7 research outputs found

    PHIL: a Test Beam line at LAL

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    WEPP078International audienceIn the framework of a European contract*, LAL is in charge of the construction of one photo-injector for the drive beam linac of the CLIC Test Facility 3 [1] at CERN. This contract together with national funds allowed LAL to build a home test accelerator, PHIL, with the same photo-injector as for CTF3. The goal is to undergo experiments on the design and technology of advanced RF guns, to develop diagnostics and feedback techniques, a part of the beam time will be also shared with users of the electron beam. So far, the construction of this accelerator at LAL was very much delayed because of the legal obligation to upgrade the radiation shielding in agreement with the actual radiation safety thresholds. The required civil engineering is now finished and the installation of the components is under way. We will first present a design of the accelerator and few dynamic simulation results. Finally we will give an up to date status of the accelerator construction

    PHIL Accelerator at LAL - Diagnostic status

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/BIW2010/papers/tupsm100.pdfInternational audienceThe "Photo-Injector at LAL" (PHIL : http://phil.lal.in2p3.fr/) is a new electron beam accelerator at LAL. This accelerator is dedicated to test and characterise electron photo-guns and high-frequency structures for future accelerator projects (like the next generation lepton colliders, CLIC, ILC). This machine has been designed to produce low energy (E<10 MeV), small emittance (epsilon < 10 pi.mm.mrad), high current (charge 2 nC/bunch) electrons bunch at low repetition frequency (frep<10Hz) [1]. The first beam has been obtained on the 4th of November 2009. This paper will describe the current status and the futures developments of the diagnostics devices on this machine

    Low Energy Beam Measurements Using PHIL Accelerator at LAL, Comparison with PARMELA Simulations

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/PAC2011/papers/wep210.pdfInternational audiencePHIL ("PHo­to-In­jec­tor at LAL") is a new elec­tron beam ac­cel­er­a­tor at LAL. This ac­cel­er­a­tor is ded­i­cat­ed to test and char­ac­ter­ize elec­tron RF-guns and to de­liv­er elec­tron beam to users. This ma­chine has been de­signed to pro­duce and char­ac­terise low en­er­gy (E<10 MeV), small emit­tance (e<10 p.​mm.​mrad), high bril­liance elec­trons bunch at low rep­e­ti­tion fre­quen­cy (n<10Hz). The first beam has been ob­tained on the 4th of Novem­ber 2009. The cur­rent RF-gun test­ed on PHIL is the Al­phaX gun, a 2.5 cell S-band cav­i­ty de­signed by LAL for the plas­ma ac­cel­er­a­tor stud­ies per­formed at the Strath­clyde uni­ver­si­ty. This paper will pre­sent the first Al­phaX RF-gun char­ac­ter­i­za­tions per­formed at LAL on PHIL ac­cel­er­a­tor, and will show com­par­isons be­tween mea­sure­ments and PARMELA sim­u­la­tions

    The International Large Detector: Letter of Intent

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    163 pages, 91 figures - See paper for full list of authorsThe International Large Detector (ILD) is a concept for a detector at the International Linear Collider, ILC. The ILC will collide electrons and positrons at energies of initially 500 GeV, upgradeable to 1 TeV. The ILC has an ambitious physics program, which will extend and complement that of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A hallmark of physics at the ILC is precision. The clean initial state and the comparatively benign environment of a lepton collider are ideally suited to high precision measurements. To take full advantage of the physics potential of ILC places great demands on the detector performance. The design of ILD is driven by these requirements. Excellent calorimetry and tracking are combined to obtain the best possible overall event reconstruction, including the capability to reconstruct individual particles within jets for particle ow calorimetry. This requires excellent spatial resolution for all detector systems. A highly granular calorimeter system is combined with a central tracker which stresses redundancy and efficiency. In addition, efficient reconstruction of secondary vertices and excellent momentum resolution for charged particles are essential for an ILC detector. The interaction region of the ILC is designed to host two detectors, which can be moved into the beam position with a push-pull scheme. The mechanical design of ILD and the overall integration of subdetectors takes these operational conditions into account