113 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Sanders-Freiman-Ruzsa Theorem in Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n and its Application to Non-malleable Codes

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    Non-malleable codes (NMCs) protect sensitive data against degrees of corruption that prohibit error detection, ensuring instead that a corrupted codeword decodes correctly or to something that bears little relation to the original message. The split-state model, in which codewords consist of two blocks, considers adversaries who tamper with either block arbitrarily but independently of the other. The simplest construction in this model, due to Aggarwal, Dodis, and Lovett (STOC'14), was shown to give NMCs sending k-bit messages to O(k7)O(k^7)-bit codewords. It is conjectured, however, that the construction allows linear-length codewords. Towards resolving this conjecture, we show that the construction allows for code-length O(k5)O(k^5). This is achieved by analysing a special case of Sanders's Bogolyubov-Ruzsa theorem for general Abelian groups. Closely following the excellent exposition of this result for the group F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n by Lovett, we expose its dependence on pp for the group Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n, where pp is a prime

    Gaussian width bounds with applications to arithmetic progressions in random settings

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    Motivated by problems on random differences in Szemer\'{e}di's theorem and on large deviations for arithmetic progressions in random sets, we prove upper bounds on the Gaussian width of point sets that are formed by the image of the nn-dimensional Boolean hypercube under a mapping ψ:RnRk\psi:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^k, where each coordinate is a constant-degree multilinear polynomial with 0-1 coefficients. We show the following applications of our bounds. Let [Z/NZ]p[\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}]_p be the random subset of Z/NZ\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z} containing each element independently with probability pp. \bullet A set DZ/NZD\subseteq \mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z} is \ell-intersective if any dense subset of Z/NZ\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z} contains a proper (+1)(\ell+1)-term arithmetic progression with common difference in DD. Our main result implies that [Z/NZ]p[\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}]_p is \ell-intersective with probability 1o(1)1 - o(1) provided pω(NβlogN)p \geq \omega(N^{-\beta_\ell}\log N) for β=((+1)/2)1\beta_\ell = (\lceil(\ell+1)/2\rceil)^{-1}. This gives a polynomial improvement for all 3\ell \ge 3 of a previous bound due to Frantzikinakis, Lesigne and Wierdl, and reproves more directly the same improvement shown recently by the authors and Dvir. \bullet Let XkX_k be the number of kk-term arithmetic progressions in [Z/NZ]p[\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z}]_p and consider the large deviation rate ρk(δ)=logPr[Xk(1+δ)EXk]\rho_k(\delta) = \log\Pr[X_k \geq (1+\delta)\mathbb{E}X_k]. We give quadratic improvements of the best-known range of pp for which a highly precise estimate of ρk(δ)\rho_k(\delta) due to Bhattacharya, Ganguly, Shao and Zhao is valid for all odd k5k \geq 5. We also discuss connections with error correcting codes (locally decodable codes) and the Banach-space notion of type for injective tensor products of p\ell_p-spaces.Comment: 18 pages, some typos fixe

    On the orthogonal rank of Cayley graphs and impossibility of quantum round elimination

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    After Bob sends Alice a bit, she responds with a lengthy reply. At the cost of a factor of two in the total communication, Alice could just as well have given the two possible replies without listening and have Bob select which applies to him. Motivated by a conjecture stating that this form of "round elimination" is impossible in exact quantum communication complexity, we study the orthogonal rank and a symmetric variant thereof for a certain family of Cayley graphs. The orthogonal rank of a graph is the smallest number dd for which one can label each vertex with a nonzero dd-dimensional complex vector such that adjacent vertices receive orthogonal vectors. We show an exp(n)(n) lower bound on the orthogonal rank of the graph on {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n in which two strings are adjacent if they have Hamming distance at least n/2n/2. In combination with previous work, this implies an affirmative answer to the above conjecture.Comment: 13 page

    Failure of the trilinear operator space Grothendieck theorem

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    We give a counterexample to a trilinear version of the operator space Grothendieck theorem. In particular, we show that for trilinear forms on \ell_\infty, the ratio of the symmetrized completely bounded norm and the jointly completely bounded norm is in general unbounded, answering a question of Pisier. The proof is based on a non-commutative version of the generalized von Neumann inequality from additive combinatorics.Comment: Reformatted for Discrete Analysi

    On Embeddings of l_1^k from Locally Decodable Codes

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    We show that any qq-query locally decodable code (LDC) gives a copy of 1k\ell_1^k with small distortion in the Banach space of qq-linear forms on p1N××pqN\ell_{p_1}^N\times\cdots\times\ell_{p_q}^N, provided 1/p1++1/pq11/p_1 + \cdots + 1/p_q \leq 1 and where kk, NN, and the distortion are simple functions of the code parameters. We exhibit the copy of 1k\ell_1^k by constructing a basis for it directly from "smooth" LDC decoders. Based on this, we give alternative proofs for known lower bounds on the length of 2-query LDCs. Using similar techniques, we reprove known lower bounds for larger qq. We also discuss the relation with an alternative proof, due to Pisier, of a result of Naor, Regev, and the author on cotype properties of projective tensor products of p\ell_p spaces

    Locally Decodable Quantum Codes

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    We study a quantum analogue of locally decodable error-correcting codes. A q-query locally decodable quantum code encodes n classical bits in an m-qubit state, in such a way that each of the encoded bits can be recovered with high probability by a measurement on at most q qubits of the quantum code, even if a constant fraction of its qubits have been corrupted adversarially. We show that such a quantum code can be transformed into a classical q-query locally decodable code of the same length that can be decoded well on average (albeit with smaller success probability and noise-tolerance). This shows, roughly speaking, that q-query quantum codes are not significantly better than q-query classical codes, at least for constant or small q.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    Subspaces of tensors with high analytic rank

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    It is shown that for any subspace V⊆Fn×⋯×np of d-tensors, if dim(V)≥tnd−1, then there is subspace W⊆V of dimension at least t/(dr)−1 whose nonzero elements all have analytic rank Ωd,p(r). As an application, we generalize a result of Altman on Szemerédi's theorem with random differences

    A generalized Grothendieck inequality and entanglement in XOR games

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    Suppose Alice and Bob make local two-outcome measurements on a shared entangled state. For any d, we show that there are correlations that can only be reproduced if the local dimension is at least d. This resolves a conjecture of Brunner et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 210503 (2008) and establishes that the amount of entanglement required to maximally violate a Bell inequality must depend on the number of measurement settings, not just the number of measurement outcomes. We prove this result by establishing the first lower bounds on a new generalization of Grothendieck's constant.Comment: Version submitted to QIP on 10-20-08. See also arxiv:0812.1572 for related results, obtained independentl