7 research outputs found

    Identification of the bacterial population in manganese removal filters

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    The aim of this study was to identify bacteria present in ripened manganese removal filters for drinking water production. The bacterial population was identified with 'next generation' DNA sequencing, and specific bacteria were quantified with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) analysis. The 'next generation' DNA sequencing analysis showed a bacteria population shift from the iron oxidizing species Gallionella spp. in the Fe-filter to manganese and nitrite oxidizing species Pseudomonas spp. and Nitrospira spp., respectively, present in the manganese removal filter. qPCR analysis confirmed the presence of a low concentration of the wellknown Mn2-oxidizing species Ps. putida in the manganese removal filter backwash water. Bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, isolated from backwash water from a manganese removal filter were cultured and identified with MALDI-TOF MS analysis. Amongst others, P. gessardii, P. grimontii, and P. koreensis were identified. The presence of several manganese oxidizing bacteria species in ripened filter media supports the assumption that a microbial consortium is involved in the oxidation of manganese. Understanding the mechanisms by which manganese coating of filter media commences could endorse the creation of conditions favouring Birnessite formation, and possibly help in reducing typically long ripening periods of manganese removal filters with virgin filter media.</p

    Pilot-scale assessment of urea as a chemical cleaning agent for biofouling control in spiral-wound reverse osmosis membrane elements

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    Routine chemical cleaning with the combined use of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is carried out as a means of biofouling control in reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. The novelty of the research presented herein is in the application of urea, instead of NaOH, as a chemical cleaning agent to full-scale spiral-wound RO membrane elements. A comparative study was carried out at a pilot-scale facility at the Evides Industriewater DECO water treatment plant in the Netherlands. Three fouled 8-inch diameter membrane modules were harvested from the lead position of one of the full-scale RO units treating membrane bioreactor (MBR) permeate. One membrane module was not cleaned and was assessed as the control. The second membrane module was cleaned by the standard alkali/acid cleaning protocol. The third membrane module was cleaned with concentrated urea solution followed by acid rinse. The results showed that urea cleaning is as effective as the conventional chemical cleaning with regards to restoring the normalized feed channel pressure drop, and more effective in terms of (i) improving membrane permeability, and (ii) solubilizing organic foulants and the subsequent removal of the surface fouling layer. Higher biomass removal by urea cleaning was also indicated by the fact that the total organic carbon (TOC) content in the HCl rinse solution post-urea-cleaning was an order of magnitude greater than in the HCl rinse after standard cleaning. Further optimization of urea-based membrane cleaning protocols and urea recovery and/or waste treatment methods is proposed for full-scale applications.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog