19 research outputs found

    Bacteria isolated from BAL quantitative cultures, sputum cultures, and 16S rRNA sequencing by BAL and sputum samples.

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    <p>Bacteria isolated from BAL quantitative cultures, sputum cultures, and 16S rRNA sequencing by BAL and sputum samples.</p

    Relative abundance of taxa in pooled sequences of patients with stable and exacerbated bronchiectasis groups according to 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing (genus level).

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    <p>The alpha diversity index was estimated to compare organism richness and the diversity between two groups using two diversity indices: the Shannon diversity index (H) and the Simpson’s index (D).</p

    Number of observed bacterial sequences from 14 BAL samples.

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    <p>Number of observed bacterial sequences from 14 BAL samples.</p

    PCoA plots of microbial communities in patients with stable and exacerbated bronchiectasis.

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    <p>The blue spheres indicate patients with stable bronchiectasis and red spheres indicate patients with exacerbated bronchiectasis.</p

    Demographics of stable and acutely exacerbated patients with non-CF bronchiectasis.

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    <p>Demographics of stable and acutely exacerbated patients with non-CF bronchiectasis.</p

    Relative abundance of taxa in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples from patients with stable and exacerbated bronchiectasis according to 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing (genus level).

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    <p>Relative abundance of taxa in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples from patients with stable and exacerbated bronchiectasis according to 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing (genus level).</p

    Relative abundance and distribution from the sequence pool for the top 30 taxon groups from BAL samples in clinically stable and exacerbated bronchiectasis.

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    <p>Relative abundance and distribution from the sequence pool for the top 30 taxon groups from BAL samples in clinically stable and exacerbated bronchiectasis.</p

    Clinical factors associated with a positive TST by univariate and multivariate analyses during the one-step period.

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    <p>TST, tuberculin skin test; BMI, body mass index; IQR, interquartile range; TB, tuberculosis; CXR, simple chest radiography; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.</p>*<p>Data could not be obtained for six participants.</p>$<p>Technicians are defined as technical employees performing radiologic, laboratory, pathologic, and physiotherapeutic services.</p

    Clinical factors associated with a boosted TST reaction.

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    <p>TST, tuberculin skin test; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index; IQR, interquartile range; TB, tuberculosis; CXR, simple chest radiography.</p>*<p>Data could not be obtained for one participant.</p>$<p>Technicians were defined as technical employees performing radiologic, laboratory, pathologic, and physiotherapeutic services.</p

    Baseline characteristics of participants.

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    <p>BMI, body mass index; IQR, interquartile range; TB, tuberculosis; CXR, simple chest radiography; TST, tuberculin skin test.</p>*<p>Data could not be obtained for eight participants.</p>$<p>Technicians were defined as technical employees performing radiologic, laboratory, pathologic, and physiotherapeutic services.</p