333 research outputs found

    Travel and distinction: The cultural currency of mobility in post-egalitarian context

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    The article focuses on tourist practices in the context of social differentiation and distinction. It examines the cultural significance of travel as classification practice and thereby its role in constituting and reproducing class hierarchies in contemporary globalized (or de-territorialized) world, characterized with increasing transnational patterns of communication and mobility. Using the case of Slovenia, characterized by post-egalitarian sentiment, it argues that class today is constituted also through class-specific and intersecting modes of travelling and dwelling. The results show that in post-egalitarian Slovenia social groups reproduce their status also by monopolizing distinct travel practices and travel aspirations, while on the other hand many are limited or constrained in such (voluntary) mobilities. We thus demonstrate that class matters for how people orient themselves as regards travel and (physical/geographical) mobility, although in the results only the fundamental tension between the (global) mobility of the advantaged and the (local) fixedness of the non-privileged that is structured by cultural capital/class position is recognized, along with the highest travel aspirations of those in the middle of social structure. In general, the paper calls for accounts on mobility in relation to class identity formation to be sensitive to both its symbolic and material aspects

    Structural Determinants of Adhesion by Protocadherin-19 and Implications for Its Role in Epilepsy

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    Non-clustered δ-protocadherins are homophilic cell adhesion molecules essential for the development of the vertebrate nervous system, as several are closely linked to neurodevelopmental disorders. Mutations in protocadherin-19 (PCDH19) result in a female-limited, infant-onset form of epilepsy (PCDH19-FE). Over 100 mutations in PCDH19 have been identified in patients with PCDH19-FE, about half of which are missense mutations in the adhesive extracellular domain. Neither the mechanism of homophilic adhesion by PCDH19, nor the biochemical effects of missense mutations are understood. Here we present a crystallographic structure of the minimal adhesive fragment of the zebrafish Pcdh19 extracellular domain. This structure reveals the adhesive interface for Pcdh19, which is broadly relevant to both non-clustered δ and clustered protocadherin subfamilies. In addition, we show that several PCDH19-FE missense mutations localize to the adhesive interface and abolish Pcdh19 adhesion in in vitro assays, thus revealing the biochemical basis of their pathogenic effects during brain development

    Heinrich Kunnert (17. 4.1904—27. 4.1979)

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    Knjižno in neknjižno na dveh mariborskih radiih v knjigi Alenke Valh Lopert

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    Alenka Valh Lopert, Med knjižnim in neknjižnim na radijskih valovih v Mariboru, Maribor: Študentska založba Litera, 2013, 336 str

    Travel and distinction: The cultural currency of mobility in post-egalitarian context

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    The article focuses on tourist practices in the context of social differentiation and distinction. It examines the cultural significance of travel as classification practice and thereby its role in constituting and reproducing class hierarchies in contemporary globalized (or de-territorialized) world, characterized with increasing transnational patterns of communication and mobility. Using the case of Slovenia, characterized by post-egalitarian sentiment, it argues that class today is constituted also through class-specific and intersecting modes of travelling and dwelling. The results show that in post-egalitarian Slovenia social groups reproduce their status also by monopolizing distinct travel practices and travel aspirations, while on the other hand many are limited or constrained in such (voluntary) mobilities. We thus demonstrate that class matters for how people orient themselves as regards travel and (physical/geographical) mobility, although in the results only the fundamental tension between the (global) mobility of the advantaged and the (local) fixedness of the non-privileged that is structured by cultural capital/class position is recognized, along with the highest travel aspirations of those in the middle of social structure. In general, the paper calls for accounts on mobility in relation to class identity formation to be sensitive to both its symbolic and material aspects

    R)evolucija perspektiva o interaktivnosti: od pristupa orijentiranog na medije do pristupa orijentiranog na novinare

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    The proliferation of new media since the late 1990s has launched a new period of revitalising the concept of interactivity but from very different angles and with several empirical research perspectives. The article’s main aim is to show the variety of ways in which researchers have conceptualised, examined and analysed interactivity within media and journalism studies. The paper provides insights into the various readings of the changes within the field and offers a cautious view of the concept’s potential. Based on a selective meta-analysis of different approaches, we propose to distinguish three perspectives on interactivity: communication- and media-centred perspectives, audience- or user-centred perspectives, and production- or journalist-centred perspectives. This distinction enables us to differentiate between what is considered interactive, and who this interaction involves according to several scholars within media and journalism studies.Proliferacija novih medija od kasnih 90-ih pokrenula je novi period revitaliziranja koncepta interaktivnosti, ali iz prilično različitih kutova i iz nekoliko perspektiva u empirijskom istraživanju. Glavni je cilj ovog rada pokazati različite pristupe kojima istraživači konceptualiziraju, ispituju i analiziraju interaktivnost u području medijskih studija i novinarstva. Rad pruža uvid u različita tumačenja promjena unutar polja i kritički gleda na potencijal toga koncepta. Mi predlažemo razlikovanje triju perspektiva o interaktivnosti na temelju selektivne metaanalize različitih pristupa: perspektive orijentirane na komunikaciju i medije, perspektive orijentirane na publiku ili korisnike i perspektive orijentirane na produkciju ili novinare. Ta distinkcija, prema nekoliko autora iz područja medijskih studija i novinarstva, omogućuje nam da razlikujemo ono što se smatra interaktivnim od onoga koga ta interakcija uključuje