-squared test for subgroup differences; NA: Not applicable; <b><sup>†</sup></b>HWE: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.</p