81 research outputs found

    Household Allocations and Endogenous Information

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    This paper tests for the endogeneity of one of the main elements separating different models of intrahousehold allocations, namely the household information set. Based on unusually rich data, I find that split migrant couples in the Nairobi slums invest considerable resources into information acquisition through visits, sibling and child monitoring, budget submissions, and marital search. I also find potentially substantial welfare losses when information acquisition becomes costly, not only through reduced remittances but more importantly as families opt for family migration into the slums. That households invest in information when there are welfare gains complements a large and growing literature that seeks to explain intrahousehold allocations through more complex modes of decision-making.Survey Methods, Household production and Intrahousehold Allocation, Marriage, Family Structure, Migration

    Can Warm Glow Alleviate Credit Market Failures? Evidence from Online Peer-to-Peer Lenders

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    This paper looks at an institutional innovation in which Western investors lend peer-to-peer to poor country enterprises. Using a unique dataset from an online lending platform called MyC4, we find that MyC4’s Western lenders grant lower interest rates to pro-poor, socially responsible (SR), and pro-female African projects, thus internalizing positive externalities. Using novel instrumental variables to account for interest rates’ endogeneity, we find that these lower interest rates substantially improve the repayment performance of borrowers, and do not reflect profit-maximizing behavior. This new way to organize finance improves credit market efficiency and the success rate of poorntry enterprises.Credit markets imperfections, externalities, warm glow

    Credit Access, Selection, and Incentives in a Market for Asset Collateralized Loans: Evidence from Kenya

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    We study the potential for asset collateralization to expand access to credit in rural Kenya. Increasing the share of a loan for a durable agricultural asset that is collateralized by the physical asset itself (from 0 to 96%) while reducing the share backed by financial assets increases loan take-up considerably, with only a very limited impact on repayment behavior and the lender's profitability. A Karlan-Zinman test finds evidence of small and marginally significant selection effects in some specifications but no evidence of moral hazard. We find no evidence that joint versus individual liability affects take-up or repayment. Loans had real impacts on investment, milk sales, and girls' school enrollment. The lender, a savings and credit cooperative, responded to the study results by offering 80% asset-collateralized loans

    Payments for ecosystem services did not crowd out pro-environmental behavior: Long-term experimental evidence from Uganda

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    Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are increasingly being implemented worldwide as conservation instruments that provide conditional economic incentives to landowners for a prespecified duration. However, in the psychological and economic literature, critics have raised concerns that PES can undermine the recipient’s intrinsic motivation to engage in pro-environmental behavior. Such “crowding out” may reduce the effectiveness of PES and may even worsen conservation outcomes once programs are terminated. In this study, we harnessed a randomized controlled trial that provided PES to land users in Western Uganda and evaluated whether these incentives had a persistent effect on pro-environmental behavior and its underlying behavioral drivers 6 y after the last payments were made. We elicited pro-environmental behavior with an incentivized, experimental measure that consisted of a choice for respondents between more and less environmentally friendly tree seedlings. In addition to this main outcome, survey-based measures for underlying behavioral drivers captured self-efficacy beliefs, intrinsic motivation, and perceived forest benefits. Overall, we found no indications that PES led to the crowding out of pro-environmental behavior. That is, respondents from the treatment villages were as likely as respondents from the control villages to choose environmentally friendly tree seedlings. We also found no systematic differences between these two groups in their underlying behavioral drivers, and nor did we find evidence for crowding effects when focusing on self-reported tree planting behavior as an alternative outcome measure

    Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded–Targeted Locus Capture:A Next-Generation Sequencing Technology for Accurate DNA-Based Gene Fusion Detection in Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors

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    Chromosomal rearrangements are important drivers in cancer, and their robust detection is essential for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment selection, particularly for bone and soft tissue tumors. Current diagnostic methods are hindered by limitations, including difficulties with multiplexing targets and poor quality of RNA. A novel targeted DNA-based next-generation sequencing method, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded–targeted locus capture (FFPE-TLC), has shown advantages over current diagnostic methods when applied on FFPE lymphomas, including the ability to detect novel rearrangements. We evaluated the utility of FFPE-TLC in bone and soft tissue tumor diagnostics. FFPE-TLC sequencing was successfully applied on noncalcified and decalcified FFPE samples (n = 44) and control samples (n = 19). In total, 58 rearrangements were identified in 40 FFPE tumor samples, including three previously negative samples, and none was identified in the FFPE control samples. In all five discordant cases, FFPE-TLC could identify gene fusions where other methods had failed due to either detection limits or poor sample quality. FFPE-TLC achieved a high specificity and sensitivity (no false positives and negatives). These results indicate that FFPE-TLC is applicable in cancer diagnostics to simultaneously analyze many genes for their involvement in gene fusions. Similar to the observation in lymphomas, FFPE-TLC is a good DNA-based alternative to the conventional methods for detection of rearrangements in bone and soft tissue tumors.</p

    Measurement for Change: Reflections from innovators' experiences with monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems for Early Childhood Development

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    In this review paper, we explore how on-the-ground Early Childhood Development (ECD) innovators are using monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) systems to guide the design and implementation of ECD programs, as well as how MEL systems can influence policy and support the achievement of impact at scale. We reflect on articles in the Frontiers series “Effective delivery of integrated interventions in early childhood: innovations in evidence use, monitoring, evaluation, and learning.” The 31 contributions to the series reflect the breadth and depth of complexity that characterizes ECD, including global geographic spread, with studies from Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Our synthesis finds that integrating MEL processes and systems into the fabric of a program or policy initiative can broaden the underlying value proposition. Specifically, ECD organizations sought to design their MEL systems to ensure programs fit the values, goals, experiences and conceptual frameworks of diverse stakeholders, so that participating makes sense to all. For example, formative, exploratory research identified the priorities and needs of the target population and frontline service providers, and informed the content and delivery of an intervention. ECD organizations also designed their MEL systems to support a shift of accountability toward broader ownership: They included delivery agents and program participants alike as subjects rather than objects, through active participation in data collection, and by providing opportunities for equitable discussion of results and decision-making. Programs collected data to respond to specialized characteristics, priorities and needs, embedding program activities into existing day-to-day routines. Further, papers pointed to the importance of intentionally involving a variety of stakeholders in national and international dialogues to ensure that diverse ECD data collection efforts are aligned and multiple perspectives are considered in the development of national ECD policies. And, several papers illustrate the value of creative methods and measurement tools to integrate MEL into a program or policy initiative. Finally, our synthesis concludes that these findings align with the five aspirations that were formulated as part of the Measurement for Change dialogue, which motivated the launch of the series

    Integrating Whole Child Development (WCD) Measurement into Education Systems

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    Based on discussions with 10 education organizations working with a variety of whole child development (WCD) approaches across the globe, this article explores what such holistic approaches to building foundational skills mean for measuring student outcomes, including at young ages, and what other indicators are necessary to support education systems that foster the thriving of children with different needs across different contexts

    Integrating Whole Child Development (WCD) into Teacher and School- Leader Training: Perspectives From Across the World

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    A Whole Child Development (WCD) approach considers foundational learning as being child-centred and multi-dimensional, emphasising a variety of interconnected and context-dependent skills, competencies, and values for a child to thrive. Drawn from discussions with 10 education organisations from across the globe, this article explores how education systems can support teachers and school leaders to take a WCD approach

    Dynamics of gene silencing during X inactivation using allele-specific RNA-seq

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    Background: During early embryonic development, one of the two X chromosomes in mammalian female cells is inactivated to compensate for a potential imbalance in transcript levels with male cells, which contain a single X chromosome. Here, we use mouse female embryonic stem cells (ESCs) with non-random X chromosome inactivation (XCI) and polymorphic X chromosomes to study the dynamics of gene silencing over the inactive X chromosome by high-resolution allele-specific RNA-seq. Results: Induction of XCI by differentiation of female ESCs shows that genes proximal to the X-inactivation center are silenced earlier than distal genes, while lowly expressed genes show faster XCI dynamics than highly expressed genes. The active X chromosome shows a minor but significant increase in gene activity during differentiation, resulting in complete dosage compensation in differentiated cell types. Genes escaping XCI show little or no silencing during early propagation of XCI. Allele-specific RNA-seq of neural progenitor cells generated from the female ESCs identifies three regions distal to the X-inactivation center that escape XCI. These regions, which stably escape during propagation and maintenance of XCI, coincide with topologically associating domains (TADs) as present in the female ESCs. Also, the previously characterized gene clusters escaping XCI in human fibroblasts correlate with TADs. Conclusions: The gene silencing observed during XCI provides further insight in the establishment of the repressive complex formed by the inactive X chromosome. The association of e
