9 research outputs found

    Kualitas pelyananan kapal dan kecepatan bongkar muat kapal terhadaop produktivitas dermaga terminal petikemas pelabuhan makasar

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    Kualitas pelayanan dan kecepatan bongkar muat merupakan salah satu faktor penentu produktivitas pelabuhan. Fasilitas yang erat kaitannya dengan hal ini adalah terminal yang merupakan unsur utama dan merupakan fasilitas tempat sandar kapal dalam melakukan kegiatan bongkar muat. Ketersediaan fasilitas pelabuhan dirancang sesuai dengan kapasitas kemampuan pelayanan sandar dan tambat di pelabuhan termasuk penggunaan jenis peralatan yang akan digunakan di pelabuhan. Pada pengoperasian Terminal Petikemas Makassar, produktifitas pelayanan masih dalam kategori rendah sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait dengan kualitas pelayanan kapal dan kecepatan bongkar muat di Terminal Petikemas Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu memberikan gambaran atas suatu peristiwa atau gejala disuatu tempat tertentu dengan menggunakan pengolahan data dalam bentuk angka dengan alat bantu statistik dengan survey yang dilakukan di pelabuhan Terminal Petikemas Makassar dan yang menjadi responden yaitu Syahbandar Pelabuhan Makassar, Otoritas Pelabuhan Makassar dan freight Forwarding (eksportir/ importir) yang bergerak pada bidang jasa trasportasi laut dan instansi terkait lainnya dan pekerja TKBM. Teknik pengolahan dan analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Alat bantu analisis yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan metode alternatif berbasis variance atau Component Based SEM yang disebut Partial Least Square (PLS) menggunakan software Smart PLS versi 2.0. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan evaluasi pada Terminal Petikemas Pelabuhan Makassar dapat diperoleh kesimpulan pengaruh kualitas pelayanan kapal (X1) terhadap produktivitas dermaga (Y) diperoleh koefisien pengaruh sebesar 0,188 dengan t-hitung (7,383) lebih besar dari t-tabel (1,96), kualitas pelayanan kapal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas dermaga dan pengaruh kecepatan bongkar muat kapal (X2) terhadap produktivitas dermaga (Y) diperoleh koefisien pengaruh sebesar 0,482 dengan t-hitung (17,595) lebih besar dari t-tabel (1,96) maka kecepatan bongkar muat kapal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produktivitas dermaga

    Traditional Ship Stability Evaluation in Toba Lake

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    Toba Lake is a major tourist destination in Indonesia, and traditional boats are a popular mode of transportation for residents and tourists alike. However, these traditional ships have been involved in multiple accidents with significant casualties. This study aims to evaluate the stability of the ship according to the conditions of the local water area. The results showed that traditional boats that have been modified to have double decks (to allow for higher customer capacity) have poor stability, especially in bad weather conditions. To maintain sailing safety, it is recommended to recondition the ship into a single deck, avoiding overloads and bad weather. Keywords: Ship Stability, Toba Lake, Evaluatio

    Cost Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction in Short Sea Shipping: Evidence from Ciwandan Port–Panjang Port Routes, Indonesia

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    Merak Port of Java and Bakauheni Port of Sumatera are connected by ferry lines. However, the number of ferry ships and facilities of the two ports are not able to accommodate the number of vehicles that cross. Queues of vehicles often occur and waiting times at the port are very high and have an impact on the accumulation of vehicles on the road to the port. Anticipating these conditions, it is possible to open a short sea shipping (SSS) route from Ciwandan port to Panjang port as an alternative route for shifting some of the vehicles served by those ferry ships. This research aims to analyze the efficiency of opening the Ciwandan–Panjang SSS route in terms of benefits for stakeholders, cost efficiency for vehicle users, and the potential for CO2 reduction from exhaust gases. We use a descriptive quantitative method. The analytical techniques used include port cost analysis, benefit analysis (for the government and ship operators), comparative analysis of transportation costs, and analysis of the impact of reducing CO2 emissions, which are valued monetarily. The results of the analysis show that the operation of the Ciwandan–Panjang SSS can reduce the total cost of vehicles compared to the Merak–Bakuheni route. Owners of cargo vehicles are able to save on logistics costs of IDR 332 billion per year. Estimated state revenue through non-tax state revenues (NTSI) and value-added tax (VAT) is increased. Losses due to CO2 emissions are estimated to be reduced, with a value of up to IDR 511 billion per year

    Finding a New Home: Rerouting of Ferry Ships from Merak–Bakauheni to East Indonesian Trajectories

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    As an archipelagic country, Indonesia needs ferry transportation to connect and support the economic activities between areas bounded by the sea. The famous crossing route is the Merak–Bakauheni one, which connects the Java and Sumatra economic corridors. Many ships operate on this route, but limited port facilities significantly affect the efficiencies of the services provided, hence, they have to be moved. Therefore, this research analyzed the suitability of ships to operate on the eastern crossing. The analysis method used the financial aspect (revenue) feasibility, the suitability of the port infrastructure, and the oceanographic conditions. The financial analysis used the ships’ operating cost method to determine the crossing passage rates based on their specifications. It simulated the ships with various load factors to identify potential gains or losses. Furthermore, the infrastructure suitability analysis used the under keel clearance and comparative methods to compare the suitability of the ship dimensions and tonnage with the port infrastructure capacity. The oceanographic analysis used the Weibull method to simulate the redefinition of the distribution of significant wave heights, which was compared with the ratio of the ship dimensions and wave slope to determine its heel angle using the IMO Weather Criterion method (IS Code 2008). The results showed that the relocation of ships from the Merak–Bakauheni route directly to Eastern Indonesia through the existing crossing routes is feasible from the aspect of shipping safety, but it is not feasible financially or in terms of infrastructure. The Benoa–Labuan Bajo route is a potential new route recommendation, with regulatory support for the operation of ships in the form of tariffs and operational costs, and it permits the use of subsidized fuel. On the other hand, ship owners must consider modifying the ramp door to suit the port wharf structure

    Conceptualizing Floating Logistics Supporting Facility as Innovative and Sustainable Transport in Remote Areas: Case of Small Islands in Indonesia

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    Transportation is the main component that ensures the optimal distribution of goods in the maritime logistics system of small Islands. Therefore, this research developed a Floating Logistics Supporting Facility (FLSF) to overcome the logistics problems on small Islands by implementing sustainable operational systems. The research samples used were Nias, Kisar, and Sangihe Islands in Indonesia, with dimension, propulsion, operation, and mooring utilized as the four primary considerations. An FLSF was applied as a floating terminal capable of accommodating loading and unloading operations, ship mooring, cargo storage, stacking, and dooring services. The result showed that an FLSF can be applied to logistics activities while considering the safety aspects and related regulations. Based on the results, the FLSF can improve the quality of sustainable logistics operations and increase economic growth in remote islands

    Conceptualizing Floating Logistics Supporting Facility as Innovative and Sustainable Transport in Remote Areas: Case of Small Islands in Indonesia

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    Transportation is the main component that ensures the optimal distribution of goods in the maritime logistics system of small Islands. Therefore, this research developed a Floating Logistics Supporting Facility (FLSF) to overcome the logistics problems on small Islands by implementing sustainable operational systems. The research samples used were Nias, Kisar, and Sangihe Islands in Indonesia, with dimension, propulsion, operation, and mooring utilized as the four primary considerations. An FLSF was applied as a floating terminal capable of accommodating loading and unloading operations, ship mooring, cargo storage, stacking, and dooring services. The result showed that an FLSF can be applied to logistics activities while considering the safety aspects and related regulations. Based on the results, the FLSF can improve the quality of sustainable logistics operations and increase economic growth in remote islands