463 research outputs found

    Die toepassing van didaktiese beginsels in die onderwyspraktyk*

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    In hierdie voordrag gaan dit by uitstek om drie sake, met nadere kwalifiseringe. Hierdie sake is: 1. Die terrein van die didaktiek. 2. Die normatiewe karakter van die didaktiek. 3. Die praktiese aanwendbaarheid van didaktiese begin- sels in die onderwyspraktyk. By wyse van toeligting sal daar dan kortliks na gedifferensieerde onderwys verwys word

    Die Kaapse kerk en die Voortrekkers

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    Terwyl in 1938 die Groot Trek besonder prominent na vore kom as gevolg van die verskillende eeufeeste en ook die groot eeufees wat D.V. 16 Desember a.s. gehou staan te word, kan dit sy nut hê as ons ’n oomblik stil staan by die houding van die Kaapse Kerk teenoor die Voortrekkers

    Mindfulness: A foothold for Rogers's humanistic person-centred approach

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    This article probed and contextualised the strong parallels between meditation derived mindfulness and Rogers's humanistic person-centred (PC) approach. This was done through a conceptual and evaluative literature review of the PC framework in relation to definitive descriptions of mindfulness. Elements of mindfulness within the core conditions of PC therapy were explored and verified. Quotations, pragmatic, behavioural descriptions and explications provided evidence of a shared ideology inherent in both concepts via “way of being”. The findings suggested that mindfulness cultivates, harmonises and deepens essential therapist qualities in PC therapy. This review article could supply a rationale for significant inferences in the implementation of meditation-inspired activities in the practical preparation of trainee therapists as well as optimising proficiency and refinement in professional practice

    Die Roeping tot die Amp van Predikant

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    ’n Onderwerp soos hierdie kan begrypelikerwys uit verskillonde oogpuntcbenader word. Dit kan bv. uit dogmatiese of eksegetiese hoek besien word; maar hier wil ons dit benader vanuit kerkregtelike aspek

    Die regering van die kerk volgens Calvyn

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    As ons die beginsels wat Calvyn aangedui het vir die regering van die kerk wil nagaan, moet ons noodsaaklik navraag doen na sy kerkbegrip. Gelukkig is dit in hierdie geval nie nodig nie, want net in die vorige uitgawe van Koers het ’n artikel verskyn oor „Die wese van die kerk volgens Calvyn”. In noue aansluiting daarby kan ons dus direk aandag skenk aan sy beginsels vir kerkregering

    Die stelsel van ope krediet in ons handel.

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    In ’n vorige artikel het ons net in die verbygaan gerefereer na die groot gevaar wat vir die handel van Suid-Afrika en langs daardieweg vir die volk van Suid-Afrika, skuil in die stelsel van ope kredietwat hom algaandeweg in ons handelswese ingeiburger het sodat ditnou in ons land die stelsel is wat algemeen erken en gehandhaafword

    Die geskiedenis van die P.U. vir C.H.O. (tot Inkorporasie).

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    Die geskiedenis van die P.U. vir C.H.O. sit onlosmaaklik vas aan Teologiese Skool van die Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika, want die gedagte van die stigters van die skool was nooit gerig slegs op die voorbereidingvan predikante nie, maar van die begin af ook op die wetenskaplike vorming

    Verbruikersgerigtheid in die missiestellings van hedendaagse ondernemings: mite of realiteit?

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    The aim of this ankle is to discuss the concepts of marketing and customer orientation towards the marketing function and to point out how the mission statements and objectives of modem firms reflect these orientations. The development of the marketing as well as customer orientation towards marketing is discussed. This is followed by an examination of the nature of mission statements and business objectives. It is argued that the mission statement as well as the company's objectives has to reflect the company’s commitment towards serving customers’ needs. It is apparent that this is not always the case in South Africa. Academics therefore have a challenge as well as an obligation to promote the concept of customer orientation and to advocate its reflection in the marketing planning process

    The Capital gains tax - Implications of holding limited interests in property

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    For the purposes of capital gains tax (CGT) an 'asset' includes 'property of whatever nature, whether movable or immovable, corporeal or incorporeal...' and 'a right or interest of whatever nature to or in such property'.1 It is clear from this definition that an 'asset' includes limited interests in property that are real rights such as bare dominium, a usufruct, a fiduciary interest, a right of usus, a right of habitatio and grazing rights, as well as personal rights such as the right to income from a trust and the right to occupy trust property. In this article an attempt is made to clarify the position regarding the impact of CGT on the disposal of these limited interests

    Comparative advantage of potato production in seven regions of South Africa

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    The focus of this research was to investigate the comparative advantage of the potato industry in seven potato production regions in South Africa. Potatoes are the most important vegetable crop produced in South Africa. In 2008 it contributed more than 40% to the total production of vegetables in South Africa and it accounted for more than 20% of the value of all fresh produce sold on all the major national fresh produce markets. This study uses the Resource Cost Ratio (RCR) methodology that provides an explicit indication of the efficiency with which production alternatives uses domestic resources to generate or save foreign exchange. The Nominal Protection Ratio (NPR) and Effective Protection Coefficient (EPC) were also calculated. The results show that current policies that affects the input market for potato production in South Africa is constraining the potato industry. This was confirmed by the results obtained from the NPR and EPC analysis, and the size of the policy distortions was shown through the calculation of market and economic profitability. If current policies prevail potato production in the Eastern Free State will not have a comparative advantage, but in the absence of such policies all production regions have a comparative advantage.Crop Production/Industries,
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